List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

I heard some pot shop owners like to get smoke
on consignment just in case they either get robbed by thugs
or shut down by the authorities they won't have
to pay the vendor.
They put your money at risk and not theirs.

your last sentence is common in the business world, corporations do it daily, with your stock. BUT the filthy wealthy have devised a 2 tier system of stock PREFERRED and stuff they sell to you and me, and they get paid dividends no matter what and at higher rates too. so in a sense they act as a bank does, a bank takes a rsik lending you money for a perion and in return to make a profit and COVER their losses they charge you interest, worse they invented and control the "credit score" so they can bend you over and do you rightly!!!!. hardly anyone in middle class ever gets the good advertised rates.

so you growers need to evolve into something tighter than a Bank AND a Mobster all rolled up into one, MINUS the violence. if you don't hand out the pot for cash, it will never escalate into a bad day for the grower.
When did this turn into a damn conversation thread? This thread was meant to have dispensaries who rip you off and how they rip you off....Not everyone's opinion on why they rip off. This was going to be a useful thread for me until I had to search 5 pages before I even found a actual good rip off report.

Main Note: Try to keep a topic on topic for once...
Vendors Beware on Bud Trader!!! It is a Rippers paradise! Be very very careful who you deal with and how. It is basically a place for pirates and thugs to find prey.
Not sure if they've been mentioned but Clone Queen is one of the worst places out there. They are not a legitimate operation at all and have stolen so much from CA patients and vendors.
Not sure if they've been mentioned but Clone Queen is one of the worst places out there. They are not a legitimate operation at all and have stolen so much from CA patients and vendors.

Not the first time we have heard that.. Try A Soothing Seed next time.
I stopped providing extra flowers to clubs when I realized the PPP (Patient Provider Programs) at most clubs are just a wannabe "cool kids club". ~ Pretty much all of them run on consignment which goes completely against their previous ingrained street senses. I won't give a family member consignment.

I went into The Hemp Center in SF a couple of weeks ago to check it out and looked at the meds they had for sale there. Everything looked dry and crumbly. What a joke. What is the hype about this place?

For a resourceful and intelligent person, the finest genetics come from effort, knowledge, and most importantly, from seed. Too many kids are lurching into cannabis clubs and their provincial mentality knows only one thing, "OG". I suppose it is difficult for them to remember or consider anything like a Jack Herer or Northern Lights.

I guess what I`m trying to say is, too many kids and gangsters with too few of self-supply options are selling their MID-grade products to too many clubs. Closet-Pro-Joe's with high-end tops are forced to compete with the wholesale of the mass produced and chemically fed, MJ empires. The adults are trying to take this medical MJ thing to a new level and the younger and more stupid generation is thinking more about their BMW or trip to Disneyland.

although, the going rate for clones in Nor-Cal is $5-$10 each. Hit-Or-Miss... I scored a couple Cherry Pie clones a while back on budtrader and they are legit.. you never know! I also second the whole ripper thing too, I kinda look like a guy who`s not ready to be fuked with, so.. in like 10 dealings, i`ve never had a problem and made a couple of small-fry friends.
For a resourceful and intelligent person, the finest genetics come from effort, knowledge, and most importantly, from seed.

That's not really true. A lot of the clones out there come from elite phenos that you're unlikely to find by cracking a pack of seeds.

Too many kids are lurching into cannabis clubs and their provincial mentality knows only one thing, "OG". I suppose it is difficult for them to remember or consider anything like a Jack Herer or Northern Lights.

I guess what I`m trying to say is, too many kids and gangsters with too few of self-supply options are selling their MID-grade products to too many clubs.

The market is changing. Vending buds is becoming a thing of the past. That midgrade you're talking about is generally being produced by the clubs themselves or club employees. I'd guess that 80% of bud in dispensaries now comes from either in house or employee grows.
That's not really true. A lot of the clones out there come from elite phenos that you're unlikely to find by cracking a pack of seeds.

The market is changing. Vending buds is becoming a thing of the past. That midgrade you're talking about is generally being produced by the clubs themselves or club employees. I'd guess that 80% of bud in dispensaries now comes from either in house or employee grows.

I crack 100s of seeds because I`m tired of the same old and boring tasting shit-clones the Bay and Sacramento are offering. I have Orange Diesel I found from a homemade hybrid of Sour Diesel(seed) x (Orange Haze x Cali-o) which blows anything out thats going around right now in Nor-Cal.

