Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
Always wondered where your journal was sambo. Hopefully you got that beat critical pheno that puts out a stupid weight.


Well-Known Member
Looking good mate . Cant wait for these to kick off :D
i ad a good look at the clones today all still upright n looking good seeing some new growth i fink too, but i did notice the propergater was too humid there was alot of condensation dripping on all the clones round the edge, turned the heat pad off and opend the vents so hopefully that will sort it but its only been 6days today and my quickest has been 10days for rooted clones so im not worrying as much now lol

Always wondered where your journal was sambo. Hopefully you got that beat critical pheno that puts out a stupid weight.
this is my 1st journal WoW never really thought people would be intrested in the shitty strains ive been growing but now i got the livers and psychosis thought id give it a bash, the cm is not the mega yielding pheno dont get me wrong she still yields a good amount of good qaulity bud but i had problems when sexing, i was doing it where i was living and also had some flowering plant there some1 complained about strange smells to the housing people and i moved it all to a friends and they got abit abused he werent looking after them properly in the end just cloned the 2 closest fems in the room but saying that i only got 5 fems outa 16 germed seeds 2 didnt make it.


Well-Known Member
just wanting to say bout japan was up really early this morning wit me little girl n see it then went out most of the day and just see the devestation its caused and people killed soo fucking sad man i really am feeling for them poor fuckers...


Well-Known Member
just wanting to say bout japan was up really early this morning wit me little girl n see it then went out most of the day and just see the devestation its caused and people killed soo fucking sad man i really am feeling for them poor fuckers...
I hear ya too sambo. It was like watching a movie on sky new's man! How's green life treating you anyway mate.



Well-Known Member
I hear ya too sambo. It was like watching a movie on sky new's man! How's green life treating you anyway mate.

not too bad in the greeny world m8 got a question do you think i will fuck me plants up by just flowering from monday i no they are abit big and been in them 11ltr pots too long but dunno if i will be able to repot em cause they are abit big for me ive never repotted nefing that size n also havent really got the 35quid its gonna cost me for soil etc will find it if every1 really disaproves and thinks they will get so rootbound that it will mess em up tho.

then i can mess em up by dropping em or something i bloody no i will lol


Well-Known Member
1st roots shown on 1 of the livers not too sad 7days hopefully the rest pop through in the next couple of days, should do have usually found once 1 roots the rest do in days???

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah bro they follow in sync pretty well from what i've seen when cloning the same strain. if one aint showing after a week or so from now it might not of rooted but give it time it might still go. sometimes i see a perfectly healthy looking clone for 2-3 weeks but it aint rooted and the stem starts going hard. theres a term for it but i cant remember what is called lol


Well-Known Member
Hey sambo, whats growing on dude! Hope all's green n mean bro ;)
all good m8 got me 1st root on a livers clone yday so im happy! can i ask a quick question do ya think me plants will be badly root bound n suffer if i dont repot again before flower? they been in the 11ltrs abit longer than i would av hoped.


Well-Known Member
have been trying to do abit of research on the blues/livers as i no very little about the strain apart from its spose to STINK lol

im shore people already no that underground origanals have two strains that are crossed with blues the killerskunk and smellyberry both these strains seem to get very good reviews but they are also this year releasing a livers/blues seed and have already sent it to users on a forum for test grows i was reading a journal this morning of a side by side grow of the blues seed and the blues cut and the op said its so similar that he would bet 500quid lol that no1 could tell the differece from the cut or seed apart from the cut yielded far more.

the op of the thread was a respected member on the site dont think it was just a scam or whatever and also they have sent the blues seeds to a few users on there for test grows.

i have no clue about breeding tho so dunno really what to make of it.

probably is bullshit then hay???


Active Member
Cuttings or clones are a lot more mature than a seed of course (cuttings are as old as the plant they were taken from). So once you begin growing them, they can begin flowering faster and tend to be able to yield more given the same amount of growing time compared to a seedling. Since a seedling takes about 3 weeks before they become minimally sexually mature enough to even begin flowering... if that makes sense?

I think that is what was being referred to anyway.


Well-Known Member
Cuttings or clones are a lot more mature than a seed of course (cuttings are as old as the plant they were taken from). So once you begin growing them, they can begin flowering faster and tend to be able to yield more given the same amount of growing time compared to a seedling. Since a seedling takes about 3 weeks before they become minimally sexually mature enough to even begin flowering... if that makes sense?

I think that is what was being referred to anyway.
thanks TW makes sense m8...

any idea how i can get the humidity down in my propergater ive already turnd the heat off couple of days ago n raised the light but the peat pellets seem far too wet and i see some green shit on 1 today so had to throw it.

also why do my cutting seem to change colour on the tips and random leafs this seems to happen to me all the time and is usaully my sign that they will be showing roots very soon but its not normal or spose to happen is it?

heres some pics.


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
what about taking the prop lid off mate? or maybe just putting it on at an angle to allow a bigger opening?


Well-Known Member
what about taking the prop lid off mate? or maybe just putting it on at an angle to allow a bigger opening?
thats what im thinking m8 they are staying too wet as they are and that green shit pisses me off its happend quite a few time with my clones?

dont fink it dus that much to the plant tho these too where covered in the shit when i potted em and still ended up alrite.

