Licensed tattooist willing to answer questions

I am a SISSY GIRL to pain. But i would like to get a tattoo of an outline of a small whale somewhere. Possible?

Have you ever started a tattoo and have the person wig out and not follow through?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok i have a question but dont know if you can answer it but i think you prolly will have an idea.

ok i have been wanting a tattoo and finally found it about a year ago and waited a year to deside if i like it now and i still do if not more .
well i want it a little customized like instead of the flag like that i want it to have rips in it and i want a banner under it with a Invictus which means "unconquerable"
sorry about my spelling but im not lookin it up to see if thats right lmao.

but i want it to look like run down and old and torn but still goin!!
i have alot of research into this ink and here is what its about,

the reaper dates back to many ancient civalizations and all have there own twist but all but a few consider him the guardian of death, the confederate flag represents, rebelious to life, and Invictus is to tie it all together.
so ultimatly to me it will mean , death will never be conquered

well this is what i want and will have a few custom touches of course just lookin for a artist whos work i like and feel like i love his touches!

now my question is how long do you think this will take to complete in your opinion?
its goin on left shoulder



Well-Known Member
Is there a reason that I've never seen tats done with white ink? Have I just not been looking in the right places?

I ask because I've had a white cockatoo for the past 22 years (she's older than my children) and want her permanently on my arm. Despite the fact that she will most likely out-live me.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I am a SISSY GIRL to pain. But i would like to get a tattoo of an outline of a small whale somewhere. Possible?

Have you ever started a tattoo and have the person wig out and not follow through?
No not once.

Tattoos hurt but not as bad as most expect. Its kind of like a cat scratch.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Is there a reason that I've never seen tats done with white ink? Have I just not been looking in the right places?

I ask because I've had a white cockatoo for the past 22 years (she's older than my children) and want her permanently on my arm. Despite the fact that she will most likely out-live me.
Good question!!

White ink doesnt really hold up over time, usually white is used for highlights, not large areas of solid color fill.

It can be done to some degree, just be ready for lots of touch ups on the white to keep it solid.


Well-Known Member
When tattoos scab and scar does it greatly affect the appearance of the final tattoo once it's touched up? just curious got some little scars on mine, not really raised, just lighter coloroed.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
If there is any scabbing it should be light..If its really heavy then yeah it can affect the tattoo....heavy scabbing is usually from a tattooist w/ a "heavy hand", simply going too deep into the skin.
I rarely have clients scab up at all, if any its very light and usually a spot or two; never the entire tattoo.
DO NOT pick any scabbing you have, you will pull the ink out w/ the scab.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude had a heavy had, but more of my fault. I was driving across sates and didn't put lotion on it for a day. I guess my question is really, when it's done healing you can have the scar tattoed over again, right? got a black tat and, where it scarred it's a lighter gray.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
If its scarred, you need to let it heal as much as possible (couple months) and it MIGHT be fixable. If the scarring is too bad the tissue wont take ink. Tough to tell without being able to see it firsthand.
Scarring is from the tattooist overworking your skin, i would suggest finding another artist if you are scarred up.


How would I find a good tattoo artist in my area? I've never had a tattoo before, a lot of my friends have sort of half assed ones, I really do not want to get something like that. I'm looking for quality, that's the most important thing, I don't really care about having to wait a while on some list either.

Also, about how much would a tat 4"x4" on the inside forearm cost? Ballpark? - the tat I'm thinking of is of the tree of life, if that helps at all.

Thanks ITW, good idea for a thread.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
How would I find a good tattoo artist in my area? I've never had a tattoo before, a lot of my friends have sort of half assed ones, I really do not want to get something like that. I'm looking for quality, that's the most important thing, I don't really care about having to wait a while on some list either.

Also, about how much would a tat 4"x4" on the inside forearm cost? Ballpark? - the tat I'm thinking of is of the tree of life, if that helps at all.

Thanks ITW, good idea for a thread.
Research your local area on the internet, most shops have a website and online portfolio showing their work...If youre in the SF area i have a friend thats a GREAT artist i could reccomend for ya.....lemme know what part of the state youre in and odds are I know someone withing driving distance from you.

Tree of life is a common tattoo, should be able to have a 4X4 from $150-$300 depending on the artist/shop.


Active Member
can you really make a tat that "moves" ? like a guy had a tat and when he flexed the tat would change, not like the colours(im not stupid) but is a there a way or a spot to tat on that when u do somehint the pic would change.. also is the glow in the dark ink in normal tatoo shops?? if so would it be more expensive than regular ink? can u mix it with regualr ink in a tat.?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
can you really make a tat that "moves" ? like a guy had a tat and when he flexed the tat would change, not like the colours(im not stupid) but is a there a way or a spot to tat on that when u do somehint the pic would change.. also is the glow in the dark ink in normal tatoo shops?? if so would it be more expensive than regular ink? can u mix it with regualr ink in a tat.?
also is there black light ink:o


Well-Known Member
So what is the tattoo etiquette for finding that right tattoo artist for your job? Is common to go to one artist with a design, get his idea and than maybe take the work he's done to another artist, have them rework it and then maybe they do it? Or is it better to choose your artist first, and stick to one person?

I just know that if I was going through the effort of making an idea for someone, it might be offensive if I drew up some designs and then they took my designs to someone else for cheaper/better skill etc. So what is the proper way to find the right person for your tattoo? For example, when someone approaches you about an idea, do they like kind of interview you first and see if you're styles are what they are looking for?

Or is that just making a big deal of the whole thing? haha
