Literally wardrobe growing


Active Member
Right guys, I know that I’m now approaching time for my White Moscow. The trichs on the main cola are indicating that the bud is pretty much ready to be harvested. So I could cut her down as soon as this weekend.

From reading various sources, my plan of action is as follows…

  • Cut plant at the base of the stem and lay it down on something like foil.
  • Cut off the individual branches and the remaining fan leaves.
  • Trim off the bud/sugar leaves and the under-developed catalyxes and prune the buds as much as possible so they look tidy.
  • Trim up the stems so that they are reasonably short ready to be hung.
  • Hang up the branches with the pruned buds upside down in my wardrobe above the lighting system (warm and humid environment).
  • Collect the bud/sugar leaves and under-developed catalyxes on the foil I trimmed the buds on and use the foil to line a small container to put these bits and pieces into.
  • Throw away stalks, stems and fan leaves.
  • Wait a few days until buds are dry to touch and stems will snap.
  • Cut off the stems to the buds and pop them into airtight jars.
  • Take the bowl of ‘hashish’ bits, make sure they are all dried out and pop those into a separate jar. Also adding any ‘popcorn’ buds lower down which aren’t big/dense enough.

My aim with ‘hashish’ bits is to just keep them curing and add to them with the other plant when it needs harvesting until I have a decent quantity to do something with.

Can someone please advise the steps I’ve outlined above are okay? Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
looks like your going through this methodically ....... good to keep organized.

A couple of thoughts. you say above the lights is heat and humid. I think ideally the RH should be around 40% and not more than 50% for drying?

The other thing I did not notice you mention, is burping the jars. This is important. Every day or every other day? for a good couple of weeks or more.

Good luck ... I be cutting my girl today I believe. Walk on!!~~ :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
  • Cut plant at the base of the stem and lay it down on something like foil.
  • Cut off the individual branches and the remaining fan leaves.
  • Trim off the bud/sugar leaves and the under-developed catalyxes and prune the buds as much as possible so they look tidy.
  • Trim up the stems so that they are reasonably short ready to be hung.
  • Hang up the branches with the pruned buds upside down in my wardrobe above the lighting system (warm and humid environment).
  • Collect the bud/sugar leaves and under-developed catalyxes on the foil I trimmed the buds on and use the foil to line a small container to put these bits and pieces into.
  • Throw away stalks, stems and fan leaves.
  • Wait a few days until buds are dry to touch and stems will snap.
  • Cut off the stems to the buds and pop them into airtight jars.
  • Take the bowl of ‘hashish’ bits, make sure they are all dried out and pop those into a separate jar. Also adding any ‘popcorn’ buds lower down which aren’t big/dense enough.


Well-Known Member
We all start somewhere and most grows are started in a small cuboard or wardrobe.I would def add more light try and get a reflective hood if possible.I have a small room with 2 3 ft flouresents in daylight cool spec and also have 2 150 watt cfl's wall mounted.The flouresents are the lights that i move up or down but once the clones that i have taken take root i put them into the h.p.s room.This is a great way to get your head around hat to do and what not to do.Get some money saved and get a 250 h.p.s this will be perfect for the space in the picture.Get a couple of bathroom and kitchen exaust fans to get the heat of the h.p.s out of the wardrobe.You should get 2 plants in there if the plants are flowered small about 1 ft.But good luck cannabis is not ha hard to grow has some people make out.


Active Member
Yeah sorry I forgot to mention the opening of the jars. I was going to do this initially at the beginning for a couple of days and then only do it if any condensation builds up in the jars.

When I say humid, I am not sure on exact humidity but it’s more humid than my house and we don’t have a humid climate, so I would hope humidity in there created by the warmth of the light and the plant growing below will be about right. I can’t think of anywhere else I can conceal it and it’s fitting that it’s drying in the same place it once grew.

I am not sure I’ll take this to the next level with HPS and stuff. This is only meant as a bit of fun and to get me interested in something. I might grow some more but it will be under pretty much the same setup. Or I might call it a day when my Amnesia Lemon is ready for harvest. I will take it as it comes. Thanks for the advice though.


Well-Known Member
no worries mate .... you are your own master, every decision has consequences some positive, or negative or neutral. you walk forward on the basis that your step will advance your progress. I think you've done a great job and I'm sure you will enjoy the rewards you harvest. Only you know what is important to you and what fits your circumstances (and those a totally unique regardless of any potnetial similarities with others). I'd love to grow outdoors. I'd love to have 20 trees. Not in my current circumstances - not an option. Adjust and adapt but keep focused on your values. Your doing a fab job man! Walk on!!~~~~ :peace:
Yeah sorry I forgot to mention the opening of the jars. I was going to do this initially at the beginning for a couple of days and then only do it if any condensation builds up in the jars.

When I say humid, I am not sure on exact humidity but it’s more humid than my house and we don’t have a humid climate, so I would hope humidity in there created by the warmth of the light and the plant growing below will be about right. I can’t think of anywhere else I can conceal it and it’s fitting that it’s drying in the same place it once grew.

I am not sure I’ll take this to the next level with HPS and stuff. This is only meant as a bit of fun and to get me interested in something. I might grow some more but it will be under pretty much the same setup. Or I might call it a day when my Amnesia Lemon is ready for harvest. I will take it as it comes. Thanks for the advice though.


