Light setup help


Going to be using CFL bulbs. I'm gonna start by growing 2-3 plants so i'm looking for advice on how to set up the lights, the materials i'm going to need and all that. My grow room-closet is 4by5 and 7 foot tall any feedback is welcome and appriciated


Active Member
I'm not a guru on CFLs so I can't answer your question as well as others. But that's a nice sized grow space and I'm curious why you are limiting yourself to CFLs in it?


Active Member
Well you could start out with as many CFLs as you can afford - nothing wrong with that. CFLs do a great job for small plants or small places. But you'll quickly end up paying just as much for all the extension cords, Y-splitters/fixtures, reflectors, etc. as opposed to just starting with a small HPS (you can get 150w HPS fixtures for under $100). T5 fluorescent fixtures can be inexpensive as well. Just something to think about. Nothing wrong with CFLs, especially to start with though. Not knocking your idea or position.


Yeah i guess i could wait up a while and save up for a hps setup..was thinking of getting a 400 or 600w just gotta wait till after the 25th then


Well-Known Member
i used cfls for my first grow and had decent results i moved to a hps shortly afterwards but here is what i did for my grow. Get some surge strips and go to walmart or lowes and they have adapters that light bulbs screw into and plug straight into the surge protctors, get some y splitters so u can add two lights to one adapter and get some 150 watt replacement cfls and there y gp grab a timer for flowering. I perfer ffof soil and their whole line but i first used fertilome i got it at a local grow store they have veg and blooming u jus have to look at the npk on the backs to make sure you are getting what u need, dont forget to put yourself a oscilating fan in there to have air movement. If you have any ?'s shoot if i could find my first grow id post it so u can look thru my current one is in m sig but im growing hydroponics this round well i have 3 plants in soil and 2 diff setups usin cfls one is a 65 gallon fishtank the setup is in the bottom


Active Member
You could start them with a couple of CFLs while they are small and get the HPS by the time they'd need a bigger light. A 400w or 600w would be really nice for that space. You'll be able to grow some nice plants.


Well-Known Member
get it damn i wish i wuld look on the web before i go nd get lights im pissed now thats a jam up deal im gonna have to grab one of those aswell get that thing and grow grow grow sweetheart


Well-Known Member
with that lighting rig also comes the need for a +250CFM fan and filter combo approx $200 then a place to exhaust, attic, another room, straight outside etc.

My advice is get some CFL's for starting your seedlings while designing your hps room.

More cost is involved with hps systems than just buying the lamp/ballast/reflector.

If you want a design drawing up for your room with correct fans etc for heat removal and air exchange let me know.



Well-Known Member
dont need pics just dimensions and room location within the house? upstairs bedroom/closet or basement etc whether you are able to modify walls/ceilings to suit what you are doing.

Also the HPS in the link, will that be your chosen reflector the cylinder cooltube?


P.S just switching from my ps3 onto laptop to start the design . should take me around 10 mins to have a jpeg ready for you.


Well-Known Member
which wall is the door on?

the 4 ft wall or the 5ft wall?

What is above your closet? Attic space?



Well-Known Member
ok here is a basic setup for a 600w cooltube setup for your closet.

Fan sizes and carbon filter sizes etc. The electrics is up to you to sort out.

Forgot to ask whether you work in CFM's cubic feet per minute or whether you work in m3/h meters cubed per hour.

I have done them in CFM's if you need them in the other just say and i will correct.

The design is a budget simple setup using the same fan for exhausting the light and scrubbing the room.




Well-Known Member
using this design you have approximately a 4x4 area for growing your plants under the Cooltube.

I would however recommend getting a standard reflector to cut the wings off it and attach them instead to your cooltube so you get a better spread of light out from the sides then with this area you still have enough room to also be able to work in there and arrange your plants so that you can actually move in your grow space. So many times i see people designing rooms where the whole room is used and once the plants are a decent size you cant get in there to work.
