Let's talk about ditch weed

LOL! not a packer fan eh? yea its different these days without favre around but hey man Its my home team, to each his own.:peace:

I'm in new England man...... I feel your pain. actually I've felt it many times haha..... Clemens, Damon, And curtis
Martin. it's a shame when they sell out to the people you grow up hating.
I've smoked what people call "ditch weed" And I got so ripped off of it I had to set the controller down for a sec. But I think It had a lot to do with I under estimated it. I'm not saying it was good shit or anything but It got me high for sure, but like I said before, it just didn't last very long. Did that shit you found have trichs all over it?...If so I would say it would be worth your time....I probably shouldn't say this but years ago before I decided to grow quality herb, I did experiments with the wild stuff every summer. I learned a lot about marijuana that way, I just couldn't bare to believe such a beautiful plant was "ditch weed" I discovered by eliminating all the males, the females produced very large colas exploding with pistols and a fair amount of them showed beautiful pink pistols. one year I picked about 6 oz's off one plant (not even the whole plant) to check it out and it wasn't half bad. It physically looked like dank bud but had the qualities of mids. If I didn't have all the quality herb I have today I would totally be getting in on that shit. But like I said before and I'll say once more, I think indeed what I have here was grown for hemp purposes way back in the day, but over decades of time the genetics have bumped up, quite a bit in some cases. Just look for the ones that are the most dense with trichs, so what if you get a few beans. In your case with no males around you may not have "a head of seed" give it a shot I say!bongsmilie
I've smoked what people call "ditch weed" And I got so ripped off of it I had to set the controller down for a sec. But I think It had a lot to do with I under estimated it. I'm not saying it was good shit or anything but It got me high for sure, but like I said before, it just didn't last very long. Did that shit you found have trichs all over it?...If so I would say it would be worth your time....I probably shouldn't say this but years ago before I decided to grow quality herb, I did experiments with the wild stuff every summer. I learned a lot about marijuana that way, I just couldn't bare to believe such a beautiful plant was "ditch weed" I discovered by eliminating all the males, the females produced very large colas exploding with pistols and a fair amount of them showed beautiful pink pistols. one year I picked about 6 oz's off one plant (not even the whole plant) to check it out and it wasn't half bad. It physically looked like dank bud but had the qualities of mids. If I didn't have all the quality herb I have today I would totally be getting in on that shit. But like I said before and I'll say once more, I think indeed what I have here was grown for hemp purposes way back in the day, but over decades of time the genetics have bumped up, quite a bit in some cases. Just look for the ones that are the most dense with trichs, so what if you get a few beans. In your case with no males around you may not have "a head of seed" give it a shot I say!bongsmilie

When i saw it, i didn't have a microscope or anything to really look at it... It was very sticky and had a pretty good smell to it.. I saw a few seeds, but not many, although i didn't thoroughly inspect the plant.. The colas were dense and it had mostly orange and red hairs on it..

Rain is about to clear up today... I'm trying to get a good friend of mine to help me, as I would rather not bring the plant into my house b/c i did see seeds on it and i've got an indoor grow a week into flowering right now...

i will update later...
haha, the guy on here earlier claiming ruderalis was hemp, and that NL was grown for hemp purposes around 1900 gave me rep for my ignorance and told me that I was slow to pick up a book.

...it's funny because he's the one who can't prove his point by posting a resourse for anything that he said. Thanks anyways, dude. You big tool box you.
haha, the guy on here earlier claiming ruderalis was hemp, and that NL was grown for hemp purposes around 1900 gave me rep for my ignorance and told me that I was slow to pick up a book.

...it's funny because he's the one who can't prove his point by posting a resourse for anything that he said. Thanks anyways, dude. You big tool box you.

haha, the guy on here earlier claiming ruderalis was hemp, and that NL was grown for hemp purposes around 1900 gave me rep for my ignorance and told me that I was slow to pick up a book.

...it's funny because he's the one who can't prove his point by posting a resourse for anything that he said. Thanks anyways, dude. You big tool box you.

i sent you rep? thats news to me...... personaly i call BS, but hey, who's guna believe it?

i got what i wanted off of this thread, to piss someone off......it seens it worked, because your still talking about me............ YAY ME arent i great :D
i sent you rep? thats news to me...... personaly i call BS, but hey, who's guna believe it?

i got what i wanted off of this thread, to piss someone off......it seens it worked, because your still talking about me............ YAY ME arent i great :D

I'm glad you got a kick out of it, too.
i sent you rep? thats news to me...... personaly i call BS, but hey, who's guna believe it?

i got what i wanted off of this thread, to piss someone off......it seens it worked, because your still talking about me............ YAY ME arent i great :D

Oh , so now you toyed with us. i got it. Such a genius....and here ya go.

Let's talk about ditch... 10-23-2009 06:00 AMof your ignorance. it seens your to slow to pick up a book.........

maybe that wasn't you, I don't know who it was. Nobody else said anything negative to me except you. Logic would tell me that it was you.
Oh , so now you toyed with us. i got it. Such a genius....and here ya go.

