Light Fuse and get away!!!

Sorry i dont normally do this...
Twistitup, can you sit back, , SHUT UP and let the man talk?!
Im tired of reading endless post from you about nonsense.
I am really interested in seeing a large flip flop grow in action.
Please shut up, you sound childish!
I get some pretty big treeage too. But my treepene doesn't even compare to legallyflying's results.

Has anyone seen his results yet?
Can't wait to see how epic and flawless all of his plants are.
With all this talk of such expense and expertise this should be something spectacular.
I'm not too sure when it was decided that I grow small plants.
Or that I'm a kid and need to run along.
Or that I'm new to growing.
Or that someone working at a hydro store wouldn't deliver something to me.
Or that it wouldn't be me doing the delivering.
Or most the other blasphemy he has flamed on about. About the only fuse he has tried so hard to light with his flames was mine.
The grump has been flaming me ever since my first post that actually had anything to say towards his grow,
when I quoted Benjamin Franklin as I was agreeing with what he was saying and I was then called a kid. Probably just more lack of his reading comprehension.
It seems I was labeled the bad guy since the moment I agreed with him. legallyflying actually seemed very childish to me from that moment on so i just had to keep going. Some other people here didn't help with me wanting to run along either.
You all seem to know quite a lot about me for a bunch of folks who know nothing about me.
I will be expecting to see monstrous epic beautifully grown trees that are significantly better than any plant I have ever grown.
Otherwise he just talks a big game and likes to waste money, but doesn't want to know how to waste it even better, lol.
I actually thought this thread was going to be something fun based on the title. But instead it was a bait and switch so this guy could boast and belittle people.
It didn't have to be that way but he wanted to start off with telling me to run along, because the adults are talking. Which this comment was said why? And this was also the reason I stuck around. You're not my boss chief, and I don't much care to run along at your smug command.

Snaps has been posting on this forum for years, & has years & years of experience. Anyone on this forum for any amount of time knows this. Step back son, & take a breath & think about what u say, before you say it. You sound like a babbling 10 year old. Stfu & gtfo.
Snaps has been posting on this forum for years, & has years & years of experience. Anyone on this forum for any amount of time knows this. Step back son, & take a breath & think about what u say, before you say it. You sound like a babbling 10 year old. Stfu & gtfo.

and again I was simply agreeing with someone that I too grow trees but do not chill. My beef was never with Snaps. I don't even grow DWC anymore.

I could do without the request to STFU as well. I already made my point. Telling me to STFU does nothing but entice me to want to continue.
It's just about fucking impossible to take photos in there really. That photo I took of one aide of the cage I was holding my phone I'm one hand and a burning 1k HPS up out of the way with my other.

I'll post some dried bud porn in a week or two.

Architect plans and city permits for the big room next week!!
LEDs. Hahahahhahahah

On second thought, why don't we install 20,000 HP. T5 bulbs?

Solar panels...almost as stupid as a suggestion. Do you guys even think before you post..or are you just trying to get your post numbers up at any cost?

Buuuut...just for shits and giggles..lets do the math. Let's go SOLAR!! Ok, this is going to be soo neat because I actually would love to reduce power consumption.

Ok, we will consume on average, about 1200 kWh a day. Ouch.. Ok so multiply by 30... 36,000 kWh per month.

Ok..not going to panic. Let's go balls out and buy a 100kW panel array. The huge arrays you see on large houses..the ones that cover the entire roof..those are around 6kw.

But who cares, fucking solar dude!! Soo the panels will take up more than my entire roof area but let's not swear the details.
We slap down $300,000 in cash (which Umm, I don't have)..but I could get a loan..I'll just tell them I quite my engineering job 3 years ago and have just been producing narcotics. See all these cash deposits over yh

We get 4.5 hrs of prime daylight solar radiation in these parts so we are going to be able to generate..wait, wtf... This cost me $300k?... It will generate..on a typical month about 13,500 kWh worth of juice.

