Lockdowns work.

After this fiasco there ain't enough trolls in Russia to paper over this bullshit, they're main problem is people are living it as their daily reality. Hopefully Nancy will make the republican senate carry Donald's water over this one last time, later this summer when people are really pissed, you ain't seen nothing yet.
But will adding in Fox, OANN which is basically Trump's RT, RT on the left 'the Hill'. And every other website that tries to act like it is news, local tv news bought up by right wing billionaires, Hate Radio, on and on, be enough to paint it over is the question. We are a good distance form the elections, there are lots of cons left to go before he rolls the dice on prison orange or the Presidency.

Comey, for real should have just arrested him when they had the goods. McConnell threatening Obama when they tried to get a bi partisan response to Russian helping Trump was bullshit and is why we are here today.

And now we are dealing with the Dear Leader trying to break into primetime with a 5:30 'start' time that won't go one until his 'meds' kick in.

But will adding in Fox, OANN which is basically Trump's RT, RT on the left 'the Hill'. And every other website that tries to act like it is news, local tv news bought up by right wing billionaires, Hate Radio, on and on, be enough to paint it over is the question. We are a good distance form the elections, there are lots of cons left to go before he rolls the dice on prison orange or the Presidency.

Comey, for real should have just arrested him when they had the goods. McConnell threatening Obama when they tried to get a bi partisan response to Russian helping Trump was bullshit and is why we are here today.

And now we are dealing with the Dear Leader trying to break into primetime with a 5:30 'start' time that won't go one until his 'meds' kick in.

I hope he continues his evening dog and pony shows, it only hurts him and provides footage to use against him in TV ads. There are an awful lot of rich people against Trump and since his incompetence took the economy down and cost many of them billions, there are a lot more now. Trump and the republicans are toast, but keep piling on anyway, pound the fuckers into the ground like a post. You'll need the senate too and Moscow Mitch himself might not be back after november, he could also have a prison cell in his future, if he broke the law and I figure him and his wife did.
I’m asking for a friend here but is it not illegal somehow for a sitting president to call for the armed insurrection against a State? If not you really should fix that lol.
During the impeachment trial, the Republican controlled Senate said Trump is empowered to do anything if he thinks it will help him get re-elected. Because everything the president does is in the national interest. I thought you were paying attention?
During the impeachment trial, the Republican controlled Senate said Trump is empowered to do anything if he thinks it will help him get re-elected. Because everything the president does is in the national interest. I thought you were paying attention?
Now that you mention it yes I do recall that but I assumed that it was just gobbledegook ‍♂️.
Who says "It was always supposed to be new cases per day"? That statistic has been unreliable from the beginning up to the present because it is completely dependent on the availability of tests
The jokes are funny, I can laugh even if they're at my expense.

That was the curve in "flatten the curve". That was always the strategy. A logarithmic graph of cases per day. The idea was to keep the apex of that curve below the line representing healthcare capacity. Doing this, it was thought, would prevent healthcare systems being overloaded and that this would keep the rate of death down. If you do a simple search with the terms "what is flatten the curve" and click on some of the trustworthy sources. You will find I'm correct on this. By moving the goalposts around, you have now come to something I have been saying all along. That stat is fucking worthless. Nonetheless, it's been the number one stat used by all of the agencies and governments around the world as the metric regarding "flatten the curve".
It is a fact that if people don't come into contact with an infected people, they aren't infected. That is irrefutable.
It is actually very refutable by infection rates. People are getting infected at an alarming rate despite the lockdowns and this is absolutely irrefutable. The effect that the lockdowns are having on infection rates while I do believe there is a small effect, it's still exponential and studies are coming in showing this to be correct, I have cited them. The problem is, a famine is looming and "those stupid trumptards" protesting are a bigger group than you think. Governments around the world agree and are doing all they can to reopen.
It appears the R0 went from R0=7 to R0=1 after people were confined to their cabins and avoided direct contact, the ship's AC/ventilation system did not appear to spread the contagion either. NPIs worked spectacularly well in this petri dish of a situation and dropped the infection rate like a stone, so it's all about social discipline, distancing and enforcement.

Also multiply deaths by X20 to get a reasonable estimate of the true number of cases:

"The group also estimates that the infection fatality rate (IFR) in China — the proportion of all infections, including asymptomatic ones, that result in death — is even lower, at roughly 0.5%. The IFR is especially tricky to calculate in the population, because some deaths go undetected if the person didn’t show symptoms or get tested".

What the cruise-ship outbreaks reveal about COVID-19
Close confines help the virus to spread, but closed environments are also an ideal place to study how the new coronavirus behaves.
So, this is one of the most educated epidemiologists in the world. He disputes the WHO's claim regarding lethality which is an estimate even though it's barely below the CFR. If you don't know what CFR you should not be debating about this, but I'll say it again anyway, it's Case Fatality Rate which is obtained from simply confirmed cases by deaths. He says the mortality rate (a different term with a different meaning) is an order of magnitude smaller. His estimate is based on the infection being FAR more widespread than has been confirmed. Basically, way more people have it than they know.
López-Gatell no está convencido que el Covid-19 sea 10 veces más letal que la influenza como considera la OMS
Mientras la letalidad del coronavirus en los casos confirmados indica un 7.72, la estimación de esta cifra en casos con el modelo Centinela, arroja que sería de 0.87
Here are the phases of a pandemic:
Phases of a Pandemic
The Centers Disease for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently has Pandemic Intervals Framework (PIF) in place for tracking the phases of an influenza pandemic. That framework is being applied to COVID-19.2

Phase 1: Investigation Interval
A new type of virus is identified and investigated—in animals or humans anywhere in the world—that is thought to have implications for human health.

Phase 2: Recognition Interval
Increased cases, or clusters of cases, are identified, along with an increased potential for person-to-person transmission.

Phase 3: Initiation Interval
Cases of the virus are confirmed with both efficient and sustained person-to-person transmission.

Phase 4: Acceleration Interval
The new virus infects susceptible people. Public health officials may take measures such as closing schools, encouraging social distancing, and offering antivirals or vaccines—if available.

Phase 5: Deceleration Interval
There is a consistently decreasing rate of cases in the United States.

Phase 6: Preparation Interval
Even after the pandemic has subsided, public health officials continue to monitor the virus and brace for another wave of illness

Here's a typical outline of the strategy by the world's epidemiologists to prevent phase 4 once phase 3 has been reached:
“Let me be very clear, Phase 3 is going to take place, but the important thing is that with the measures of healthy distance and hygiene, if they are followed and implemented in a disciplined manner, as well as staying at home; instead of having an immense curve that exceeds our medical attention capacity, we are going to have a smaller curve, that will allow our Health system to look after the patients, and stop the virus spreading faster,” explained the official.

In every single fucking country, phase 4 came and went and lockdowns had no fucking effect whatsofuckingever.
Here are the phases of a pandemic:

Here's a typical outline of the strategy by the world's epidemiologists to prevent phase 4 once phase 3 has been reached:
“Let me be very clear, Phase 3 is going to take place, but the important thing is that with the measures of healthy distance and hygiene, if they are followed and implemented in a disciplined manner, as well as staying at home; instead of having an immense curve that exceeds our medical attention capacity, we are going to have a smaller curve, that will allow our Health system to look after the patients, and stop the virus spreading faster,” explained the official.

In every single fucking country, phase 4 came and went and lockdowns had no fucking effect whatsofuckingever.