Active Member
Haha – are you baked typing that out dude? ;)

I’ve been out today to get some supplies for the next stage. I managed to source myself some string, a pair of titanium finished scissors, a gardeners/electricians cutting tool (sectors??), 1 small glass air sealed jar and 1 larger one. I think that’s all I need.

I’ll check my plant over the next cpl of days to see just when is the right time. I’ll try and upload some more pictures of the trichs on the White Moscow.


Active Member
I tried to get some more, better bud pics of the White Moscow. I'm all prepared now for harvesting, just need to make sure I get it right. Below are a load of pics.

Full 'body' shot. :)

Main cola...

Close up of trichs on main cola...

Mid bud sites...

Trichs on mid bud sites...

Low bud sites... assume this is 'popcorn' bud which will go in with the frosty leaves and form some sort of hash...?

Thanks for looking as always and please help me out here if poss. I know she is NEAR time but don't know if she is there yet. There's deffo amber trichs on the main cola. But the trichs look like cloudy/glass in the mid buds and even the main cola there seems to be a mix of amber/cloudy/glass.

Cheers peeps.


Well-Known Member
looks really great ... I am in the same debating position. now, later, too late ...not yet ..keep waiting ... hahahaha! I would say you still have some time but I will let others come in with their views cuz I'm stilla'guessin! hahaha!


Active Member
looks really great ... I am in the same debating position. now, later, too late ...not yet ..keep waiting ... hahahaha! I would say you still have some time but I will let others come in with their views cuz I'm stilla'guessin! hahaha!
Haha - thanks for your input anyway buddy.

I am really not sure myself as I can see quite a few amber trichs on the main cola but lower down some still look quite 'glassy'.

I was planning on harvesting in about 2 days which is the best time for myself personally. But if the plant is not ready, it's not ready.


Well-Known Member
hmmm I dunno its up to you bro. Ever since reading the zues's take on harvesting thread it makes me wanna stop going by trich color and really reading the plant. You have really green leaves which is an indicator that there is still time left for her. Just my opinion.



Wow! Have just read this from page 1, and am about 2 weeks into a closet grow. I've made so many mistakes it's not funny, but believe I'm slowly learning to chill the fuck out.

I've been reading/looking A LOT over the past month, learning all I can about what I'm getting into (400w MH/HPS for a first grow in a closet—overkill much!). Anyhow, looking @ your trichs, I agree with you, they're not ready yet. They still look clear.

Surf around, when they're ready, they'll be dark/clouded, ambery. These girls are still clear, perhaps just starting to go cloudy. Another few days I'd guess.

(I found your thread searching for information on carbon filters, Odd, but here I am :)).


Active Member
I have a feeling that the leaves are still green because I didn’t flush earlier maybe, I’m not sure. However I flushed the other day and the water which came out of the bottom I tasted and it just tasted the same as the water going into the plant, so I’m pretty sure that the soil has very little nutrients in it.

I honestly think I’ve got at least another 3-4 days until she is ready personally. The lower buds don’t seem as developed as they should be (still white pistils) and the main cola probably only has 5% amber trichs with the mid-bud sites having a mix of cloudy and clear trichs.

I’ve said that, but I’ll probably go chop her down tomorrow haha.


Well-Known Member
Ya if there aren't any nutrients in the soil the leaves should be yellowing off by now it doesn't matter if you flush. If your nitrogen levels are low in your flowering nutrients the leaves should turn yellow themselves. And white hairs is a sign that they are not ready yet. Anyways its your plant.........



Active Member
I'm really eager to chop her but I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow. I just don't want the main cola to go TOO amber ya know. The plant is giving me different vibes. Main cola looks like she is ready to be harvested but the leaves are still green and the mid the low buds don't seem even near being done. I also don't wanna chop up some of the plant and wait to chop the rest. I'd rather just do it in one swoop. Anyway, will see how I feel tomorrow and if she warrants it. Will update soon. :)


Well-Known Member
Earlier you said that barely any of the trichs on the main cola were amber????? I would wait if I were you. Those under developed buds aren't going to amount to much of anything once dried and cured. The buds lose 75% of their weight when dried fully. I would take her to where she looked like a ruby emerald but again thats just me......



Active Member
Thank you!

More pictures of my Amnesia Lemon:

And some of my White Moscow... I've decided against chopping her down this weekend. I really don't think she is ready. Leaves are still green and the trichs are only a few amber on the main cola and on the mid-bud sites the trichs are still quite clear! So thanks for the advice putting me off chopping to early guys!

I think I'll take another close look at her come next week.


Well-Known Member
all's looking really nice. that lemon cola is gonna be very cool.

and the WR ... I'm with you on that ... she probably has more time ... I too was going to chop but will keep putting it off for now. Walk on!!~~~~~ :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Thank you!

More pictures of my Amnesia Lemon:

I think I'll take another close look at her come next week.


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap: Thank you for not chopping, its all about patience and its a hard thing to learn but the earlier you learn it the better. I'm no where near a pro but I can say that I'm very happy I waited 2 extra weeks on my last grow rether than going by breeder specs. The samples I took from 2 weeks earlier were much more light and the potenecy couldnt even match the ripe stuff. I mean the ripe bud was a real one hitter quiter. The current grow I got now seeds are rated for 7.5 weeks flowering but I'm planning on going about 9 weeks maybe 9.5 just to get her fully done.
