Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
You know i wonder would a safe estimate of the amount of product moved in an average dispensary in one day would be? Half lb? Full lb? More?
1-4 pounds.
Even if they sold each ounce breaking it down for roughly 300 bucks an O and were paying 2600 a lb they would still bring in 2500 a day for just moving one lb a day. Okay so their overhead in any given day cant be more then like 700 bucks....and thats a high number. If you're paying out 500 a day for employees and figure another 200 a day to cover rent, electricity, phone, some small form of marketing...you're still making a pretty damn penny. And these bastards have the balls to rip people off?
Problem... The people who own dispensaries still live paycheck to paycheck in most cases. They just keep getting used to spending more money. It's actually pretty amazing how many dispensaries take in tons of money and just immediately spend it all on whatever. There are many multimillion dollar dispensaries who's owners are completely broke.
Dispensaries aren't run like businesses. They are run like ATM machines for imbecile owners. That's how stuff like this happens. As far as I can tell MOST dispensaries are run this way. Owners with an over inflated sense of entitlement and no business skills. From there point of view, it's perfectly ok to rip people off because they are the ones who matter and everyone else isn't even a real person.