Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

Yeah, liberals. They hate mj so much they want to strike it off the controlled substances list. Note: not reschedule but remove from the list. The only restrictions would be shipping for sale across state lines. I presume this is to give states more control over their own regulations of MJ.

@tampee can blame this bill on Hillama too. He'd be wrong but that's nothing new.

Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard proposed a bill in late February that, if passed, would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, releasing the Department of Justices’ hold on the drug and the states that have legalized it.

Controversial progressive Tulsi Gabbard has proposed several bold bills in recent months, the most recent of which is this bill, which she proposed in a bipartisan move with Congressman Scott Taylor of Virgnina.

Co-signing H.R. 1227 “The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act,” Gabbard and Republican Taylor indicate that the removal of taboo and harsh penalties on marijuana consumption and production is no longer a strictly liberal platform.
It's going to take more than Congress to legalize marijuana we need to repeal the UN treaty first. Not to mention that bill won't pass Congress too much money in Schedule 2 which is why Hillary Clinton was all about Schedule 2.

But of course they will pretend to try unfortunately the people are more worried about the Kardashians and Trump to pay us any attention to us.
It's going to take more than Congress to legalize marijuana we need to repeal the UN treaty first. Not to mention that bill won't pass Congress too much money in Schedule 2 which is why Hillary Clinton was all about Schedule 2.

But of course they will pretend to try unfortunately the people are more worried about the Kardashians and Trump to pay us any attention to us.

you just never cease to fail.

you are the inheritor of the title "unremitting failure".
It's going to take more than Congress to legalize marijuana we need to repeal the UN treaty first. Not to mention that bill won't pass Congress too much money in Schedule 2 which is why Hillary Clinton was all about Schedule 2.

But of course they will pretend to try unfortunately the people are more worried about the Kardashians and Trump to pay us any attention to us.