Limp plants


Well-Known Member
Yea, Ive topped a plant before.
Topping them isnt going to fix any problems Im having now.
Ill top them when they are ready. Theres no reason to top them now... They arent growing
Topping won't fix any problems you're right.. But it will solve a problem down the line.. It's just being proactive.. Your plants, do as you will, just my .02

I would do it now, then once they start again you will already be ahead of the curve rather than haunting their progress again


New Member
Topping won't fix any problems you're right.. But it will solve a problem down the line.. It's just being proactive.. Your plants, do as you will, just my .02

I would do it now, then once they start again you will already be ahead of the curve rather than haunting their progress again
Im certain that the first and only rule to topping plants is that you never top a stressed plant.
Anyhow, They look really perky now and most of the folding is gone this time. The "pinched" edges are also gone. They still seem a bit moist though.
Im hoping that they were just rootbound and then overwatered because I cant think of anything else left to change. Besides topping them, of coure...
It looks like the newer growth is starting to grow again after being stunted for almost 2 weeks.


Definitely over watering.. You need to let the medium dry out a bit to force the roots to grow out and look for water and then moisten up the medium again. This might sound strange but it works like a champ, get some air hose or even an air stone an bury it in to bottom of your medium next time and softly pump air into the medium to oxygenate the root system. Don't put the pump on full though as the forced air could damage some of the roots, it's more of a gentle bubbling..


New Member
Definitely over watering.. You need to let the medium dry out a bit to force the roots to grow out and look for water and then moisten up the medium again. This might sound strange but it works like a champ, get some air hose or even an air stone an bury it in to bottom of your medium next time and softly pump air into the medium to oxygenate the root system. Don't put the pump on full though as the forced air could damage some of the roots, it's more of a gentle bubbling..
They looked great last night. I actually thought they might not be limp this morning, but they drooped again and the new growth shows just a little of the heat stress symptoms.
The top of the coco seems pretty dry, but the bottom still has some moisture. I dont usually let my coco get this dry when I have more roots in the pots.
Ill try to hold off another day before I water any of them though. Maybe once they go through any extra water they can hold their own weight for a full day for once


New Member
Im seeing some fuzzy roots growing out of the holes.
They are almost completely dried out and look like they are dying for food.
There hasnt been any change in the drooping or heat stress look.
Do I water lightly, or am I gonna need a lot of runoff when I water? It seems like the EC and PH should be off the charts with the coco getting so dry.
If they dont stand on their own by this weekend Im gonna toss them


New Member
2 of the plants have recovered, but the rest of them are all droopy.
The 2 that arent drooping were left out in the sun yesterday. One was watered before it was put out in the window, the other was watered after being put back under the lights.
They both turned light green and rigid, but they ended up with what looked like heat stress, even though it was only 80.
Then I put them both under the lights and watered the rest of the plants at different times of the night.
When I woke up, the two that were left out in the sun yesterday were all perky and the rest were all limp.


Only things I can think of is over watering,lack of oxygen to roots,co2 poisoning,heat stress or nutrient issues also I know you transplanted the plant so my question is has this started since that point or an on going issue ¿ Never toss ghe plant find the cause and learn from it so that you can fix future issues should it return once you correct the issue thats causing the drooping


New Member
Its an ongoing problem. Ive tried multiple grows from seed that have all failed with the same problems. Ive grown from clones several times before that turned out good enough so that I didnt need to buy herbs anymore.
Now I cant get out of veg phase from seed for the last 6 months!
These were started in cups that were drying out in less than a day. They started wilting. Thats when I transplanted without breaking up the rootball. They looked like they were dying. When I took them out of the pots I could see the roots were still in the shape of the cups. I pulled the roots apart and put them in 1 gal bags. I watered them in and then watered 2-3 days later. Then I waited 4-5 days to water again.
They needed water/food badly. The stems were starting to purple and the coco was light.
The first two that were watered were the lightest.
It looks like Im starting to grow fuzzy roots again. When I first transplanted the roots were smooth without any hair or fuzzy and minimal branching.


