Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

having several firearms doesn't make you a hoarding redneck. being a hording redneck makes you a hording redneck...
some people legitimately want to collect firearms. they seek the permits they need, register the weapons they own, and insure them against theft...which ties those weapons to them...
they have no intention of killing anyone, they just think the weapons are worthy of being collected, for whatever their reasons, and i have no problem with that.
having several pistols, rifles, shotguns, and thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo, none of which are registered, or insured, makes you a redneck horder...
there are 5 firearms in my house, and about 400 rounds of ammo...one is pretty much a curiosity piece (a Taurus curve) that i hardly ever fire.
i carry a Ruger ec9s, my girlfriend has a S&W m&p shield ez, i have a 20 gauge shotgun, and a 9mm hi-point carbine...i got the carbine for home protection, but honestly, the 20 with birdshot is more than suffiecient home protection for anything but the end of the world, i may trade the carbine for a hunting rifle, just in case i have to start putting meat on the table..
i don't feel like a horder, i have a carry weapon, she has a carry weapon, i have a weapon for home protection, and one to feed us with (kind of, at the moment)...that's all i want, and is really more than i need. if they outlawed assault weapons, including carbines, i'd turn it in...without crying about my rights...
How come your not telling us about that fifth one? Or do you not know how many you own?
In the 90s I heard of an association of hunters in Pennsy who called themselves the Thousand Yard Club. Sniped whitetail (lawfully) across a river. They pushed research into some heavy wildcat loads that fed into today’s .338-and-up “super sniper” bolt guns.
my buddy used to have a power line behind his house. it was fun trying to ring steel at 1000 with a 45.70 he had.
my buddy used to have a power line behind his house. it was fun trying to ring steel at 1000 with a 45.70 he had.
… with the right bullet …

How come your not telling us about that fifth one? Or do you not know how many you own?
i did, i said it was a novelty/curiosity i bought cause i thought it looked cool...the taurus curve...first one i mentioned. it's a .380 designed for concealed carry, but it has a very long very heavy trigger pull, and NO hard sights, just a built in laser
i don't like it a lot, tends to shoot low and left, and the laser doesn't stay sighted in very well
i did, i said it was a novelty/curiosity i bought cause i thought it looked cool...the taurus curve...first one i mentioned. it's a .380 designed for concealed carry, but it has a very long very heavy trigger pull, and NO hard sights, just a built in laser
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i don't like it a lot, tends to shoot low and left, and the laser doesn't stay sighted in very well

is that handle curved??? why?
i did, i said it was a novelty/curiosity i bought cause i thought it looked cool...the taurus curve...first one i mentioned. it's a .380 designed for concealed carry, but it has a very long very heavy trigger pull, and NO hard sights, just a built in laser
View attachment 5167463
i don't like it a lot, tends to shoot low and left, and the laser doesn't stay sighted in very well
It looks like a hunk of junk. Say...when are they going to make these with a stun gun attached? Maybe some pepper mace too?
They just dont seem deadly enough.
It looks like a hunk of junk. Say...when are they going to make these with a stun gun attached? Maybe some pepper mace too?
They just dont seem deadly enough.
It's actually pretty reliable, i've fired a lot of rounds through it. I've seen videos of guys hitting what they aim at at 20 yards with one, but it just doesn't seem to fit my hand properly...i have trouble hitting anything over 10 yards with it, while i can hit shit out to 20 pretty accurately with my ec9s, which has almost exactly the same length barrel
you might want to look into one of these if you want a swiss army gun...
i did, i said it was a novelty/curiosity i bought cause i thought it looked cool...the taurus curve...first one i mentioned. it's a .380 designed for concealed carry, but it has a very long very heavy trigger pull, and NO hard sights, just a built in laser
View attachment 5167463
i don't like it a lot, tends to shoot low and left, and the laser doesn't stay sighted in very well
My bad. I actually like that rog. It is unique. It must be an awkward grip?