Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

It's actually pretty reliable, i've fired a lot of rounds through it. I've seen videos of guys hitting what they aim at at 20 yards with one, but it just doesn't seem to fit my hand properly...i have trouble hitting anything over 10 yards with it, while i can hit shit out to 20 pretty accurately with my ec9s, which has almost exactly the same length barrel
you might want to look into one of these if you want a swiss army gun...
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My father in-law has a 38 snub. It's a piece of shit too. I will probably chuck it in the lake if I inherit it.
There are a bunch of pro gun people here that don't get called gun hoarding rednecks. Its sort of how you approach the topic and tone. It's a parallel to criticizing democrats or biden, but not having it come across as Travis Truck loves trump.

*in the context of the weed forum, giving dems shit but not having hanimmal call you a Russian plant. bongsmilie :P
There are a bunch of pro gun people here that don't get called gun hoarding rednecks. Its sort of how you approach the topic and tone. It's a parallel to criticizing democrats or biden, but not having it come across as Travis Truck loves trump.

*in the context of the weed forum, giving dems shit but not having hanimmal call you a Russian plant. bongsmilie :P

it's not my idea to take people's guns...people keep asking how would you even do that, and i'm offering insights into how it could occur...IF they change the gun laws, i will comply with them...because i'm not a fucking moron who doesn't know the government is ALREADY in control and doesn't need to do one fucking thing to "gain" control...but until it becomes illegal to own a gun, i'm not giving mine up, and don't expect anyone else to either.
i DO think MUCH MUCH tougher laws and MUCH harsher penalties for breaking those laws are required...and i do think that ALL weapons should be registered, that there should be NO person to person sales allowed anywhere, ever, that there should be no magazines produced or allowed that hold over 5 rounds, and that NO parts for weapons should be sold through the mail, you have to buy them from a licensed dealer, and the addition annotated on your registration. absolutely no sales of ghost gun kits or parts, or parts designed to change a semi auto into a full auto, or in any way change the weapons rate of fire.
but taking away everyone's guns? not unless they make that the law of the land...
oh, and by the way, states aren't seceding, EVERY red state is on the federal government's teat. they CANNOT minister their own finances, and rely upon the federal government to keep their shitty leech states from failing...if any of them seceded, they would be bankrupt in a week or two, even fucking texas, who can't even keep the fucking lights on if there's a storm.
That would certainly help and are easy things to implement if done at a federal level. Good solid fair things.

If they are a drain on the other states then force them to succeed or succeed from them. Why put up with a drop beat, argumentative, loser partner?
You watch too many movies
i don't watch many movies, and hardly ever action movies, i'm a hard core sci-fi fan, last new movie i saw was the new version of dune.
statistics are statistics...what am i wrong about?

ooh, no, it was the Bob's burgers movie, and the next movie i plan to see is the new Despicable me movie...i've never seen any of the expendables bullshit, only saw the first two diehard movies, i own the matrix movies but i just fast forward to the good fight scenes, the rest of them are shit.

republicans are the most short sighted assholes alive...i saw this coming when they were talking about it last year...the day after a firearms manufacturer is sued for more than enough to bankrupt them, the republicans will start getting calls from their NRA donors, and their hardcore magat base...unpleasant calls. the day after that, a case will be filed with state court, which will quickly get handed up the chain till the supremely perjurous court will be forced to either strike down the whole concept, or they'll try to be cute, and say the cases are somehow different, which will back fire on them hugely. i think that could actually be the spur that causes mass impeachments, and with any luck at all, by then the democrats will have a real majority in both houses, and make some shit happen