Light Fuse and get away!!!

The ADA stuff isn't going to be too terribly expensive. The bitch is that in a commercial building the owner can legally do anything. Everything has to be done by licensed contractors

It the little stuff that adds up quickly. Oh I need pondmaster pumps for the reservoirs...$900. Oh, you need 120 10 gallon Rubbermaid garbage cans? $2400. Haven't even paid for the expensive stuff yet.
The ADA stuff isn't going to be too terribly expensive. The bitch is that in a commercial building the owner can legally do anything. Everything has to be done by licensed contractors

It the little stuff that adds up quickly. Oh I need pondmaster pumps for the reservoirs...$900. Oh, you need 120 10 gallon Rubbermaid garbage cans? $2400. Haven't even paid for the expensive stuff yet.

A small leak can sink a large ship.

"Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship."
Benjamin Franklin
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The ADA stuff isn't going to be too terribly expensive. The bitch is that in a commercial building the owner can legally do anything. Everything has to be done by licensed contractors

It the little stuff that adds up quickly. Oh I need pondmaster pumps for the reservoirs...$900. Oh, you need 120 10 gallon Rubbermaid garbage cans? $2400. Haven't even paid for the expensive stuff yet.

Id like to know details on the growing setup. Dirt, hydro, coco?

- Jiji
You want to talk about blowing shit up?

Well, I just aquired a new grow space. I could have tittled this thread.. how to make $90k disappear in a month. LOL

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I love it! That looks like a ton of fun work. I just cut a pad for a 40x80 auto darkening green house I can't wait to start assembling it. The utility company my 50% partner is pushing everyone outside our rates just jumped again and now Humboldt wants to put a 45% tax on PG&E usage. I hope your area doesn't rape you on usage that one's going to pull some juice, your probably going to cause a brown out in the closest city!
45% tax!! Holly shit. That would be a huge hit. We anticipate our power bill to be in the range of 4-5k month. This is PGE power as well, slightly lower than pacific power. A light dep setup would be pretty dope with some DE bulbs thrown in for good measure. You should really really really look into the sunlight DE hood, it smashes the living shit out of the gavitas as far as par output.

This is a fully legal medical grow so we are limited on adult plants.

The layout is two flower rooms, 30k watts each on a flip.

We are growing DWC trees, 10 gallon containers, 30 plants per room. Your classic vertical checkerboard arrangement.

The two flower rooms are seperated by a 10' hallway. This is where our four 225gallom Rez, tea brewing station and ro stuff goes.

A 15ton AC unit splits between the two rooms. We are going to have four 12" max can fans that will circulate air between the rooms 24/7. This will decrease our AC needs by letting the "dark" room cool the light room and it will also keep the dark room warmer at night.

I'm excited about the room but I'm most excited about the real time, cloud based monitoring system that this dude is building us.

Will monitor the temp, humidity and co2 in the air as well as the temp, ph, and ppm of each of the four reservoirs. I can access the info with my phone and it will automatically send Twitter alerts if something is outside the set parameters or if one of the systems run dry.

Now that is going to be DOPE!
I'm not sure if you could still run this setup and get as much benefit from it on such a large scale, but I don't see why not if you wanted to.
I'm thinking these Ice Box might be really beneficial to you, especially considering you said you are doing DWC, so if you run that DWC as under current or circulating, all connected, and have a water chiller. Then you can use the chilled water to pump through Ice box's which will cool your hoods and cut down your expense or even eliminate your A/C usage. The power bill being at 4-5k a month I would go with the Ice Box's, water chiller which will also benefit your DWC, and install some solar panels. Anyone know how much heat a Co2 burner puts out? And would solar panels also build up PGE credits to use gas to run that Co2 burner? What are the regulations/requirements for fire safety, and do you need to have a inspector come out for that. I'm thinking at least sprinklers, but is that safe with all the electrical?

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45% tax!! Holly shit. That would be a huge hit. We anticipate our power bill to be in the range of 4-5k month. This is PGE power as well, slightly lower than pacific power. A light dep setup would be pretty dope with some DE bulbs thrown in for good measure. You should really really really look into the sunlight DE hood, it smashes the living shit out of the gavitas as far as par output.

