Livers/Blues, Psychosis, Critical Mass, 600 Hps and Soil


Well-Known Member
your garden looks really healthy and green Sambo!!!!!! Those buds are going to be HUGE!!!!!!!!!!
thanks doc, that trainwreck in your last update looked lovely how did it smoke? im always lurking lol i just came along abit late to the journals n it can be hard to feel part although i might ad you always make an effort and a BIG thanks for that doc.

oh sambo, what is the cat in your avatar saying... ? I cant read it..
the cat is saying ''i think theres an imposter amongst us'' cause the far left cat in the pic is actually a dog lol seemed more funny at the time think i might av been on the butter or very stoned lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks doc, that trainwreck in your last update looked lovely how did it smoke? im always lurking lol i just came along abit late to the journals n it can be hard to feel part although i might ad you always make an effort and a BIG thanks for that doc.

the cat is saying ''i think theres an imposter amongst us'' cause the far left cat in the pic is actually a dog lol seemed more funny at the time think i might av been on the butter or very stoned lol
hahahaha LMFAO wtf i never see the little dog and the amount of times i've looked at it :( hahaha

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i always wondered the same thing aswell lol

don't worry las your not the only 1 who never noticed the dog mate lmao


Well-Known Member
lmao, I never noticed the dog either.

whatchu talkin bout las, pretty sure i said level 80 ;)

I dint do the toggles up tight in my tent and think I got a light leak on the strawb which made it herm. Don't undo all your hard work now bro, they look awesome!


Well-Known Member
lmao, I never noticed the dog either.

whatchu talkin bout las, pretty sure i said level 80 ;)

I dint do the toggles up tight in my tent and think I got a light leak on the strawb which made it herm. Don't undo all your hard work now bro, they look awesome!
thanks WoW i no im gonna do em up each time i look at em i think il do that up then 4get aint worth the risk tho i agree, also theres no light at all in the room the window is all blocked up and i took the lightbulb out cause i new id 4get and leave the fucker on 1day.

Hope you had a good weekend sambo, well apart from West Ham playing uz off the park. lol
lol werent a bad wkend m8 same old really just babysitting cause the missus was working feel fucked now tho cause i aint slept properly in 3days me lil girl is waking up 3-4-5am each day.

see Rangers had a few good results sbilly too lolol

sup sambo, looks like your going to have some fat trees on your hands man! nice work.

thanks don gotta love the trees lol

cant see any burn man?
can you not see the livers top right theres a leaf in the middle all rusty looking?

i like u billy but ur treading a thin line there bro hahahaha ;)
YID ARMY!!!!!!!!

ok well just me and las in this thread that i no off lolol


Well-Known Member
lmao mate thats one leaf out the lot. i was thinking you had maybe not taken any pics of it. thats not bad at all man
yeah i said it werent that bad was just shocked that the low dosage of bio-bizz actually burnt it at all? before when they were just cheap seed strains i didnt give a shit now i got these bad girls im always worrying bout em lmao


Well-Known Member
looing good, do you supercrop?
supercrop sorry m8 i dont even no what that is? is it stripping the lower part of the plant to encourage the tops etc?

the plants in this journal are untouched no topping,cropping,fimming only through pure lazyness tho next batch im gonna take all the lower stuff off to see how it works.