So by spending $300k I will be able to offset about 30% of my electric bill.

It may be worth it however because having a huge warehouse that is absolutely covered in solar panels will draw no attention at all.
There's no need to pay 300k for a system
Now a days. Save the 300k and the
30% monthly while you're at it.
There's no need to pay 300k for a system
Now a days. Save the 300k and the
30% monthly while you're at it.

Oh yeah? Have you ever hired a structural engineer to design and oversee the installation of new roof trusses to support a solar installation of that size? That's 20k right there.

Once you start touching the shell of a building you are also required to complete seismic retrofits. Since my building has 25' ceilings and no lateral seismic braces..there is another 10k easy. So there is 30k and I haven't so much as put a nine volt battery on the roof. There are many tax credits and incentives but they don't cover large industrial installations. :(
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Oh yeah? Have you ever hired a structural engineer to design and oversee the installation of new roof trusses to support a solar installation of that size? That's 20k right there.

Once you start touching the shell of a building you are also required to complete seismic retrofits. Since my building has 25' ceilings and no lateral seismic braces..there is another 10k easy. So there is 30k and I haven't so much as put a nine volt battery on the roof. There are many tax credits and incentives but they don't cover large industrial installations. :(

I'm not sure if you have a guy or don't know the guy but that's not how this works.

You say ok, my guys put it up and I make the big guy turn around and bend over.

Since I'm the new bully I cut a deal with you, you paid the old guy a buck before, nowI let you keep a quarter. So in turn, I let you keep some of your daily lunch money so you can invest your savings as you'd like.

My guys will service and repair the setup at no cost to you during that term.

Cheaper rates, no tiers, we both win.
Cannis, you are a prime example of why I really hesitated about even starting this thread..or for that matter, wasting my time on forums.

You try to entertain some folks..pass along some information, maybe get a good idea or two and you get spammed with tools telling you to spend 300k on solar panels or run water chillers on my lights. News flash dick head..NO serious grower uses those stupid fucking ice box things. You crank the lights, blast air con, harvest dank and move on to the next round. We don't walk around and stare at plants amazed at how beautiful they or talk softly to them and gingerly train them. It's work, and allot of it. Constant monitoring of conditions, maintaining gear, and maintaining security. Commercial growers don't fiddle fuck around with LEDs, anything made by advanced nuteients, and they certainly don't spend money on anything that doesn't provide full ROI in a year or less.

We are not the guys shooting the shit and offering advice in the hydro store. Or those wandering the halls asking "what kills spider mites" "hey, will this kill powdery mildew?" That was us 10 years ago. We are the guys that text the shop owners with our order and they deliver it to us. They guys who spend $4000 on 50 gallon drums of nutes.

It's kind of stupid thread anyways. Most will never grow at this scale and the ones that can, already have their methods down.

So in essence....fuck it. Who has the time anyways. You can go play with your star wars avatars now.

I use water chilling technology and it works very well for me indeed.

I don't chill light fixtures, that's for idiots.

Water chilling and heat pumps are the near future of indoor growing- fail to use them and your warehouse won't be profitable like those that are.
You have a link to your water chilling cooling unit? I have seen small scale stuff but we are talking 15 tons of AC minimum.

Then I'll be essentially using an AC to chill my water that will be used to cool the air.

I googled around. Mostly heat pumps popped up
You have a link to your water chilling cooling unit? I have seen small scale stuff but we are talking 15 tons of AC minimum.

Then I'll be essentially using an AC to chill my water that will be used to cool the air.

I googled around. Mostly heat pumps popped up

Simple fact of the matter is that we ARE talking about heat pumps. They allow you to utilize the heat being shed, which comes in handy for heating cold spaces like the garage and even for adding heat in dark growrooms to help mange humidity.
We got our city permits!!!

Sooo fuckin stoked.. Now comes all the hard work.

Unpacked our DWC containers for shits and giggles. 10 gallon brute trash grade. The lids can hold a 5 gallon bucket net pot.
