List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse


Well-Known Member
I think the persuasion of an empire nobody had ever seen before, or the need to build one better may have played a roll in their creations. A kind of 'ancient nationalism'. Plus slavery, though I've seen good arguments that state the builders of the Egyptian pyramids had decent living/working conditions.


Well-Known Member
I can show you a video of a single man moving several tons using only wood... you could also just roll the stones on logs... there's a reason the vast, vast majority of scientists who study that time period agree that humans made them.

It wouldn't take one million people pulling on one stone to move it, not to mention the horses or camels or oxen they could use, etc. etc...

Imagine 1000 people polishing and carving designs into stone for 200 years.... lol
but they said the pyramids were built in 20 years.


Well-Known Member
but they said the pyramids were built in 20 years.
That was one pyramid... the great pyramid of giza. Not all pyramids.

Over 100,000 people - just for one pile of rocks! and it still took them 20 years. Assuming they worked 12-14 hours per day, that's over half a BILLION man hours to arrange some rocks, for ONE pyramid.


Well-Known Member
but they said the pyramids were built in 20 years.
The reason we believe humans built the pyramids without advanced help is because we see an evolution of trial and error among their construction. We see early crude mastabas, then we see stacked mastabas, then step pyramids, ect ect. The bent pyramid offers a great example because it's incline had to be changed part way through construction in order for the base to support it. If advanced beings were helping here, we wouldn't expect to see representation of inferior pyramids, or architects making mistakes and learning from them and then changing their techniques over decades and decades. Archeologists are used to determining if a technology or skill was introduced from outside lands or is indigenous to the people. We do not see the typical signs you see when outside knowledge is suddenly introduced, and instead see a process of human learning and improvement. There is a reason we do not here seasoned engineers and architects who are used to planing great projects and seeing them through saying the pyramids were impossible to build for the logistics of the time.

Evolution of the pyramid


Well-Known Member
what do you all have to say about the very precise cutting edges that are seen in some structures around the world? I mean they are laser like and very precise... im just baffled how a primitive society could accomplish such great tasks made by hand... crazy and they must have had a lot of weed to smoke


Well-Known Member
Time and patience is all it takes. They were clearly not as primitive as AA theorists believe they were. They had established mathematics and knew how to implement it into their designs.

How do you go from "really clean cut lines" to "aliens"? I've been asking that same question since this topic was brought up, you are missing critical step 2 to connect them.

And again, why do you think it's more likely to say aliens did it than leprechauns on holiday? Just as much evidence to support both.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Do you guys know what is hilariously fucking sad? The fact that I see WAY more people bitching about religion then gangs. I mean fuck, there's so many things wrong with people. Religion could just be another one, but I don't see groups of Christians bust out their ak's and fuck each other up. It happens all around us, yet I don't see a thread about gang violence.

And op, when have you asked a Christian to leave you alone, and they reply by saying "you're pushing your beliefs on me"?

You only see Christians making treads about being left alone? Well I always see threads of atheists bitching and not doing anything productive.
Lol fuck off....
I encounter christians everywhere. At work. In my neighborhood. At the store. Even in my own family. I have never run into a dangerous gang or gang member in 28 years though. I have heard things happening scarily close to me at times, but never directly.

Also gangs don't have any influence outside of their clique and turf. Not much politics is forged with gangs (in the sense you are meaning) behind them. The christian gang however wields tremendous influence over our lives though.


Well-Known Member
what do you all have to say about the very precise cutting edges that are seen in some structures around the world? I mean they are laser like and very precise... im just baffled how a primitive society could accomplish such great tasks made by hand... crazy and they must have had a lot of weed to smoke
Hi Oly, I think this is a great question and you stated it in a non-assuming way. I think neer gave a good example of greased rope coated with sand making a precise cut, given enough time. You would have to be more specific about which cuts you are curious about to get a better answer, but it's nice to see you engaging in intelligent inquiry.


Ursus marijanus
Did you know that it is possible to make an optically flat surface with NO tools at all except abrasives in ascending grits?

If you have three fairly flat work pieces and grind A against B, B against C, A against C ... (repeat often) you'll end up with three smooth flat surfaces. They make optical flats (good to a few nanometers!!) this way. cn


Well-Known Member
if what they say is correct they're the same depth throughout. id imagine it would be pretty damn hard to do that back then esp on certain blocks that were very long case there would be more tension on the ends.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Hi Oly, I think this is a great question and you stated it in a non-assuming way. I think neer gave a good example of greased rope coated with sand making a precise cut, given enough time. You would have to be more specific about which cuts you are curious about to get a better answer, but it's nice to see you engaging in intelligent inquiry.
yes i agree heph has got more inteligent since questioning his beliefs , ( pats him on back ) .


Well-Known Member
The pyramids in mazatlan mx or the ones in i think asia and also inside the egypt pyramids, very smooth surfaces. I saw them on that ancient alien show, (NO I DONT BELIEVE WHAT THOSE GUYS SAY) but i do look at the facts which are very visible in these structure they present. I cannot rule out aliens existing and i cannot say that they do exist either, but i mean primitive society, no laser guides or gps guiding systems for their structures and they are very well built. Im not saying that since they are primitive they are not intelligent. On the contrary, i do believe that these individuals were highly intelligent because look at us today. Many of us have descended from their bloodlines and there are a great many intelligent people on this planet. The ingenuity of these people is beyond belief to me, but i do believe it because of the role evolution plays in all of this.

thank you for the reply

Hi Oly, I think this is a great question and you stated it in a non-assuming way. I think neer gave a good example of greased rope coated with sand making a precise cut, given enough time. You would have to be more specific about which cuts you are curious about to get a better answer, but it's nice to see you engaging in intelligent inquiry.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
oly it seems you believe anything your not supposed to , i am willing to bet you think 911 was an inside job and elvis isnt dead right ?