List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

You know i wonder would a safe estimate of the amount of product moved in an average dispensary in one day would be? Half lb? Full lb? More?

1-4 pounds.

Even if they sold each ounce breaking it down for roughly 300 bucks an O and were paying 2600 a lb they would still bring in 2500 a day for just moving one lb a day. Okay so their overhead in any given day cant be more then like 700 bucks....and thats a high number. If you're paying out 500 a day for employees and figure another 200 a day to cover rent, electricity, phone, some small form of're still making a pretty damn penny. And these bastards have the balls to rip people off?

Problem... The people who own dispensaries still live paycheck to paycheck in most cases. They just keep getting used to spending more money. It's actually pretty amazing how many dispensaries take in tons of money and just immediately spend it all on whatever. There are many multimillion dollar dispensaries who's owners are completely broke.

Dispensaries aren't run like businesses. They are run like ATM machines for imbecile owners. That's how stuff like this happens. As far as I can tell MOST dispensaries are run this way. Owners with an over inflated sense of entitlement and no business skills. From there point of view, it's perfectly ok to rip people off because they are the ones who matter and everyone else isn't even a real person.
I can see why the business attracts so many people then. The problem is it attracts the wrong kind of people. I can honestly say I've never really walked into a dispensary and been like "hey...there are people that i'd invite over to my house"
I can see why the business attracts so many people then. The problem is it attracts the wrong kind of people. I can honestly say I've never really walked into a dispensary and been like "hey...there are people that i'd invite over to my house"

The problem with the current grey area based system is it punishes people who try to do things the right way and rewards people who just ignore the rules and do whatever they want. This allows the scum to rise to the top.
If it wasn't for the fear of being raided and arrested then maybe i'd attempt to create a retail environment that's actually somewhat professional.
If they would let us sell and smoke in the same place... a canna cafe used bookstore. Just hang out drinking coffee, smoking bowls, reading books all day. With an open mic night every Thursday. :D
If they would let us sell and smoke in the same place... a canna cafe used bookstore. Just hang out drinking coffee, smoking bowls, reading books all day. With an open mic night every Thursday. :D

Cant you smoke in private clubs? The whole private cannabis cafe thing does sound like a splended idea. Starbucks and pot.
Cant you smoke in private clubs? The whole private cannabis cafe thing does sound like a splended idea. Starbucks and pot.

Its crazy . I literally just thought this idea up today and tried to figure out the legality of such because you would have to make sure you don't run into the backlash of those that drive while impaired. If this could be pulled off, I need to figure out how to open one in San Diego immediately!:joint:

Btw, it's devastating to hear clubs are ripping people off. I am currently in search if a few good growers to work with and it's saddening to see these people severing future opportunities for professional individuals who genuinely want to supply meds to patients.
Unfortunately we don't live in an age where you can't expect most people to do business ethically... if you go into it expecting that, you're probably going to get ripped off by someone who doesn't. If you find people who are trustworthy then those are valuable connections indeed.
Its crazy . I literally just thought this idea up today and tried to figure out the legality of such because you would have to make sure you don't run into the backlash of those that drive while impaired. If this could be pulled off, I need to figure out how to open one in San Diego immediately!:joint:

There Is a legal issue with that. It's not legal to smoke indoors in California.

However there are a few ways around that. A vaporizer lounge. Nothing illegal about vaporizing.

Also you can do what some bars do. If your building has a large outside area, you can enclose it, heat it, ventilate it. You can basically make it like an indoor room that is outside. Then it's legal to smoke.
There Is a legal issue with that. It's not legal to smoke indoors in California.

However there are a few ways around that. A vaporizer lounge. Nothing illegal about vaporizing.

Also you can do what some bars do. If your building has a large outside area, you can enclose it, heat it, ventilate it. You can basically make it like an indoor room that is outside. Then it's legal to smoke.

You can smoke indoors, that just has to be it's only purpose, I think. I'm no expert on how it works. I've been to cigar and hookah lounges that were fully indoors though. I think it's because, unlike a general bar or restaurant, you aren't going to be affecting non-smokers. I think he'd be good on the smoking, generally. The part where it's weed smoke would complicate things though. A local chamber of commerce likely wouldn't grant you a business license.
Even in bars there are ways around the no smoking law. One of my fave dive bars in Pasadena allows smoking.

There are more than a few places that let it slide, but are they doing it legally? Either way, I've always thought smoking laws like that are bullshit. Don't like smoke? Go to a non-smoking establishment instead.
There are more than a few places that let it slide, but are they doing it legally? Either way, I've always thought smoking laws like that are bullshit. Don't like smoke? Go to a non-smoking establishment instead.
Honestly, I am not sure. I know that the bar, while being a dive is in a high profile spot in Pasadena and is well known. If they were breaking the law they would get cited for it pretty quick. But like you said, someone could just be letting it slide.

