Light ???

I asked how long in to flower I should keep my MH up before switching to HPS, fukin hard work gettin a straight answer
As a way of reducing stretch, first 3 weeks, also use the MH in the last 2 weeks to beef up trics, even better to run both

How long in to flower should I keep my MH in before switching to HPS?


It's your choice. I might run both,,,,

MH does some for node spacing. You must remember that most (or the fastest part) of the stretch is in those first 2 weeks.

Many long term growers use MH only.....

....The use of a more balanced spectrum works well.....

"see" what happens for your self...

a mixed spectrum is best.

Blues(MH) prevent stretch, most stretching occurs at first 2 weeks of 12/12 switch, reds promote bud growth

No need to be rude.
fukin hard work gettin a straight answer

Personally, if my setup permitted, I would run MH the first 2-3 weeks after the switch to 12/12 then HPS untill the last 2 weeks of flowering when I'd switch back to MH till finish.
I guess Phillips has it all wrong then, designing those inefficient HID lights for horticulture purposes while their T5s are actually better grow lights.

If you would have claimed T5 can measure up to HPS in terms of yield... but this talk of T5 being better than HPS is getting old fast... speaking of old, that table is based on 30-year old data.

Also ironic how you link that popular article from Gavita.

bro, do you even know what it takes to make a plant tick?
I like my rootzone in the 60's, my ambient in the 70's and my canopy in the 90's

I use heat index to determine humidity, I like my heat index to be 4 points above ambient

I don't adjust lights by the temp or heat rather I adjust the light height to how the plants respond.

Some of this is moot as most growers don't have open rooms (I do) I am very aware that plants respond to barometric pressure and a sealed room with in/out fans defeats this

I am also aware that growers do this because of smell, my plants never stink while growing (unless there is something wrong) l

I grow in a similar style open room. With the same temps. Humidity is at 30% or less during day and 45%+ at night at 62 degrees ambient. I'm not sure what you mean with your humidity, I don't know how to calculate it. I kinda wonder to look it up maybe. My plants stink up the whole house, at 5 week veg. Not the best or biggest 5 weekers but doing much better in the last 2 weeks, tripled in size at the least. I'm not trying to make it stink. I was kinda guessing maybe it's because my humidity is so low and that is the difference here. What's yours? Some cannabis(or most?) is an arid plant"weed" and like other plants it creates trichomes to protect it self with a stable moisture environment using them as the buffer. My plants have visible fuzz on them, ovbiously not full of goupy goodness but I'm guessing these are trichome beginnings and also the reason my plants stink before flower. Or is it lights and technique? Also wondering about early amber too and if it's connected at all.
Ok friends you need to take into effect so many things as to weight.Did your seeds come from a hermi plant? clone/fem seed and so much more. They all matter to the final out come and yields. The major thing is light. LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT. You can not get 3 lbs out of 1 400w light. Advance growers can get 1 to 1 1/2 grams pr watt.. and most will get 1/2 gram pr watt. Fact.Your girl has the POTENTIAL to grow to that. It does not mean you will get it either. Lights/air/water and everything else matters. Your girl needs 6 hours of light to maintain and needs more then 32w to stay alive. Will she max out her Yield NO. Thats why you train your girls to get the max out. thats why someone who trains gets more then someone who does not. Lst/Hst/mainline/and everything else help you get the MAX.
Your plants need at least 600w for co2 to even take effect / and why it needs to be higher then the plants.
Your temps can be high when keeping the humidity down. Crap i grow in 3 places, California,Colorado and the tropics. in the tropics the leaves alone are better then 110 outside.
There are so many factors that get your yields it's not funny. Thats why experience is key. What grows well in the tropics does not grow well in high altitudes. A seed from a hermi plant has effects on the growth of the off spring. Harvesting when its milky in stead of amber effect the high as well as the weight. but that becomes a choice then. Do i want a body high or a head high.
Your job is to learn and experiment. Do i feed them pk 13/14 for one week or 3 weeks, do i keep the lights out for 2 days before switching to 12/12 do i want the strech in flower and do veg 24/7 or keep them compact due to my grow size.
The ones who have some grow time i pay attention to. Not that i am going to do it word for word.. but what can i take out of this and how can i dial my girls in.
Keep doing what you are doing and remember
Peace out
The truth is that only about 1% of the folks reading my stuff will get it, it's sad but it's true. And 99% will continue to believe and spew the "normal" forum rhetoric. Cram light up the plants ass if you want more, more is better, more is more. When the truth is that Less is More.

To those of you in that 1%, enjoy and you're welcome :bigjoint:
The truth is that only about 1% of the folks reading my stuff will get it, it's sad but it's true. And 99% will continue to believe and spew the "normal" forum rhetoric. Cram light up the plants ass if you want more, more is better, more is more. When the truth is that Less is More.

To those of you in that 1%, enjoy and you're welcome :bigjoint:
I'm working my ass off to be part of that 1%
i think im going to run 1 600 watt hps and 1 600 watt mh for this run and see if there is a diference from running 2 hps's. i may have to rotate the bulbs once a week, not sure yet, that would suck. but the plants would get a more even spectrum this run.
The truth is that only about 1% of the folks reading my stuff will get it, it's sad but it's true. And 99% will continue to believe and spew the "normal" forum rhetoric. Cram light up the plants ass if you want more, more is better, more is more. When the truth is that Less is More.

To those of you in that 1%, enjoy and you're welcome :bigjoint:

we're all just so far below your level.
My 1% statement was not about a level, it was not me sayin I'm better or smarter than others. It was about being open minded and willing to try new things without a biased attitude. If you believe or accept as is things like more light is the only way, you will be limited by it. If you have an open mind you will be more willing to try things out to see for yourself and you will discover things that improve your results.
Been awhile, so I thought we could revisit that little bud growing in the shade LOL

As you can see the TE has grown a tad and made more shade over that bud, hell it is gettin harder to even see the Koala Bear