Light distance.


New Member
My plant is like week old and im using CFL bulbs. So ive heard people talking abou putting light 4 or more inches from the top of plant. So how far i should put.


Well-Known Member
I have had great success with the bulbs being within 2 inches of the plant and sometimes as close as nearly touching if there is a fan blowing directly on them. I have never had a problem with my leaves burning.


Well-Known Member
Turn your CFL on.... Now grab it, is it Hot? How close to it did your fingers get before you felt the burn of the heat?
I routinely keep my CFL's about 2-3" from the growing parts of my plant...
Some say 1-2" fine, not me, I have had a shoot from a few of my plants grow more than one inch over night....and a few times, I have burnt a tip.... cut off burn if this happens, and you should get two tips in it's place...
Good Luck man!


Well-Known Member
i agree with Sand, hold the back of your hand up to the bulb, when you reach a point where it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your plants.

peace, bozo