List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

Yeah Granny Purps in Capitola is the worst. Outright stealing from its growers. The president is a convicted Sex offender (under 16) to top it all off. He is a good con man though. Has a way with words. Will smile to your face while he is fucking you over. Whats really unbelievable is how he talks about other growers being assholes. He talks about what jerks some of these people are for asking for their money while he doesnt have any money in his pocket. Seriously. This was early on when I went there a long time ago. I remember thinking to myself how crazy that rationale was. They just closed down their biker clothing store WFO in down town capitola. Was his pride and joy. I bike clothing store in the middle of a family oriented beach community LOL. what an idiot business man. I would say they wont be around much longer. They will take as much money as they get from people until that day though you can bank on it.

When someone is really bad with money it doesnt matter what they do they will always come out poor.
Update GP, with the holidays hot on my heals and I'm still trying to collect my +5k from Granny Purps in Capitola, I hired an attorney to send a letter to Jeffrey David Sudman for them to pay out what they owe me. Of course the letter was ignored and I find out Granny Purps and Jeffrey has been sued in the past. He went to arbitration and settled outside of court and another case is still pending. My attorney verified that good ole Jeffrey is indeed and convicted child molseter and we looked it up on the Megan's Law website. If I had the time I'd stand in front of this place with a sign that says "Turn Back or Else!".
Now it looks like if I ever want to see my hard earned money owed to me by GP & Jeffrey I'll need to be another one that takes him to small claims court. You'd think with a shady felony past like Jeffrey (aka JD Black) and his wife Karen Black (Granny) that they wouldn't want anyone poking around looking into them very closely and finding their skeletons. It might well be the end of Granny Purps as Santa Cruz County will start requiring dispensary's to get a license to operate and convicted felons are barred from getting them.

Below are some of the links for reference.
Update GP, with the holidays hot on my heals and I'm still trying to collect my +5k from Granny Purps in Capitola, I hired an attorney to send a letter to Jeffrey David Sudman for them to pay out what they owe me. Of course the letter was ignored and I find out Granny Purps and Jeffrey has been sued in the past. He went to arbitration and settled outside of court and another case is still pending. My attorney verified that good ole Jeffrey is indeed and convicted child molseter and we looked it up on the Megan's Law website. If I had the time I'd stand in front of this place with a sign that says "Turn Back or Else!".
Now it looks like if I ever want to see my hard earned money owed to me by GP & Jeffrey I'll need to be another one that takes him to small claims court. You'd think with a shady felony past like Jeffrey (aka JD Black) and his wife Karen Black (Granny) that they wouldn't want anyone poking around looking into them very closely and finding their skeletons. It might well be the end of Granny Purps as Santa Cruz County will start requiring dispensary's to get a license to operate and convicted felons are barred from getting them.

Below are some of the links for reference.
5k is definitely not small claims.

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According to my lawyer, small claims in California are up to $7500 for business cases and up to $10,000 for personal cases.
As a reference here's a settlement that was reached in a small claims case in Sacramento:
So if any of you vendors have been ripped off by clubs or 'dispensaries' in the past consider suing them! You don't need a lawyer (in fact you can not have one represent you in small claims case anyway, and neither can they). Typically the court will want to send you to arbitration first before going to trial, and I'd suspect a club owner would rather settle, but then there is always the trial option. According to my lawyer 'this is a good ole fashioned breach of contract dispute' and its likely I'd win if it goes to trial.
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Update GP, with the holidays hot on my heals and I'm still trying to collect my +5k from Granny Purps in Capitola, I hired an attorney to send a letter to Jeffrey David Sudman for them to pay out what they owe me. Of course the letter was ignored and I find out Granny Purps and Jeffrey has been sued in the past. He went to arbitration and settled outside of court and another case is still pending. My attorney verified that good ole Jeffrey is indeed and convicted child molseter and we looked it up on the Megan's Law website. If I had the time I'd stand in front of this place with a sign that says "Turn Back or Else!".
Now it looks like if I ever want to see my hard earned money owed to me by GP & Jeffrey I'll need to be another one that takes him to small claims court. You'd think with a shady felony past like Jeffrey (aka JD Black) and his wife Karen Black (Granny) that they wouldn't want anyone poking around looking into them very closely and finding their skeletons. It might well be the end of Granny Purps as Santa Cruz County will start requiring dispensary's to get a license to operate and convicted felons are barred from getting them.

Below are some of the links for reference.

