LG Portable AC (All In One)


Well-Known Member
So about a year ago I bought a LG portable AC unit for my 8x8 tent. Doing some spring cleaning today and came across the box for it in the garage. Went to throw it out and noticed it had a small tube inside along with the manual. Like the guy I am, I just set the thing up when i got it and never looked back. Come to find out this thing is awesome. It's an AC, dehumidifier and heater all in one. Hooked up the little hose in the back and ran it into a bucket in the tent and sure enough started dripping water. Flipped the tent about 2 weeks ago so this is awesome for flower when i want to keep humidity low. I know this is probably common knowledge but I didn't know and I thought it was pretty cool for an all in one solution for grow rooms.


Nowaday pretty much all portable AC have a dehumidifier mode. Just don't connect any duct to it. Cold air one side, hot air the other side! When the winter is coming I just remove the two ducts going to the window and lay then on the ground!

I think even if you don't have the dehumidifier mode. You could still use it as a dehumidifier. No duct and put it on the coldest setting so it run non stop. The only thing is : you don't have any humidity control so it may not be efficient.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
i have a smaller LG unit i use in my flower room. i vent through the ceiling into the attic. works well...

with no way to drain, i keep my on cool, not dry...


Yes forgot to say you need the drain pipe on the machine to be able to use it as a dehum unless you install the AC in a pan and shopvac it everyday but I don't reommand this lol

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
mine is:
8000 BTU (ASHRAE-128 Standard) / 5500 BTU (DOE 2017 Standard)

i am currently running around 1000 watts total in an 8x8 room, 600w in a tent. keeps the room at 77-78, no problem.

this weekend, i will remove my veg area and lights while moving in another 600 hps. so i will increase total watts by 200. i will also remove the tents altogether. i expect the a/c to handle it fine.