Lockdowns didn't work.

The foolishness. Fundamental logic indicates that lockdowns can work.

Saying they don't is akin to claiming firebreaks don't slow wild fires.

If a virus jumps some 6 feet from person to person, and you keep all persons more than six feet apart then the virus cannot spread.

It really is that simple. Of course lockdowns don't work if people still congregate.
The foolishness. Fundamental logic indicates that lockdowns can work.

Saying they don't is akin to claiming firebreaks don't slow wild fires.

If a virus jumps some 6 feet from person to person, and you keep all persons more than six feet apart then the virus cannot spread.

It really is that simple. Of course lockdowns don't work if people still congregate.
If you want to stop Covid, simply stop testing.

Any excess morbidity and mortality can be ascribed to having turned away from God.

(the truly frightening part is that about one in three voters would agree with this violence to reason.)
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The foolishness. Fundamental logic indicates that lockdowns can work.

Saying they don't is akin to claiming firebreaks don't slow wild fires.

If a virus jumps some 6 feet from person to person, and you keep all persons more than six feet apart then the virus cannot spread.

It really is that simple. Of course lockdowns don't work if people still congregate.

Fundamental logic indicates nobody or everybody has the right to order a lockdown if we are all "equal". I'm going with nobody has the right to order a lockdown, which is one reason I'd never obey one.

Further even if a person had the right to order one, from an efficacy standpoint they don't work nearly as good as immunity. Which is why "vaxxed" people are getting sick, dying and generally of low mental capability and / or fear based in their responses to a scamdemic.
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f you want to stop Covid, simply stop testing.

If you want to start a scamdemic, call every death a "covid death" and ignore comorbidities (sic) or ascribe everything under the sun to "because of covid" like a nincompoop parrot repeating a scare narrative.

"We believe in science". That's a good one. I wonder if those people with those stupid signs on ther lawn still believe the crap they were fed when they keep getting sick despite being a "vax" pin cushion?
Fundamental logic indicates nobody or everybody has the right to order a lockdown if we are all "equal". I'm going with nobody has the right to order a lockdown, which is one reason I'd never obey one.

Listen to the tough guy bragging about not obeying lockdowns. It must be easy to social distance living alone in a cabin in the woods.

Further even if a person had the right to order one, from an efficacy standpoint they don't work nearly as good as immunity. Which is why "vaxxed" people are getting sick, dying and generally of low mental capability and / or fear based in their responses to a scamdemic.
View attachment 5207602
I'll just stick to being a fucking sheeple... a live one.

Those statistics need more context. What is the average age of the people within the chart?

You have every right to consume snake oil, no right to force it on others ? Why is Turdeau the Canadian douche finally ending much of his vaccine horse shit ?
Fundamental logic indicates nobody or everybody has the right to order a lockdown if we are all "equal". I'm going with nobody has the right to order a lockdown, which is one reason I'd never obey one.

Further even if a person had the right to order one, from an efficacy standpoint they don't work nearly as good as immunity. Which is why "vaxxed" people are getting sick, dying and generally of low mental capability and / or fear based in their responses to a scamdemic.

And you are the reason they didn't work. The problem comes in the form of the basic adolescence of Americans.

Their reaction is never anything but "you can't tell me what to do so I'll always do the opposite of what you say, even if it hurts that America I claim so much to love".

A million people have died from that "scamdemic" and in order to aquire this vaunted "natural immunity" one must have gotten the disease and lived. In so doing they may well risk long covid, heart problems premature alzeimers, loss of smell and taste and permanent lung problems.

Gee, the vaccine doesn't do most of that and the heart issues are barely a statistical blip.
Those statistics need more context. What is the average age of the people within the chart?

You have every right to consume snake oil, no right to force it on others ? Why is Turdeau the Canadian douche finally ending much of his vaccine horse shit ?

We have every right to force people when their failing to do what we force them to endangers us.
We have every right to force people when their failing to do what we force them to endangers us.
The US govt did not force civilians to take the shot. Employers, including the US military has the right to make vaccination a condition of employment. It makes sense and was not in order because unvaxxed "endanger us". Unvaxxed are much more likely to be rendered unfit for work by Covid than vaccinated. Nobody is forced, they can choose not to get vaccinated.
If you want to start a scamdemic, call every death a "covid death" and ignore comorbidities (sic) or ascribe everything under the sun to "because of covid" like a nincompoop parrot repeating a scare narrative.

"We believe in science". That's a good one. I wonder if those people with those stupid signs on ther lawn still believe the crap they were fed when they keep getting sick despite being a "vax" pin cushion?

Oh, wait, I forgot.

EVERYBODY LIES save those from whom you get your information. Hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, undertakers, coroners, first responders, family members all lie, they are all willing to put their professions and careers on the line and none of them are ethical.

See, that's the problem with most wide spread conspiracies, they presume that most people are unethical.
And the reality is that they are not.

Should we follow the money? In the first world, billions of dollars each year are wagered on death. And the house doesn't like blind bets so they follow all deaths and their causes. We don't just accept deaths as "just one of those things" anymore than we do the weather. We know to a high degree of certainty how many people, of what demographics and from what causes will die on any given month. More than that number are called "excess deaths".

When there is an event, like a "scandemic" excess deaths go up. That is how we can determine death rates contrary to the deniers mistaken perception, cause of death on certificates make no difference to known fact and statistical certainty.
The US govt did not force civilians to take the shot. Employers, including the US military has the right to make vaccination a condition of employment. It makes sense and was not in order because unvaxxed "endanger us". Unvaxxed are much more likely to be rendered unfit for work by Covid than vaccinated. Nobody is forced, they can choose not to get vaccinated.

The post said "right" and societies have every right to protect themselves.
Oh, wait, I forgot.

EVERYBODY LIES save those from whom you get your information. Hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, undertakers, coroners, first responders, family members all lie, they are all willing to put their professions and careers on the line and none of them are ethical.

See, that's the problem with most wide spread conspiracies, they presume that most people are unethical.
And the reality is that they are not.

Should we follow the money? In the first world, billions of dollars each year are wagered on death. And the house doesn't like blind bets so they follow all deaths and their causes. We don't just accept deaths as "just one of those things" anymore than we do the weather. We know to a high degree of certainty how many people, of what demographics and from what causes will die on any given month. More than that number are called "excess deaths".

When there is an event, like a "scandemic" excess deaths go up. That is how we can determine death rates contrary to the deniers mistaken perception, cause of death on certificates make no difference to known fact and statistical certainty.
at this point, you are only feeding a troll.
Still does not mean a society has no right to vaccinate its population. Which was the original point.

Do states have the power to mandate vaccinations?
There have been some instances where the SCOTUS ruled in favor of states that mandated vaccinations for smallpox. States can also overrule federal government mandate for its employees to get vaccinated. The federal government doesn't have the power to mandate vaccinations of citizens, from what I've read.