Let's talk about ditch... 10-23-2009 06:00 AMof your ignorance. it seens your to slow to pick up a book.........

maybe that wasn't you, I don't know who it was.

i misinform TONNES of people on this forum..... look at it this way, the less people who grow bombass weed, the more $$ i get. period........ especialy when i can trade 1LB of my BCbud, for one KG of CC, then bring it back here and sell it for $30,000....... less people ANYWHERE trading weed=CC to the mex, the more $$ i make.....

and no, that wasn't me.....
i misinform TONNES of people on this forum..... look at it this way, the less people who grow bombass weed, the more $$ i get. period........ especialy when i can trade 1LB of my BCbud, for one KG of CC, then bring it back here and sell it for $30,000....... less people ANYWHERE trading weed=CC to the mex, the more $$ i make.....

and no, that wasn't me.....

Oh so it's a grand scheme. CC? Cocaine? You trade 1 lb of beasters for a kilo of cocaine. .....I once again call complete and utter bullshit. ESPECIALLY to a mexican. No. You're making up more lies as you go. Just stop.
i misinform TONNES of people on this forum..... look at it this way, the less people who grow bombass weed, the more $$ i get. period........ especialy when i can trade 1LB of my BCbud, for one KG of CC, then bring it back here and sell it for $30,000....... less people ANYWHERE trading weed=CC to the mex, the more $$ i make.....

and no, that wasn't me.....
So your a drug fiend. That's cool! You're not worth my time.
Oh so it's a grand scheme. CC? Cocaine? You trade 1 lb of beasters for a kilo of cocaine. .....I once again call complete and utter bullshit. ESPECIALLY to a mexican. No. You're making up more lies as you go. Just stop.

haha you know nothing of mexico or british columbia, obviously..... http://www.westcoaster.ca/modules/AMS/article.php?storyid=6401

just one of many i know of....

VANCOUVER — Canadian and U.S. authorities have busted a major helicopter marijuana-for-cocaine smuggling operation and seized more than 430 kilograms of cocaine, marijuana and ecstasy.

Police on both sides of the border arrested eight Canadians and one American and confiscated two helicopters in the investigation dubbed Operation Blade Runner.
So your a drug fiend. That's cool! You're not worth my time.

did you know that when you cut THC with butane it changes the chemical structure? just like cutting coca with ethier to make cocaine...... how is honey oil different that cocaine? i have never felt addicted to coke.... never will.... seeing as addiction is something of the mind...

now dont call me a drug fiend, i WAS a drug fiend untill i realized "better living through chemistry" doesn't work, but natural substanced make life all the better.

coca leaves, and opium poppies grow just as wild as marijuana does, along with datura, psylocybin, fly agerica , ergamont mold, moprning glory.... you can go on for a long time about natural substances....

Drug: anything unnatural to the human body. who are we to say whats natural? were you here 1,000 years ago? dont think so.....
or that you can look up, and act like you know of.

You would have to be an idiot to trade 2.2 lbs. of cocaine for a lb of ANY marijuana on this planet

unless you know about the pricing of marijuana in some countrys on the planet, like costa rica...... where an 1/8th can go for up to $100.

there are a few places on the planet where marijuana is more expencive than any other drug.....

i know your just going to keep saying "bullshitbullshitbullshit" because thats all you can do. untill you can prove me wrong, you just help me in proving myself....

o yea, and you should probably stick to what you know, little small time closet grows because your a poor ass. dont try and get involved with the big boys....your to ignorant to actualy go anywhere anyways........ i'll consider you worthy when you can grow 25 LBS from 11 plants.
" seeing as addiction is something of the mind..." ...wrong again. There is a difference between physical and mental addiction. I'm married to a mental health therapist. She says you're retarded.
unless you know about the pricing of marijuana in some countrys on the planet, like costa rica...... where an 1/8th can go for up to $100.

there are a few places on the planet where marijuana is more expencive than any other drug.....

i know your just going to keep saying "bullshitbullshitbullshit" because thats all you can do. untill you can prove me wrong, you just help me in proving myself....

o yea, and you should probably stick to what you know, little small time closet grows because your a poor ass. dont try and get involved with the big boys....your to ignorant to actualy go anywhere anyways........

yes, bullshit. Now it's about me proving you wrong. If memory serves, you couldn't prove yourself right. This isn't about what I claimed to know. It's about what you claimed to know, and couldn't give any good resourse to back it up.

...my small closet grows are fine with me man. I'm not trying to sell drugs. If you ACTUALLY do at all, you're part of the problem.
" seeing as addiction is something of the mind..." ...wrong again. There is a difference between physical and mental addiction. I'm married to a mental health therapist. She says you're retarded.

wana know what i say to her? compaired to meth cocain aint shit, and meth, was a mental addiction.

hell, if you dont believe me on that im going to post how to fucking cook that shit, do you realy want that?

it starts with stealing some old sawdust, a penny and dilute HCL from a school, using the penny to catalize an HCL reaction from the benzine in the sawdust and the oxadization on the punny..... then something with sudafedrine im not going to post because without it you cant make meth..... keep pushing it and you'll learn something you dont want to :)

now do you believe me?dont answer that i can, I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS. yay for my postcount. MY EPENIS IS BIGGER. LMFAO your making my day fucking awsome, i love hating on losers.......and dont think im like you sitting around on my computer all day, i just spam this BS from my IPhone so Bwahahaa.