Light green new growth, canoe and claw leaves, 5 gal dwc ph dropping. dynagro nutes


Hey everyone, been reading riu for awhile but this is my first time posting. I am a beginner to hydro so help a brotha out!!
Running a 5 gallon DWC
1tsp of dynagro protekt
1tsp of dynagro grow
1tsp of GH calmagic
per bucket. Temps are low 70's. Using an 8bulb T-5 for lighting and it is about 6 inches off the top of the plant. I have been adjusting pH to around 5.6 and everything was going great for the first couple of weeks, gradual pH rises as would be expected.
I attempted to bump the nutes up a little bit as the plant grew and fear I may have burned it or something because instead of pH gradually rising it began dropping overnight to around the mid-4's range! After a couple days of adding pH up to correct it I decided to just do a full nute change. As you can see from the pics, the new growth is a lighter green and is canoe'ing as well as clawing downward(another reason I am thinking overfert). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hey my plants are doing the same thing. IMAG0329.jpg From research in the stickys and forum search I narrowed down to heat, mag deficiency or nute burn... I flushed them with about 2 gal each of straight h20 ph 6.3 (I'm in soil) I then chased it with 20 oz roots elemental cal/mag at 20%. I'm leaning towards mag because on a few older fan leaves the center vein and the "dot" where the leaves meet are reddish. Did this an about 2 hrs ago. I'll keep udated


Well-Known Member
Nute Burn
Looks like Magnesium Deficiency too... try adding cal/mag at around 5.6-5.8 pH


Well-Known Member
Purple stems is sign of Magnesium shortage... drooping leaves is a thirsty plant.. yellowing/browning tips is nutrient burn


Well-Known Member
My guess is what started as a N burn caused some lockout creating mag deficiency and inability to perspire properly


Thanks for the replies. Datguy that looks very similar to what mine started as. I think your hypothesis of N burn causing a deficiency/lockout of mg is spot on. Keep me posted if anything changes and I will do the same

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I''m stumped. I find it hard to believe T5's could be too bright on them but they look similar to a couple branches I have that get a little too close to the light. The nutes don't sound too strong. You should find a way to check ppms though. I am a first time DWC grower using 5 gal buckets with Dynagro grow or Foliar Pro at 1 tsp/gal, 200 ppm tap water, ph 5.5 temp 70 and having no problems. I don't use protekt or cal mag but I have them on the shelf. My ph stays constant so I'm stumped about what is happening in your system. Maybe raise the light a little or a lot and let them stretch toward it and hopefully the color will come back.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe it but the color is already darkening back to a more healthy green IMAG0330.jpg phone battery to low for flash . will put up another pic in a few


Well-Known Member
Holy Crap! That's a lot of Pro-Tekt. It will screw your plants up quick if you aren't careful with it.
Most people use 1/4 tsp per gallon. Not sure how many gallons you're using... forgot to read that part... I just say your numbers and freaked, lol.


BUMP! pH keeps dropping in the rez. No positive/negative changes but I would hope that some dwc/hydro grower would be able to diagnose the problem or at least give me a little info on why pH is going down???? From my assumptions, nutes normally drop the pH so I am thinking I burned the plant and it is slowly leaching nutrients into the bucket, reducing pH. Am I correct??? or at least correct in my thinking??? Help a newb out here


Nietsche and natureboy - Thanks for the responses! Sorry I didn't specify enough. I am running a 5 gallon bucket DWC so essentially it is about 4 gallons of water that I am mixing into. Basically the 1tsp of each protekt, grow, and calmagic would equate to 1/4 tsp per gallon of each. Although I did attempt to bump the nutes up slightly at one point and have since backed off. Is it possible the plant is just hungry and needs MORE nutes? pH keeps dropping I dunno what is going on at this point

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I don't have much faith in PH meters yet. I would verify it with some drops to be sure. Are you using RO water or tap? If tap water you may not need much cal mag.


Well-Known Member
My plants have gotten 90% of color back. The bigger plant has almost used all the water from yesterday. Going to trans into bigger pots then do another straight h20 with a small cal/mag chase... The weird skinny leaves have even started to plump up a little. Growth is still slowed down but has been a little from last night. I would definitely back off ur nutes and add some cal/mag


Well-Known Member
That looks like textbook OVERwatering to me. Under watering causes the whole leaf (petioles and all) to become floppy/droopy. With overwatering, the leaves and petioles remain turgidity but curl downward like you're seeing.

Overwatering can also bring up other deficiencies (Magnesium) by hindering your roots.

Are you letting that soil dry out a bit? Does it drain well?

EDIT: I'm the idiot who didn't catch the part of this being a hydro grow. I still believe this is an issue of not enough oxygen in the root zone.