Consider yourself lucky its only $5K. I know several people he owes over $20K-30K to each. As for the license BS it wont matter. None of it is under his name anyway just his mother in laws name. They will stick around as long as they possibly can. Unfortunately it could be some time before they close their doors. I know most of his employees have quite. Has his kids working there and a couple security guards. I hope they shut down soon .
I would never vend to a shop that wasn't capable of paying cash on the spot. Im not leaving my goods until I have full payment.
End of my story :clap:
Consider yourself lucky its only $5K. I know several people he owes over $20K-30K to each. As for the license BS it wont matter. None of it is under his name anyway just his mother in laws name. They will stick around as long as they possibly can. Unfortunately it could be some time before they close their doors. I know most of his employees have quite. Has his kids working there and a couple security guards. I hope they shut down soon .
Actually the entire enterprise is under his legal name Jeffrey David Sudman. He's just using an alias of 'JD Black'. I wonder if he's suppose to update his information on the Megans Law site?? Maybe someone should look into that more closely too. He's a dark and very shady man, he most certainly has earned a heavy helping of some bad ass karma smack down!! Let him burn man.
Consider yourself lucky its only $5K. I know several people he owes over $20K-30K to each. As for the license BS it wont matter. None of it is under his name anyway just his mother in laws name. They will stick around as long as they possibly can. Unfortunately it could be some time before they close their doors. I know most of his employees have quite. Has his kids working there and a couple security guards. I hope they shut down soon .

Actually it is under his name. That came out in the newspaper article. If there were permits/licenses he would have been never allowed to open that store. Unfortunately SC county does not have permits. They operate under what is known as "limited immunity". That means as long as you operate under a certain set of rules the county won't bust you, but it's not the same thing as a permit.
I would never vend to a shop that wasn't capable of paying cash on the spot. Im not leaving my goods until I have full payment.
End of my story :clap:

I understand where you're coming from. However as a buyer at a dispensary I would never do cash up front. I tried for a while. What happened was every scammer in town showed up to vend lining up to rip us off. We got failed pesticide tests, failed mold tests, seeded buds, people showing up with fake lab tests. Then we asked for samples before buying so people would give us a sample of good bud then when the lab test came back they'd attempt to pass off a different pound. Also a lot of people trying to sell what I suspect was stolen property. We ended up losing a crippling amount of money and were forced to implement a consignment only policy.

While I totally get that a lot of dispensary owners are total pieces of shit, you have to remember that a lot of vendors are complete dirt bags as well. With consignment vendors are held accountable for their products. Without it too many just try to get over on people all the time.

The difference between a dispensary and a grower is that a dispensary is in a fixed location and can be held somewhat accountable. There is absolutely no accountability what so ever for a grower getting cash up front. It doesn't work.
Actually it is under his name. That came out in the newspaper article. If there were permits/licenses he would have been never allowed to open that store. Unfortunately SC county does not have permits. They operate under what is known as "limited immunity". That means as long as you operate under a certain set of rules the county won't bust you, but it's not the same thing as a permit.

I know of other large grows in the county that get regular inspections by law enforcement, and as long as they have the appropriate paperwork they remain untouched.

But according to the article, the one that Jeffrey D Sudman (aka JD Black) is operating in Aptos is next to the state park and had numerous neighbor complaints.

"Deputies were responding to neighbors’ complaints about marijuana grows near the 5000 block of Fern Flat Road in Aptos, not far from the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park"

According to the Megans Law website, Jeffrey lives in Aptos, and his alias JD Black is not listed on his profile.
I know of other large grows in the county that get regular inspections by law enforcement, and as long as they have the appropriate paperwork they remain untouched.

But according to the article, the one that Jeffrey D Sudman (aka JD Black) is operating in Aptos is next to the state park and had numerous neighbor complaints.

"Deputies were responding to neighbors’ complaints about marijuana grows near the 5000 block of Fern Flat Road in Aptos, not far from the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park"

According to the Megans Law website, Jeffrey lives in Aptos, and his alias JD Black is not listed on his profile.

Dude is a scumbag and a thief no doubt. But so far their has been no specific complaint against his grow. Notice they used the words "complaints about marijuana grows" and not "neighbor complaints about this grow". I know for a fact that the grow was in compliance with every regulation SC county had except the plant limit. The county became aware of this grow because he actually filed permit paperwork with the planning department.

The newspaper prints what the police tell them to print. There was another raid a couple weeks ago in Felton on Elemental Seeds grow. The paper said it was because they are too close to a school. But if you look at the map, they are not. They did not get cited for that at all. The only thing they got cited for is 2 missing fire sprinklers. And again they were responding to "neighborhood complaints about grows in the area", not mentioning that grow specifically.

It's shady as fuck.

Also, there is no such thing as appropriate paperwork for a grow in Santa Cruz over 99 plants anymore.