Edit: Found this on wikipedia re smoking laws and bars: "Statewide smoking ban: Since January 1, 1995, smoking has been banned in all enclosed workplaces in California, including restaurants and bars (bars were excluded until January 1, 1998 ), exempting only the following areas: workplaces with five or fewer employees (as long as all workers consent and persons under 18 are prohibited from the smoking area)"
And back last September I posted about a dispensary that ripped me off for over $800.00 for clones to e delivered. I got several people who rote to me that they had been ripped off too. Recently, I had a grower contact me that the same guy owes him for over a year on $1,500.00 worth of herb from a consignment sale. Remember this guy everyone. "E marijuana", "San Diego e", and a host of other names. Goes by the name of J.P. Ramirez and he's doing bad things to a lot of people. His dad is in the legal profession and he operates like he's immune from the law. Well, we have started a way to contact us and join in on a class action lawsuit against him and his company. We'll take his Mercedes and whatever else we can. He creates websites against the person who complains, he did one on me calling me the biggest drug dealer in San Jose and this in a public domain. I say, this ass will get what he deserves! He also has made websites on several other people too. I figure that I only know about5-6 people, there must be many more...
As far as selling my hard work to a dispensary on consignment, I simply would not, ever. Cash up front. If a dispensary cannot figure out wither they'll sell out your herb or not, that's on them. That's the gamble they take. So IMHO they should know what they can sell or not. I wouldn't give them a qp or whatever past a 1-3 gram sample. They make bank on our work and then they stiff some poor grower for 85% of what they owe, in the name of a consignment? That's how Home Cheapo operates and it is designed to oust the small business. I would rather keep the herb and have no money for it than sell it on consignment, have no herb AND no money. Just my 2c's...

your post in THE way to really create a "Grower's Union" the main rule would be

no consingment!
no CREDIT that means CASH talks everybody else walks.

the reason this owners are really doing this is cause they have you growers over SEVERAL barrels, not just one.

first they know that the FEDS will go after you before after the dispensary.
second that because we are STILL in a grey area of law as it stands, it would end up in a loss.
third ALL the states MJ laws make Teamsters Union contracts look like perfect works of law with zero ambiguity( and they are not 30 year steward talking )

and last and worst , me personally after making such a deal , well they might not be sleeping with the fishes, but certainly never eating any again if you'all get my drift, and this would the WORST thing to do as it would bring this card house we call MMJ laws crumbling down , as the opressors want to see that as it would allow them to put up initiatives to have all those brain dead voters vote their way

so the medice for this problem is no upfront medicine without CASH exchanging hands at the delivery time.
We older dogs just have to spread the word everywhere, ebay did the same shit 5 years ago, and then the public cut back buying , now they have something that is a balance (sort of, they still ALWAYS side of the sellers , cause they pay for all that is listed). I think we all need to make thousands of hits on google and bing on THIS thread and spread the word that way, make it as close to the top hit on those search engines!! that too can be done with BOTS
Neither was the rest of the thread(very few posts actually kept on topic) ^ also . I have my cousins gf's uncle who's been diagnosed with aids ( blood transfusion ) fighting for this country. He tells me all the time how he would rather purchase quality buds . The man has aids, doesn't wanna spend how ever many years he has left . smoking crappy bud for cheap money . yes he pays the top dollar for the good buds, but its out of his pockets. all the goverment is 'HELPING' to pay for is his treatment.. Anyways, showing him this thread , blew his mind . Not only has he said 'Fuck the goverment' he doesn't really 'believe' anymore.. doctors said they were going to take care of him and they screwed him over permanently . Now these dispensaries are trying to play over people that are trying to purchase their meds .

Also 'recreational' no. I was getting prescribed Xanax for watching my friend getting shot with a stray bullet, n having to hold him there in the streets at the age of 15 ' WRONG PLACE WRONG TIME ' . I took this so I would 'forget' n not think about it to often , it made me keep a smile on my face . Zalepon because I wouldn't be able to sleep at nights, and would have nightmares about it . thats just the main reasons why I started those two 'prescriptions' At 17 I tried some 'medical marijuana' illegally I guess, But I havn't touched a xanax or zalepon since the moment I smoked this magnificent plant . I don't smoke to just smoke , it makes me who I am today . THC has helped a lot of lives , my family and friends especially .

Sorry about your friend and AIDS , that is fucked up! our government has NOT been in a war of real defense since 1944. so all the rest were for the filthy wealthy that truly own and control this country. as for Xanax Yeah Xanax or Zanex as i spell it (alprazolam 0.25g ) is what i take, but I have to be in one of my bad days, lots of stress and problems, one of my co -workers takes it, but really fucked him up and he was taking a fraction of my tablets. LOL how fucked am I that Lithium, Wellbutrin and Zanex can't make me happy or destressed? don't answer that LMAO.
sorry you suffered that, seeing your buddy die. been there myself and worse/different as a 5 year old kid, you just change and stop functioning normal. oh well that does not change my circumstances and being able to use pot, and I think I just got WAY OFF TOPIC sorry guys delete if needed no problems