

Well-Known Member
Look for white moths cabbage loopers or bagworms .do you have enough bud to cut one with brown bud spots off to see if there are worms inside?


Hey Joe Dank

Check it out I seen those cabbage loopers. I pulled one of yesterday it looked like a butterfly kinda.

ky farmer

Well-Known Member
I catch lizards and put them in my grow boxes outdoors and I have 3-4 living in every box and they eat the things I don't wount in my boxes as in bad bugs.


Well-Known Member
Something ate the top of 1 of 12 of my tomato plants a week ago, wasn't a baby deer this year, thinking a bird, was 6 foot up. Long story short , just like people who eat glue or lick windows nature has a variety of IQ's.


Well-Known Member
Use the spinosad on them for sure that will take em out . Any brown spots on your buds ?
Does spinosad only work as a contact killer or will it still be effective days later for new bugs that come along? I've had a thrip problem for a couple grows now, just when I think they are gone suddenly they just appear again.


Well-Known Member
They say on the bottle spinosad has a 2 week residual effect .

Does spinosad only work as a contact killer or will it still be effective days later for new bugs that come along? I've had a thrip problem for a couple grows now, just when I think they are gone suddenly they just appear again.


Well-Known Member
I know y’all said worms but someone else said it could be crickets. Here another photo
I am not an entomologist so it could be a number of bugs . Bagworm or loopers usually get in the bud and cause internal damage . Grasshoppers or locusts cause external damage.