Lockdowns work.

can you make some of those graphs look like some boobs or somehting more interesting? i need more pizazz!!
cdc model vs actual on April 19

US data:

CDC model projected deaths per day: 2159 people
Actual deaths on April 19: 1539 people

CDC model projected total number dead: 37.056
Actual total dead: 40,553

The CDC model is based on the assumption:

Current social distancing assumed until infections minimized and containment implemented

Lockdown is working. The model is holding up. I'm sorry you can't have your cheeseburger just yet.
Thank god for take out here. I would feel like I was under house arrest without take out. Without take out I would be calling for armed liberation of Ontario.
Thank god for take out here. I would feel like I was under house arrest without take out. Without take out I would be calling for armed liberation of Ontario.
i've never worked at a restaurant but it would seem like take out would be more profitable? don't have people sitting around, eating and talking and taking up table space.
delivery drivers must be making decent coin too: more orders and gas is only a 1.50 around here.
Well let's get rid of money then, if we are such great people with so many humanitarian ways. lets just do the work and reap the rewards.

The Question is going to become can everyone who contributes continue too ?

Would farmers still work if they had no bills to pay ?

would People still go to work if they didn't get paid but didn't have to worry about their bills or food ?

Those are Questions that could be answered but the Money is what Drives Us all. Money This Money That..... I know I would be a lot less stressed if I knew I wasn't getting paid for my services but all my Bills and food were taken care of. Not Free but everyone worked for our People instead of Money....

Sounds Stupid I am sure, but could it work ? I might have smoked to many today on 4/20 LOL :) LOVE YA'S ALL
Well let's get rid of money then, if we are such great people with so many humanitarian ways. lets just do the work and reap the rewards.

The Question is going to become can everyone who contributes continue too ?

Would farmers still work if they had no bills to pay ?

would People still go to work if they didn't get paid but didn't have to worry about their bills or food ?

Those are Questions that could be answered but the Money is what Drives Us all. Money This Money That..... I know I would be a lot less stressed if I knew I wasn't getting paid for my services but all my Bills and food were taken care of. Not Free but everyone worked for our People instead of Money....

Sounds Stupid I am sure, but could it work ? I might have smoked to many today on 4/20 LOL :) LOVE YA'S ALL
Nah I see some people making a lot more money, just like always, but a strong middle class that doesn't need to work outside of the home more than a few days a month to live comfortably. People will always want to bust their ass and there should be benefits if they do. There just isn't really any reason anymore to force everyone who doesn't have the capability to be productive to suffer due to it. We can provide enough if we are smart.

But that is a big if. So who knows. Shit will likely just go to what we have been doing.
Well let's get rid of money then, if we are such great people with so many humanitarian ways. lets just do the work and reap the rewards.

The Question is going to become can everyone who contributes continue too ?

Would farmers still work if they had no bills to pay ?

would People still go to work if they didn't get paid but didn't have to worry about their bills or food ?

Those are Questions that could be answered but the Money is what Drives Us all. Money This Money That..... I know I would be a lot less stressed if I knew I wasn't getting paid for my services but all my Bills and food were taken care of. Not Free but everyone worked for our People instead of Money....

Sounds Stupid I am sure, but could it work ? I might have smoked to many today on 4/20 LOL :) LOVE YA'S ALL
I’m sorry but I don’t work for money and never have. I work for a lifestyle and have taken lots of risks for it as well.
Uninteresting risks ;).
Now it is just a question of how effective the millions Trump's campaign & foreign government trolling is going to dump into pushing his narratives is in trying to create another Tea Party but against the governors/cities & state levels.
at least Biden now has the fat wallets of Bloomberg and Steyer on his side.
the attack ads on Trump using his own words against him is going to be brutal this fall. hopefully during FOX news programs too. lol
Now it is just a question of how effective the millions Trump's campaign & foreign government trolling is going to dump into pushing his narratives is in trying to create another Tea Party but against the governors/cities & state levels.
After this fiasco there ain't enough trolls in Russia to paper over this bullshit, they're main problem is people are living it as their daily reality. Hopefully Nancy will make the republican senate carry Donald's water over this one last time, later this summer when people are really pissed, you ain't seen nothing yet.