This is a fully legal medical grow so we are limited on adult plants.

The layout is two flower rooms, 30k watts each on a flip.

We are growing DWC trees, 10 gallon containers, 30 plants per room. Your classic vertical checkerboard arrangement.

The two flower rooms are seperated by a 10' hallway. This is where our four 225gallom Rez, tea brewing station and ro stuff goes.

A 15ton AC unit splits between the two rooms. We are going to have four 12" max can fans that will circulate air between the rooms 24/7. This will decrease our AC needs by letting the "dark" room cool the light room and it will also keep the dark room warmer at night.

I'm excited about the room but I'm most excited about the real time, cloud based monitoring system that this dude is building us.

Will monitor the temp, humidity and co2 in the air as well as the temp, ph, and ppm of each of the four reservoirs. I can access the info with my phone and it will automatically send Twitter alerts if something is outside the set parameters or if one of the systems run dry.

Now that is going to be DOPE!
Damn man that Is some high tech stuff. Good luck with it all! Im struggling over here to get an 8k going lol!
I run the Hydrogen system, it's been working pretty good so far (8 months) just not impressed with the company. Like they say, you can have the best product out there, just leave it up to people to fuck everything up. In short, I ordered everything from the co., waited, waited, nothing came, contacted multiple times, lead on by the co. so I ended up getting it off ebay. The dumb bitch at the co. even said they felt so bad about it that when it does come it they would ship it to me free...guess it NEVER came in.
^ It just takes time dude, time and space. After awhile, it's not about the growing, it's about finding a good space.

Spent the day cutting steel racks off the wall with a oxy torch and powerwashed the inside of the warehouse. Talk about filthy.

What is the hydrogen system? Never heard of it. We are using the patened, buy all the shit seperately and put it together ourselves system. :)
Watch the above video legallyflying, it's pretty good for me, helps keep the heat down in the summer. I wouldn't recommend it for large spaces but it's good for my 2 areas of 15'x24', I change out a 20lb. LP tank about every 2 to 2 1/2 months running it between 1050 & 1300 ppm co2. I only run the co2 gen with the chiller on top and don't have any ice boxes on my lights and I use a small old freezer with a heat exchanger in it to cool the water/antifreeze mix.
I am running bare bulbs so I can't use one of those cheesy chillers.

I do have a "hydrogen" co2 burner. I don't know if you realize this but all they are is tankless hot water heaters.

Suck water from a big drum, through heater and back out to drum.

I started a thread on it a long time ago
Oh my bad I thought you said you were going with the sunlight DE hood's.
I'm not sure why you think water chillers are cheesy, you ought to be running a water chiller for your DWC, even if you don't use air cooled hoods.

LEDs. Hahahahhahahah

On second thought, why don't we install 20,000 HP. T5 bulbs?

Solar panels...almost as stupid as a suggestion. Do you guys even think before you post..or are you just trying to get your post numbers up at any cost?

Buuuut...just for shits and giggles..lets do the math. Let's go SOLAR!! Ok, this is going to be soo neat because I actually would love to reduce power consumption.

Ok, we will consume on average, about 1200 kWh a day. Ouch.. Ok so multiply by 30... 36,000 kWh per month.

Ok..not going to panic. Let's go balls out and buy a 100kW panel array. The huge arrays you see on large houses..the ones that cover the entire roof..those are around 6kw.

But who cares, fucking solar dude!! Soo the panels will take up more than my entire roof area but let's not swear the details.
We slap down $300,000 in cash (which Umm, I don't have)..but I could get a loan..I'll just tell them I quite my engineering job 3 years ago and have just been producing narcotics. See all these cash deposits over yh

We get 4.5 hrs of prime daylight solar radiation in these parts so we are going to be able to generate..wait, wtf... This cost me $300k?... It will generate..on a typical month about 13,500 kWh worth of juice.

So by spending $300k I will be able to offset about 30% of my electric bill.

It may be worth it however because having a huge warehouse that is absolutely covered in solar panels will draw no attention at all.