One thing I must ask is if the cups are transparent cause the roots may get light damage leading to issues before you transplant. Also ifthe roots on the plant are two small the plant may have issues drawing in water thus leading to heat stress and wilting or drooping of the leafs. Try getting a spray bottle and misting the plant from bottom to top see if the plants start to rise just keep em moist and cool to see if the plant shows signs of recovering. do notlet the light bake the plant while there wet stay on top of it. If the plants bounce back to being stable it might be a root issue. Mines drooped I transfered them over to a dwc system I built and the plant bounced back. Had small root ball and the plant struggled staying hydrated


New Member
The cups werent transparent and the roots were never left in direct light. They werent left in stagnant water or anything.
Im going to put a few more out in the sun today and hope for the best.
Misting has not helped. Ive tried water and Ive tried nutes on a few here and there


I have tried taking a look at your pics but they wont load up so im unable to see whata going on. may you please provide me with some new pics ao that I may have a closer look.


New Member

The 2 perky light green ones in the back were left in the sun. The 2 up front were not. The pic doesnt show how shriveled up the leaves are on the droopy ones. The droopy stems on the large fans actually look like when a cutting dries out without rooting, but the leaves often feel moist.


Well-Known Member
What kid of containers are those? Trash bags? I know they have holes in the bottom but I've had issues with black rubber maids holding to much heat and screwing with my roots just a thought..


How is the grow room?
Is the air vented in and out?
Out with the old in with the new is always good for the plants...what im trying to say is I hope those plants are not in an area that has no ventilation
Is there CO2 being supplied via air or dispenced by cans?
If by cans they may be getting to much.

Sorry just trying to help ya out since the cause is still a mystery


What kid of containers are those? Trash bags? I know they have holes in the bottom but I've had issues with black rubber maids holding to much heat and screwing with my roots just
a thought..
May be right if there keeping in heat they may be drying the mix and the roots in return causing the plant to suffer and keeping the root ball small since the roots cant extend due to the heat/dry conditions causing the plant to dehydrate faster and suffer from the light. The sun should of caused the same affects I think dont know since im an in doors person on mine.


New Member
They are grow bags. They have plenty of drainage. I made some of the holes bigger and added some more holes on some of the bags.
They have been in the bags for less than a week. The problems existed well before, thats why I decided to try the bags this time. Ive changed everything from lights to nutes and even the pots.
There is an 8" exhaust in the tent.
The sun didnt cause any of the problems. I put them into the sun because nothing else has worked and they seemed too moist.
They were near my window for a few hours and didnt really get much direct light.
It seemed to help the two I put out in the window except the top leaves got a little too light and started to canoe a bit... But atleast they are perky. The rest are all droopy


Oh by no means was I implying that the sun was doing bad :-) so you tried new pots nuts and lights but what about soil ?
What are all the ingredients in your soil ? Incase I did not read that earlier.


New Member
Just coco with a little perlite
Base nutes 1.0-1.5 ec
5.8-6.0 ph
Started using Roots excel
I suck!
runoff just fine even after I let them dry out!!!
Holy shit Im out of weed!
Room doesnt get above 80 degree or below 75.
The RH now is 60 but has gotten up to 70ish.
Ive also tried with a closed room and had the same issues with my ac and dehuey.


So coco to perlite is 3/1 ratio. When you see your plants drooping check the coco see if its dry. Damn your all out of weed and your plants are to busy not providing bud for you. Time to run to the nearest bud providing location lol.

Thats my baby just waiting on my Mylar to finish her grow room and place her inside.



So coco to perlite is 3/1 ratio. When you see your plants drooping check the coco see if its dry. Damn your all out of weed and your plants are to busy not providing bud for you. Time to run to the nearest bud providing location lol.

Thats my baby just waiting on my Mylar to finish her grow room and place her inside.

Had some issues with her but she's a tuff gal recovered from all her scars and keeps growing