Star Buds Collective , San pedro, CA shady shady shady... owe me 100s still. do not vendor out to these fools
Not the first time I've heard that about Star Buds
really? oh I am interested in this, message me or post in here please. Basically owe me for 30g of shatter still
dont front shit u wont have problems
I,ve been a subscriber to these threads for years now. Also been a grower for 5 years, and vending for 3 years as a small collective grow of a few family patients, we always have a abundance of left over meds with our semi warehouse-perpetual grow. usually im just a browser, pick info, and move on. But this subject has hit home, and touch my lively hood, because this is my work, and i take pride in qaulity, but over last 2 years since i have been vending, prices has dropped, and clubs are looking for the deal of the century, and still do consignment. My main question here is although i know theres noone gonna give up there watering hole, but what about a legit website for vendors to avertise there product and lab results? This is getting serious due to the competition and donations plumiting because clubs capping prices at 2200-2400. And i,ve even started having concentrates made from nugs, how do i price lab tested 75% shatter? by gram, or ounce? just another opinion from others to put things in perspective helps. main goal is providing quality meds at resonable prices, and a way to continue to do so.
thanks for the reply. Yes i have been successful in past to a point, then expansion took place, and the market started dropping alot. I went from 2800 to 2400 almost over night. And this was 3 different delivery services. Then i totally understand the building business relationship with consignment, and i think too maybe i should look more into doing consignment at clubs that will pay better prices, especially for lab tested meds. My only issue is being reasonable time frame for final donations, what is fair in your opinion. ( I have done consignment with clubs and delivery services, and although i eventually got all donations, it has never been on time, dragged out a couple times} And just never felt right for the quality med, with waiting a month.
exactly along the lines im thinking. thanks for the advice, i,ll have to do more networking with the right people, and will try a few reputable clubs on consignment. Im really interested in starting a vendin g site, and maybe I,ll see lawyer to see if theres a way too do so in a manner to where it doesnt seem to be as if we are whole selling units unlimitless. maybe a site for growers to show off there meds and lab results, then site can be refered too by club or donating party. growers pay a small fee to advertise. im from bay area, and in order to stay above water vending I feel we need a tool, a edge.
i,ll make calls tomorrow to show off some lab tested concentrates, havent had too much networking with the city, one bad experience where they walked out the room with my unit of meds without permission, then came back definately wanting it, but at the lowest possible donation. i tied my unit back up, was curtious, then left back room. And my meds was short gram an half when i weighed after returning home. they were some real dicks for that. turned me off of trying to vend in city. dont remember club name, but wont be hard to find if i see store front or street. Anyhow, i will try, we have quite a bit of keylime cut gsc coming soon. I personally have 2 strains i keep in rotation that clubs tend to be very interested in, an get fairly ok donation still for topshelf, thats purple caddillac (purpled all the way) and purple alien og, harvested at 66 days, thc lab test always above 20% when i test, and so far concentrates f/strains have been in high 70% and 80% easily. just for those farmers who wants to know what moves with high test results. by the way i use steephill labs, and my test are high because of quality i feel, but at sc will it be higher you think? just curious.
Rite now, The delivery services are whats working, but even they are trying to get meds extremely low. I appreciate the direction, and even though Im no where near being pushed out this industry, the big pay cuts, and our expansion last year, we definately felt the down side. Its basically time to restructure, and network, plus be smart. Does sc labs charge $100 a concentrate like steephill?
You can sue a club if they refuse to pay you now.