Lets talk mutants

Some should read up more on mutations before they use this word as it is not accurate to what you are describing.

Self topping, three leaves a node etc etc all stress not genetic, glad i could clear that up
Hey nice of you to grace the thread, no need to be dickish :p

Mutant, look it up, can mean more than just genetic variation, so ya gotta consider the context... in this case a stoner forum, where yeah, a broader definition can be appropriate

To Mutate is simply to change in form or nature, so yeah, it’s accurate usage in this context anyway, where it would be understood as a deviation from the norm. But really, does it feel good to come in here, read a post by someone clearly using the term LOOSELY, and then pick him apart for it? You got time for that huh. :clap:

And thanks @Dr. Who , for elaborating on my mention of triploidery, like I said I didn’t think it was, I’ve just never seen three cotyledons before! :joint:
Here is a full pic. 1st time I have seen this before.
Definitely odd.


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Hey nice of you to grace the thread, no need to be dickish :p

Mutant, look it up, can mean more than just genetic variation, so ya gotta consider the context... in this case a stoner forum, where yeah, a broader definition can be appropriate

To Mutate is simply to change in form or nature, so yeah, it’s accurate usage in this context anyway, where it would be understood as a deviation from the norm. But really, does it feel good to come in here, read a post by someone clearly using the term LOOSELY, and then pick him apart for it? You got time for that huh. :clap:

And thanks @Dr. Who , for elaborating on my mention of triploidery, like I said I didn’t think it was, I’ve just never seen three cotyledons before! :joint:

The problem with this slightly less educated view is that all new growers then go onto try and breed these mutants, i seperate it into breedable traits vs not to keep it simple for you.

Weve yet to make wgreement but three cotyledons is a meiosis mitosis problem when the seed was formed. Stress a seed bearing plant through flower and you can increase this tri leafed percentage a small amount.

These mutations dissapear as they are not a mutation of the dna/genetics but external courses.

It is you that is gracing my prescence, block buttons there if you have a problem, most enjoy the info some just gotta hate :-)
has anyone ever seen a mutation where the stem becomes very thick, like if it was many stems merged into one?

i have a plant like that. It makes a lot of branching sites and a lot of fan leaves, but half of the plant seems to be growing normally... It's just the othe half looks like a genetic freak

I think this is whorlled phylotaxy and loss of apical dominance from stress of some sort :-)
Sorry but, that is a simple case of phyllotaxy (Whorled)..
It may or may not continue in the plant expressing it's leaf locations.

Triplody or triploid is a condition where each cell has 3 sets of chromosomes in the nucleus. In animals, this is a fatal condition....

I have yet to actually see any real triploid cannabis plant..

In growing.
Triploid plants have been used for things like making seedless grapes and watermelons....Triploid plants (any triploid) is sterile and can not reproduce.
They are breed to be triploid...grown to produce those seedless products...
Since when is polyploidy fatal? There are documented cases of humal males being XXY and surviving. There are also conditions of diploid drones in honeybees. (Male honeybees are generally haploid). If they are saved from worker bee extermination they will survive.
Since when is polyploidy fatal? There are documented cases of humal males being XXY and surviving. There are also conditions of diploid drones in honeybees. (Male honeybees are generally haploid). If they are saved from worker bee extermination they will survive.

i think you can answer this question by Wikipedia and some simple google search, you dont got to get us to s'plain everything and were not here to educate.

Sometimes you need to do some work and come back with the answer not just an independently elected guess....

i think you can answer this question by Wikipedia and some simple google search, you dont got to get us to s'plain everything and were not here to educate.

Sometimes you need to do some work and come back with the answer not just an independently elected guess....

Uh, that's not how claims making works, something you fail to understand. You make a claim you back it with a reference or example, like I did. And as far as I understood it, this forum was for sharing information, which makes it for education. You still fail to understand that. You really should stop acting like a dick to everyone on here for no good reason. You're an intelligent person, but you really should stop brow beating the other members here who are only looking for help or information.

