Light ???

Same here. Ive used arcadia, hortilux and agromax. But my space is very bright. The plants are getting something useful from the hortilux that the others arent providing.

This run i used the hortilux for most of the flowering and im using the agromax for the final weeks with less exposure. If worthwhile ill give an update.
Something useful that a cheap bulb doesn't have. My thoughts exactly. It's in their mix. It's the added blue right?
Something useful that a cheap bulb doesn't have. My thoughts exactly. It's in their mix. It's the added blue right?
It might be the blue. Im not exactly sure . Im running 350w4k and 200w3500k. I need to look at the spectral charts. The plants grow great with judt the cobs but the t5 adds something desirable. The agromax is potent and will toast broad leaved indicas even at a distance.
And just to clarify. I never said I knew mr Rosenthal. The breeder of the strains I prefer does. Since 1993 when Ed have him some new medical clones in California. All I did was impress the breeder with pictures of my plants. He posts and refers them. I send them for helpful advise.
Never said you you start with a straw man....
What you did say, you have provided no proof of. So we just have your word. Funny how that plays.

Of course, any ones experience, especially on the internet, has to be taken for what it is... I have gathered many things here and usually it comes through reading the experience of many and forming my own opinion and then testing that opinion. I did not go around demanding proof of people as if they owed me something more than their word. We can be done and I will leave you alone so you can get back to defoliating and flushing.
Guess you didn't bother to read the thread we are posting in. I have been against defoliation in my room.

And you can go on CH9 Female Seeds Facebook, Instagtam or their website to find his postings of me. I don't even have an account or the ability to post at these sites. You can also find pics of my garden around here now.

How do I see your work? You must be a fantastic grower to have time to only post like this.

We could have use the time you had me answer you productively. I had fun with everyone else. Why do you persist. I just countered what you keep ignorantly saying.

My original comment to you was not meant to instill anger or hate. It was completely appropriate at the time.

But you are right to be mad if you want. Or you can remember this is the Internet and it doesn't matter. And we don't owe each other anything.

Except you owe me an apology.

And I will keep growing and meeting great people here. Like I have all night.
Dear member since Thursday,

No, sorry, I missed your comment about defoliation. My reference was tongue in cheek. :roll: still no proof about your imagined prowess. Your statement about mine makes little sense, but yeah I do just fine. Just a little grow to satisfy my wife's medical needs.

I seemed to also have witnessed you not "having fun" with everyone. You have a pretty short memory or possibly your delusions are not limited to grandeur. ;)

Your initial response was that of a dick. I simply shared what I experienced as well as why all indications pointed to my conclusion. Your wanting more proof is not my problem nor my responsibility to provide. If you did not mean to slight, then you lack some communication skills.

As far as an apology, come back with something more than blather about where we can go and find these accredited pics that you yourself are unable to go and find. Right now you sound like a fraud not to mention a hypocrite...demanding others work to provide you proof while offering none yourself. :shock:
Can't we all just smoke a bong


Hey guys. I wrote a long apology but that was also off topic here so I started to delete all my argumentative crap but after a couple pages it disappeared.

Sorry to get caught up in the bullshit. I did not mean to derail the thread.

And I still can't decide what light to buy for my new space.
Also why do you guys think you have some kind of responsibility to the newbs? Your arguments aren't helping. I read here to learn how to grow. This is by far the most entertaining weed site. I read everything and am familiar with all of the well known posters.

Only thing is this is really important to me and all you all did was confuse me. So I went to the library and ordered gardening books. And when I wanted to learn lighting. The universities and the actual lighting companies. ( I mean GE, Phillips, Eye Lighting etc. )

That is what your help here usually does. Cause more confusion just like the myths you are all trying to discredit. Instead when a newbie reads he just buys into your newly created myths.

All of the information is out there. I came here to help clarify some things. And a few posters have already helped me. But I can weed out the argument. I read first. Then actually joined Rolitup.

There's a reason you won't switch from HPS to T5 and it's not because I confused you. You know very well that HPS is a better light and that spending more money up front for a light with higher overhead costs would be foolish.

Don't get an attitude with me. It's very clear that you're just trying to argue in general because otherwise what you've been saying has mostly been in agreement with what I've been posting. (you're just argumentative in general and can't agree with anything)

There are people trying to confuse you... and it's not me. Again, quit listening to these T5 fools.
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There's a reason you won't switch from HPS to T5 and it's not because I confused you. It's because you know very well that HPS is a better light and that spending more money up front for a light with higher overhead costs is just foolish.

Don't get an attitude with me. It's very clear that you're just trying to argue in general because otherwise what you've been saying has mostly been in agreement with what I've been posting. (you're just argumentative in general and can't agree with anything)

Btw, if math is confusing to you, I'm sorry. You should ask your PHD family to explain it. There are people trying to confuse you... and it's not me. Again, quit listening to these T5 fools.

Please take it easy man. I apologized right above this post for my behavior. I would have deleted all posts like the one you just quoted but after a few deletes the button disappeared.

I acted poorly my excuses are just excuses and I admit to being derailed by a few posters.

I meant no ill will. I didn't think I would ever end up arguing and stuff like that but I think my illness has beaten me more than I thought.
I asked earlier but got no response. How far from the canopy do the cobs have to be away. I am a stress free grower. I do not force light on plants. So my air cooled 600's are always at least 18" above. That seems to be my threshold of comfort for the plants since I added the second one.

I have space albeit small and may set up some more cabs.

It depends how powerful the cobs are. You can either run fewer cobs more powerfully or more cobs less powerfully. Air cooling won't really make a difference in cooling radiant heat. You can keep them much closer than 18 inches if you have a low profile build. (more cobs each powered less). It's hard to give a particular answer to this question without asking about more specific parameters.
It depends how powerful the cobs are. You can either run fewer cobs more powerfully or more cobs less powerfully. Air cooling won't really make a difference in cooling radiant heat. You can keep them much closer than 18 inches if you have a low profile build. (more cobs each powered less). It's hard to give a particular answer to this question without asking about more specific parameters.
Thank you. I will read the basics as I didn't know they could be so variable.
Dear @churchhaze,
Quit being a shit to the new guy. We all have issues, and Lord knows you're no exception, so lighten up.

Thank you!

PS I've grown great weed under T5, so I'm thinking you're just butt hurt cuz you can't do the same?

Church being a shit?? Nah you must be confusing him with someone else that's a total ass hat because the churchhaze I know is a pussy cat :)
I don't care if pointing out your T5 nonsense makes me an asshat. Sell your cobs and grow with T5 if they're so good.

It not the fact you are pointing out "nonsense" it has more to do with your fucked up delivery. In nearly every post you make. But I personally don't have a problem with you. I think you sometimes post useful info.