Light Deprivation Greenhouse


you give an ass chewing. but thats it. as far as violence goes, ratting on dudes, and aborting your own child are the top of your skill set. you should change.

you give an ass chewing. but thats it. as far as violence goes, ratting on dudes, and aborting your own child are the top of your skill set. you should change.

too bad-

no one aborted you.

the money spent on your public education. was clearly wasted.
the only farm animals-

in my selfies were SHOT to death. i guess that could be considered fucked?
well I would hope so

lol, oh my. you can't fix stupid

what was the r value on that "insulation" btw?

i dunno what the r value of the blown in stuff is.........couldnt tell ya........i do know what visqueen is used for and that its something a half ass handyman like yourself should read up on before you tell me thin sheets of plastic aint used to build a house
Ever hear of Tyvek?
I was wrapping homes in 82' in the plastic material tyvek as a vapor barrier.
Good Stuff too!

huh...funny cuz I work in construction. The only plastic used that I see is vinyl for the siding and window trim. Sure also as insulation on electrical wiring too. apples and oranges there tho.

splain to me what I am missing.
You have gone way off target from the original dispute. It was in case you forgot that heating a greenhouse in the pacific northwest would not be cost effective. You argued with a woodburner it would be easy, I AGREE with you on that. However, burning wood is not an option for many and the alternatives( propane/nat.gas) would simply not be cost effective. For buck. He agrees.

gonna figure a way to heat it over the winter?

that would be a fool's errand in this neck of the woods.

probably spend more in propane than you would get in product

be suprised how easy it is to heat a building made out of plastic....... my guess is wind/fear of extension cords

Don't know how you can change the subject so dramatically. All I said was I wonder why more homes aren't made from plastic... I never said plastic wasn't used in the construction of homes. It is!!! to an extent. Siding, window casings, visquene, some flooring, plumbing tub surrounds etc but NOT for it's insulating ability anywhere other than as insulation on wiring. You are yet to show an example where it is.....and you won't. WHY? cuz it isn't

You have so far pointed out visquene under the house...vapor barrier.. that's it. look it up.

visquene stapled between joists in attic....also vapor barrier... that's it.

tyvek... better than visquene because it allows the house to breathe.... vapor/wind barrier....that's it.

blown insulation is not made from plastic btw.. it is made from cellulose, mainly recycled newspaper sprayed with a fire retardant.

you are showing your lack of knowledge on all things construction, and are making yourself look like a fool. I've been in the trades for going on two decades now.

Don't you think if buck could run his greenhouse in the winter he would??? Oh,that's right, he already answered that question.