Light bleaching? Deficiencies? Or just Noobness?

I know everyone says foliar for a fast return on epson salt. I've had good like luck with watering it in.

Problem is if it is a mag lockout from too much calcium in the soil that won't help,I know this from experience. I changed my soil recipe before and ended up with too much calcium and got lockout. It can be tough chasing deficiencies especially if you have lockouts.
Problem is if it is a mag lockout from too much calcium in the soil that won't help,I know this from experience. I changed my soil recipe before and ended up with too much calcium and got lockout. It can be tough chasing deficiencies especially if you have lockouts.
Then maybe i was wrong with the soil drench idea. I have little experience with built soils. I have 10 mother plants in ocean forest and thats about all the experience i have with soil plants. And i have treated the soil with epson salt drenches.
I have little experience with built soils.
I agree. I don't know what to recommend. I typically think of normal, nutrient-less soil where I add the nutrients and the runoff ppms tell me a lot about what's in there (if I should back off or not). For me, I'd do what I recommended at the start. But, I don't know how organic living soils are supposed to do. (I try to do more organics when I can. For example, fish emulsion to raise N as needed. But not to a true living soil which I think they're talking about.).
Then maybe i was wrong with the soil drench idea. I have little experience with built soils. I have 10 mother plants in ocean forest and thats about all the experience i have with soil plants. And i have treated the soil with epson salt drenches.

Building your own soils can be tricky without a lot of homework. I had to send a soil sample to a agriculture lab to figure out my mistake,use to make my batches 50 gal barrel at a time so I was able to adjust it and save that batch.
Looks like ca (brown specks) and mg (yellowing between veins) deficiencies. Add some gypsum (1g = 60ppm Ca) and epsom salt (1g = 26ppm Mg). Say, 2g of each. That's a good ratio of ca:mg.

I think I have those numbers right. (I'm lousy at this stuff.).

epsom salt is MgSO4·7H2O so 1mol of that weighs 24,3 + 32,1 + (16 * 4) + (7*18) = 246,4g

mg is 24/246,4 = 0,097 so one gram of empson salts contains 97mg of mg or 97ppm when you dissolve it in 1l of water
epsom salt is MgSO4·7H2O so 1mol of that weighs 24,3 + 32,1 + (16 * 4) + (7*18) = 246,4g

mg is 24/246,4 = 0,097 so one gram of epson salts contains 97mg of mg or 97ppm when you dissolve it in 1l of water

Thanks! It looks like I got that right. 97ppm / 3.79 (liters per gallon) = 26 ppm.

I always panic when I revisit this topic because I get to PPM through a less direct route. I have this spreadsheet which I created to "unmix" multi-bottle "lineups" to see the resulting NPK ratio. Then recreate that ratio using other (less expensive, less glamorous) products. So, I start with the product labeling (% of weight) and work my way down to PPMs.

It's always been a challenge to correlate that "process" (the way my mind works) to the more direct (and less intuitive, to me) topic of molecular weight. Every time I have to revisit this topic it's like my worst nightmare (over and over again). So, I'm glad I didn't have to dig back into it again.
forgive me for using a word i heard about leds on another site " photo tropism"

if some led expert here can define it this may be why the leaves are that colour

i too have a few plan ts under an led that grew crazy good and now as they got closer to the light looks like the htread makers plant

the other plants thathave less led light arevstill green..

how about "maybe there is too much red light from being too close" scenerio?

and yes it looks like something epsom/calcium nitrte would help..but do leds help cause this to happen when theyare too
i will add that i had an led highbay made that is in the 5000k range with af ew added reds..i do not see this happening

in fact the plants under it have a history of wanting to look that colour light green and needing epsom/cal nitrate

and they look better than under an hid .....this thread is important to me too..and may revolve around leds

closeness an "reds"

the high bay i had madeup has a 160 degree beam angle[no reflector] it is 10" away

maybe the spread out intensity helped them look there are variables here
20151206_085519.jpg 20151206_085502.jpg 20151206_085508.jpg 20151206_085512.jpg 20151206_085711.jpg

Soooooo would yous guys say that the spray and or RO water and or EWC topdress had positive effects?
I say yes.
The left two look slightly healthier than the right two imo.
It could possibly be because I sprayed those two before adding agsil to the sprayer, then sprayed them again, after it was added.
Uhhh, tea is still brewing, they'll get that in the morning.
None for the sexy CSSH, she's thriving.
They've all had small kine straight RO since last update, along with dat ewc topdress

After the tea, Ima let them be.
The leaves are getting spotty but the buds keep on swelling.

Silver will be done in max ten, fifteen, twenty days imo...LOL... at day 42 right now

Much love~