I have personal clone/seed hybrids;
Diesel Choke - (most fierce and powerful diesel smell ever). It`s White Widow (DHN) x NYCD (from REZ himself)
PineApple - (strongest fruity-Pineapple smell I have ever seen). It`s White Widow (DHN) x Skunk #1 (Sam Skunkman/through gypsy)
Chunky Berry - (Ultra fruity and berry smell with much more resin than blueberry). Deep Chunk (SR-71) x Mendo Purps (Harbor)
Black Dragon - (SUPER yields and ULTRA potency, rivaled only by Deep Chunk and Chunky Berry). Apalala (Harbor) x (Green Crack x Local Candy Kush)
Blue Dog - (slight taste of berries but its NICE! x similar to Blue Dream but tastier). BlueBerry (DJ Short) x Tutti Fruitty (80% sativa, UK seed from clone)

I have been back-crossing these to their original clones which I found from popping 100s of seed. These clones are the best from 100s of seeds.. I don`t have to fuck with a stupid kid from a stupid club who does not know what the fk they are doing. ;)

besides.. locals found they can sell locally for more than 800$ per unit - (Cali club prices = $600-$1200 for mids-to-tops) wholesale.
I crack 100s of seeds because I`m tired of the same old and boring tasting shit-clones the Bay and Sacramento are offering. I have Orange Diesel I found from a homemade hybrid of Sour Diesel(seed) x (Orange Haze x Cali-o) which blows anything out thats going around right now in Nor-Cal.

Cracking 100's of seeds is definitely preferable. I agree with that. But you can crack 100's of seeds and still not a guarantee to get something as good as some of the clone only strains that are out there. Also, that's a lot of work and requires a lot of space. Not everyone has room for that. I do, that's why I do it too. But still I'd say about half my genetics are from seed cracking and the other half are from clones I picked up. My best cutting however is from seed. It was selected from a gene pool of thousands of seeds and is truly elite.

I have been back-crossing these to their original clones which I found from popping 100s of seed. These clones are the best from 100s of seeds.. I don`t have to fuck with a stupid kid from a stupid club who does not know what the fk they are doing. ;)

Trusting the opinion of someone selling clones at a club is always a bad idea. I agree with that. Most of the time they are going to reccomend whatever they are having a hard time selling. But if you do your homework you can get some real gems from dispensary clone counters.
List of dispensaries that have paid me within a 2 month period:
Harborside - Oakland
Purple Heart - Oakland
Oakland Organics -Oakland
Berkeley Patient's Group - Berkeley
Apothecarium -SF
The Green Door - SF

Clubs that have owed me for more than 2 months makijng measly payments of 200 or less every blue moon or not willing to pay me back:
Waterfall Wellness - SF [Deal: 2,300 on consignment] Have gotten paid $150 in 7 months. First and only payment I got so far was 2 weeks after the drop off.
Green Cross - SF [Deal: 2,700 on consignment] Refused to pay a dime for 8 months and one of the employees said my product was sold out in 3 days. Got into a very,very heated dispute with the owner and admist the argument another grower that got scammed came in and after an ahour and a half dispute, got my money back in full, snatched a jar of some bullshit "top shelf" and left. Call me an asshole for this, but because of their malpractices, I was late on rent.
408 collective on Bascom ave in san jose is run by criminals and thieves. They are into me for 1250 and my friend for 450. My friend got an oz of his back and thats why his amount is low. We have dealt with them before and were cashed out no problem. But this time is not going so well. This morning I was there to demand payment or 8 oz of something comparable. Said they would do it around 2 or 3pm today. I caught the owner and the bud tender in the parking lot before they opened and they said ok, but the owner took a step or two twoards me and said he was in a bad mood and I replied that i was too and this wasnt going to go very well for him. He thought for a min, backed off and said come back at 2 or 3. I hate violence and would never throw the first punch or try to instigate anything, but I will not back down either. I gotta go back in an hour or two, and hopefully leave with something in my hand. ill post later of how it went but STAY AWAY FROM 408 COLLECTIVE THEY SUCK
408 collective on Bascom ave in san jose is run by criminals and thieves. They are into me for 1250 and my friend for 450. My friend got an oz of his back and thats why his amount is low. We have dealt with them before and were cashed out no problem. But this time is not going so well. This morning I was there to demand payment or 8 oz of something comparable. Said they would do it around 2 or 3pm today. I caught the owner and the bud tender in the parking lot before they opened and they said ok, but the owner took a step or two twoards me and said he was in a bad mood and I replied that i was too and this wasnt going to go very well for him. He thought for a min, backed off and said come back at 2 or 3. I hate violence and would never throw the first punch or try to instigate anything, but I will not back down either. I gotta go back in an hour or two, and hopefully leave with something in my hand. ill post later of how it went but STAY AWAY FROM 408 COLLECTIVE THEY SUCK

How long ago did you drop it off there? How late are they on payment?
That day not so wel,l but today my friend and I each got a couple hundred and a promise from the new manager to straighten this out, he seemed genuine but only time will tell. Friends picking up the remainder of his tab tomorrow and im on friday for another partial payment, possibly whole thing. If and when were square ill glady post that theyre allright now but be cautious. Thanks