Lets talk mutants

I remember some trying the colchicine excess to get mutants or ploidy ages back.

Funny you mention it :-)

Beat me!

Yeah it made a big splash in the 70's.
You could buy it out of the back of High Times - Till somebody died by poisoning them self..
Feds stepped in and fixed that problem...
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Billy Bud (William Harold Bradshaw) is a bull shitting ass hat.... At least he's a wasted mental case.
He found a niche in gullible wannabe's, buying his BS.
He says that Giants came from women using "Autumn Crocus" (Orchid, and the source of colchicine. the chemical used in botany to increase chromosomes) as a "labor pain reducer". This in-turn created human off spring with Tetraploidy.....Thing is? He comfortably forgets that trip or Tetra human offspring that actually survive (most are stillborn). Live only a week or two.

This hack is the guy who started out his adult life by trying to make synthetic cocaine. Can be done but, what do you really change by making a synthetic that is one or two molecules off the original one?

Actually the "infamous" Pink Kush is reported to be tetraploid
So he states that pre 98 Bubba is tetraploid too..
Thing is only him and some other poly, "smoke and mirrors" guy says so..

The only way to prove it is? Expensive electron microscope time...

Most of this garbage was debunked back in 2014

The use of colchicine makes for some pretty fucked up plants. If treating seeds.....good fucking luck getting one to pop, much less survive.

He makes assumptions, not facts from actual lab or quality breeding practice.... You look at some of the people playing with tetra and poly and you have to ask yourself. "How do these idiots still stay in business?" Tetraploid breeder on instgram states he sells tetra and trip beans..

Look at his pictures closely......Those he calls triploid are simply whorled phyllotaxy !!! This has been misdiagnosed that same way, before that idiot came along..

BTW tetraploidy is another thing plants can do that humans can't. In fact, rye grass has a very broadly used tetraploid strain. It is more digestible by cows. So much so, that it's widely used on dairy and penned beef cattle..
As for Triploidy? yup, it exist's in the plant world. In fact you eat trips every time you eat seedless grapes, seedless watermelon, Banana's, and other things.. Triploid plants are sterile! They can not produce offspring. At least as a rule. Three sets of chromosomes make it very unlikely for meiosis to successfully produce spores and gametophytes.

From everyone I have known to have had an actual Trip plant. They grew stupid slow and were less potent then other plants of the same strain not expressing any polyploidy.
Also contrary to his claims.. These plants did not grow taller or fuller then non poly sisters...

WARNING!!!! to the membership

Don't play with colchicine to attempt to create polyploid plants! This stuff is highly poisonous and it is easy to make a simple mistake that send you to a hospital....
Hi I found this by searching his name after seeing a youtube video where he says banana farts and plugging in a 9v battery into soil makes female plants.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was bs.
I'm not so much looking for mutants as I am unique recessive traits with benefits..

Some of the traits Im breeding for:

I have the webbed foot nailed down..Ive been crossing it with top notch genetics to produce a webbed leaf..with an upgrade on Cannabinoid profiles..beyond strains like Frisian Duck. Stealth for outdoor growers being the advantage here.

Second, being an avid outdoor grower on the Canadian prairies..Im a huge fan of Autoflowers as they will finish!
The recessive trait Im working on stabilizing for this is an autotop gene..so far it tops after first node..This is super important for autoflowers as it avoids stress while opening up the canopy automatically.

Self topping is a hormonal response to certain abiotic stresses and not a breedable trait.

Be ye carefull about genetics - a lot is well above our pay grades :-)

I'm not so much looking for mutants as I am unique recessive traits with benefits..

Some of the traits Im breeding for:

I have the webbed foot nailed down..Ive been crossing it with top notch genetics to produce a webbed leaf..with an upgrade on Cannabinoid profiles..beyond strains like Frisian Duck. Stealth for outdoor growers being the advantage here.

Second, being an avid outdoor grower on the Canadian prairies..Im a huge fan of Autoflowers as they will finish!
The recessive trait Im working on stabilizing for this is an autotop gene..so far it tops after first node..This is super important for autoflowers as it avoids stress while opening up the canopy automatically.

No worse than led hype or bovedas claims or beneficials for soil though - your average grower isnt some caltech graduate so its easy to sell lies and make an industry out of it.


Hi I found this by searching his name after seeing a youtube video where he says banana farts and plugging in a 9v battery into soil makes female plants.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was bs.
Self topping is a hormonal response to certain abiotic stresses and not a breedable trait.

Be ye carefull about genetics - a lot is well above our pay grades :-)

thanks for the response..

I've taken a fair amount of genetics in university; just wasnt aware it was not a genetic trait..
You may have saved me a lot of head scratching..


thanks for the response..

