Lockdowns didn't work.

Lack of information cause fear.those weaken by fear ran to those who caused this fear ,all along keeping very important information getting out to the public.ALL IN THE NAME OF CONTROL! DECEITFULLY DISGUISED AS SAFETY!
small taste
Redacted is a media site that produces propaganda to promote the right wing's disinformation campaign against science, in this case, medical science.

The purpose of propaganda is to influence and not inform.

You should not use the word deceit unless you are pointing at yourself.
Redacted is a media site that produces propaganda to promote the right wing's disinformation campaign against science, in this case, medical science.

The purpose of propaganda is to influence and not inform.

You should not use the word deceit unless you are pointing at yourself.
Sure! information only matter when it represents your very and I mean very limited perspective!
Today's followers are just zombies.
lacking the ability to look at information for what it is.
not where or who give it . Yes use more diligent if it different from your normal perspective.
Just to say it is useless is your loss .
Here another bit of info only for those who want to understand what really happened outside our individual bubbles. If you have fear of knowledge! SKIP THIS NO FOR THE EASILY OFFENDED.
In short about lockdown and withheld information
It's definitely weird how people with anti-war, anti-authoritarian control, and anti-censorship positions, which have long been championed by the left, are suddenly being ostracized from the Democratic party, and subsequently embraced by the right.
It's definitely weird how people with anti-war, anti-authoritarian control, and anti-censorship positions, which have long been championed by the left, are suddenly being ostracized from the Democratic party, and subsequently embraced by the right.
the important bit you forgot to mention is anti-fact and pro-conspiratorial lunacy.

As for anti-censorship, have you looked at the culture warriors associated with the above extremists lately?
Sure! information only matter when it represents your very and I mean very limited perspective!
Today's followers are just zombies.
lacking the ability to look at information for what it is.
not where or who give it . Yes use more diligent if it different from your normal perspective.
Just to say it is useless is your loss .

I see you are a Jimmy Dore acolyte too.

No, man, where one gets their information matters. There are propaganda websites and valid ones. You post crap from the sites that make people less informed if they read it.

No thanks.
Sure! information only matter when it represents your very and I mean very limited perspective!
Today's followers are just zombies.
lacking the ability to look at information for what it is.
not where or who give it . Yes use more diligent if it different from your normal perspective.
Just to say it is useless is your loss .
Whenever you come across a site that tells you it has certain privileged or insider’s information, and making that purported information part of your outlook gives you an emotional lizard-brain reward,

that is the moment to regard both the information and its presenter with deepest distrust.
Congrats on doing zero to help yourself or the people around you. My best friend chose the same path, and he’s dead, at 45 years young. This holiday was his young family’s first one without a dad. You can fight “the man”, but your fellow man isn’t the enemy, nor are they deserving of the collateral damage from your decisions. I still wear my mask, because my wife has cancer and Covid (and the rest of society) doesn’t care.
The US flipped the switch. One day, masks were mandatory in order to protect one's self and the people around them. The next day, masks were no longer mandatory and vulnerable people were left out in the cold. I have an elderly mother who lives in assisted living. When people just dropped all pretenses of staying safe from the virus, I had feelings similar to yours. WTF? Can't people do just a little more than just think of themselves? Apparently not.
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the important bit you forgot to mention is anti-fact and pro-conspiratorial lunacy.

As for anti-censorship, have you looked at the culture warriors associated with the above extremists lately?
Anti-fact, in the way that Rachel Maddow is anti-fact and even judges define her "reporting" as "exaggeration of the facts"? Interestingly enough, Tucker Carlson subsequently used an identical defense himself.

Anti-fact, in the way that Rachel Maddow is anti-fact and even judges define her "reporting" as "exaggeration of the facts"? Interestingly enough, Tucker Carlson subsequently used an identical defense himself.

I’m missing something. What is the specific datum that convicts her of being anti-fact?
Still waiting for that proof.

Sounds like lockdowns work as well against pandemics as drugwars work against drugs. US lockdowns didn't work because people didn't respect them and Chinese lockdowns didn't work because they didn't continue them forever. It is clearly MRNA vaccines and not the government doing the pandemic stopping.