If you don't want to at least reference a study, or give a general example, don't make a claim.
Seen a twin that didn't separate, it looks really good but not worth it. It has double the stem mass but it does not have double the bud mass as it is still subject to square foot light intensity limits. Or simply put, more stem less bud.
Seen a twin that didn't separate, it looks really good but not worth it. It has double the stem mass but it does not have double the bud mass as it is still subject to square foot light intensity limits. Or simply put, more stem less bud.
Couldn't you just cut the other stem?
Uh, that's not how claims making works, something you fail to understand. You make a claim you back it with a reference or example, like I did. And as far as I understood it, this forum was for sharing information, which makes it for education. You still fail to understand that. You really should stop acting like a dick to everyone on here for no good reason. You're an intelligent person, but you really should stop brow beating the other members here who are only looking for help or information.

If you don't want to at least reference a study, or give a general example, don't make a claim.

It is and when its your site then we will do things your way.

The statement about ploidy was correct, only you dont know why :-)
Uh, that's not how claims making works, something you fail to understand. You make a claim you back it with a reference or example, like I did. And as far as I understood it, this forum was for sharing information, which makes it for education. You still fail to understand that. You really should stop acting like a dick to everyone on here for no good reason. You're an intelligent person, but you really should stop brow beating the other members here who are only looking for help or information.

If you don't want to at least reference a study, or give a general example, don't make a claim.

That article only introduced some new terminology which I may or may not remember. It didn't teach me anything I didn't already know. Stop assuming we're all stupid.
That article only introduced some new terminology which I may or may not remember. It didn't teach me anything I didn't already know. Stop assuming we're all stupid.

Then shut the fuck up talking about shit you dont know, from leds to ploidy pppffffttt

Ever assume that peeps who have grown and studied a long time use this formum and that newbie and plant problem are more upto your base level?
Dude, what the fuck are you even talking about. Nothing you have posted with you trolling ass superior attitude has been backed by anything other than your own fucking claims. You post a Wikipedia article with information I already knew, and now you're telling me to shut up? Go fuck off somewhere and stop trolling and brow beating everyone on here. I asked a question of a grower other than yourself and you jumped down my fucking throat for no good reason. You seem like a smart dude, but you need to take that stick out of your ass, burn one, and actually back up what you say instead of hiding behind your "background in biology and physics" which doesn't mean shit because you never bother to actually even hint at what that actually is. Leave the rest of us alone to contribute to each other and learn from each other. There are plenty of places on this forum to troll, why don't you go there.
Dude, what the fuck are you even talking about. Nothing you have posted with you trolling ass superior attitude has been backed by anything other than your own fucking claims. You post a Wikipedia article with information I already knew, and now you're telling me to shut up? Go fuck off somewhere and stop trolling and brow beating everyone on here. I asked a question of a grower other than yourself and you jumped down my fucking throat for no good reason. You seem like a smart dude, but you need to take that stick out of your ass, burn one, and actually back up what you say instead of hiding behind your "background in biology and physics" which doesn't mean shit because you never bother to actually even hint at what that actually is. Leave the rest of us alone to contribute to each other and learn from each other. There are plenty of places on this forum to troll, why don't you go there.
that's what king does....sometimes he's right, sometimes not...but he's an arrogant ass whether he deserves to be or not....and about as opinionated as me....but my opinions are right, whereas.......:-D
that's what king does....sometimes he's right, sometimes not...but he's an arrogant ass whether he deserves to be or not....and about as opinionated as me....but my opinions are right, whereas.......:-D
Nah, he's smart, that's true. But instead of actually helping h just acts like a dickhead for no good reason. And if you challenge a claim he makes he hides behind that claim, quotes his background, talks in circles, and refuses to back up a damn thing. It gets old. There are plenty of growers on here, doing this a lot longer than he has, who have actual degrees in botany, who don't act like complete assholes when giving advice or correcting misinformation.

Like in when we talk about lighting he says I don't understand physics at all. I'm a goddamn electrical technician, all I do everyday is work with circuits and electricity.
Had two out five end up like this


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