I've taken a fair amount of genetics in university; just wasnt aware it was not a genetic trait..
You may have saved me a lot of head scratching..


You need to do your own research on the subject. Kingrow frequently DOES NOT have reliable information. I know a little about genetics, but he knows even less.
Yer i did a good amount of genetics but still not enough to comprehend most things.

I did a thread on the same thing years ago with some awesone pictures -


Since then ive looked into it and seems a simple hormone from stress not to dissimilar to the one that makes willow trees weep.

This is all beyond me but at hobby level but this self topping and whorlled phylotaxy is reasonably common and probably a great mechanism in the wild for bad years of weather.

Genetically and as a long term survival strategy weed resists all gemetic change and mutation, other plants like to evolve more like that lettuce thats now a giant tree etc etc but weed follows different genetic strategies. Because of this it loves diversity just not change.

Webbing is common on leaves but that trait has been bred a little although many find their ducks foot plants dont web up or very much and some ( possibly slightly stressed idk) do.

Hope that a little food for thought - this plant hasnt changed in its history which shows just how resiliant it is to change :-)


thanks for the response..

I've taken a fair amount of genetics in university; just wasnt aware it was not a genetic trait..
You may have saved me a lot of head scratching..

You need to do your own research on the subject. Kingrow frequently DOES NOT have reliable information. I know a little about genetics, but he knows even less.
Well gang..
I'll be able to get back to everyone on this subject (whether or not self topping is a genetic trait) once I grow out the next generation..

You need to do your own research on the subject. Kingrow frequently DOES NOT have reliable information. I know a little about genetics, but he knows even less.

You could just simply answer rather than trolling though - i just wrote about marijuanas genetic survival strategy....

Is there any reason your trying to keep higher conversations from happening? You can simply google the facts and many times i give you simple wiki links to get you started.

It was theorized that marijuan came from isolated vallies and as such new genetic material.was in short demand and hence why it even adopted this strategy or had it in the first place which made it a perfect colonizer for these places.

Maybe lets get these berries to the presser shall we... :-)
We had a guy who kept it going but only via stress and without that it reverted to normal - we had many discussion but in the end he agreed you couldnt breed it.

Your right though as most i found out was by trial and error so keep at it and enjoy.

Some seedlings form an imperfect growth tip either bad seed environment or just damage, it can top itself this way too. You say the first node and i just thought of this scenario too.

Can read up on whorlled phylotaxy which refers to branch arrangement and nodes, that describes my plant in the link pretty well.


Well gang..
I'll be able to get back to everyone on this subject (whether or not self topping is a genetic trait) once I grow out the next generation..

Thanks for the feedback Kingrow..
I agree if we can take a step back and be objective about the information we share we can all benefit..
I'll report back..
Unfortunately, it will be awhile..as I'm just running the f1's through for crossing now..
Once the f2's are done..we'll have our answer
I wonder if the DNA sequence of cannabis is already fully sequenced and all genes identified?

I cant remember but didnt some canadian company sequence mjs dna in its entirety....

Much studies need doing before that equates to much yet though and this is a very complex plant.

Arabidopsis has had all its traits and genetics worked out but thats a more scietifically studied plant and way easier.

Not a lot of real science has taken place over the years even though the industry act like they have done. Hard to get lab funding for a rec drug but hopefully some bio engineering companies are starting to get serious.

You could just simply answer rather than trolling though - i just wrote about marijuanas genetic survival strategy....

Is there any reason your trying to keep higher conversations from happening? You can simply google the facts and many times i give you simple wiki links to get you started.

It was theorized that marijuan came from isolated vallies and as such new genetic material.was in short demand and hence why it even adopted this strategy or had it in the first place which made it a perfect colonizer for these places.

Maybe lets get these berries to the presser shall we... :-)

I'm all about furthering discussions man. However, you very much like to make statements as if they are facts, not ideas that maybe you came up with.

I simply try to point out to new members the importance of fully researching topics and not taking your word for it.
I make factual statements and back them up - when your ready to discuss we will be here. New growers dont need to know anything as i give them the full rundown and dont sell them the idea they are going to create a new mutant strain and that what they are experiencing is fairly common and has been covered a zillion times before here on Rollitup.

This gives them all they need to look into it futher and see what the outcome is themselves. I root for new mutant strain but so far zilcho on all these types of threads - still growing the same old mj as always.

Sorry if pointing out simple facts is screwing up yours and the industries vice like death grip you think you have on this plant... :-)

I'm all about furthering discussions man. However, you very much like to make statements as if they are facts, not ideas that maybe you came up with.

I simply try to point out to new members the importance of fully researching topics and not taking your word for it.