Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Make your own drop off plot to see the changes in infection rates. Fun with numbers!
COVID-19 Data Update for April 28: Some States Up, Some States Down



Well-Known Member
Throughout the 1930s Jews faced intense discriminatory legislation, government school obedience trained Germans obeyed their masters and not their conscience.

Sort of like what's going on in the USA today with some people.
Thanks to jew hating conspiracy theories exactly like the ones you spread, Jew hater


the “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theories you and your hero Ron Paul spread are exactly what hitler used to convince white, Christian Germans to slaughter jews

blame yourself you rabid right wing Jew hating loser


Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe you're right, that indoctrinating the youth thing is probably overblown.

View attachment 4549716
I am correct

you and Ron Paul both spread the Jew hating “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory

that is the exact same conspiracy theory hitler used to justify slaughtering Jews

at least you finally acknowledge the holocaust happened though, Jew hater


Well-Known Member
Argumentum ad hitlerum by proxy. You agree with Rawn Pawl, therefore you're a pedo.

Says the guy who infected his whole family with SARS-CoV-2. I'm sure this makes me a retarded cocksucker.


Well-Known Member
Argumentum ad hitlerum by proxy. You agree with Rawn Pawl, therefore you're a pedo.

Says the guy who infected his whole family with SARS-CoV-2. I'm sure this makes me a retarded cocksucker.
Hitler spread the cultural Marxism theory before Ron Paul did

his name for it was judeo Bolshevism but it was the exact same conspiracy theory

I would never call rob roy a pedophile.

you may continue your meltdown now


Well-Known Member
I am anti virus

abandon is pro virus

this thread is now on top
I'm kind of concerned about strokes, mini strokes and brain damage sustained by some covid-19 victims.

Strange and unusual blood clotting, frequently in the brain.

I hope nobody has been impacted by that here. I'd be inclined to look into a CT scan if I was having strange thoughts after having that virus, definitely talk to the doctor about it at the very least.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I am correct

you and Ron Paul both spread the Jew hating “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory

that is the exact same conspiracy theory hitler used to justify slaughtering Jews

at least you finally acknowledge the holocaust happened though, Jew hater
I don't know, nor am I responsible for everything Ron Paul thinks, says or does.

I think he was right about ending USA empire, bringing all the troops home etc. Right about protecting liberties and right about ending the racist drug war. He's also right that the "pandemic" is being used to kill the few remaining liberties people still have.

I never said the holocaust wasn't real. I said I didn't know exactly how many people died from it. Neither do you.

One of the root causes of the holocaust and the overblown reaction to this virus is the successful large scale indoctrination of a populace to obey "authorities" (what a horrible misused word) , mostly established thru government schools and the slow boiling frog method.

I don't hate Jews. I bet you hate Murray Rothbard though.

Please note, I did not call you a Poopy Pants, I'm trying to reward your improving behavior.


Well-Known Member
Umm nope not effectively at all, you said so, in fact you said you did a shit job and were really upset at the pushback lol.
Oh hey, that was like 3 weeks ago. A lot of interesting shit has happened since then, like seroprevalence studies, which have bolstered my argument. Also, I have tightened my shot group and simply conveyed what I was trying to say in a more interesting and cogent way.

Budley Doright said:
That’s what I’m pissed about. I’ve done my part and isolated in good faith only to have imbeciles out and about making my effort a waste of fucking time. Yes lockdowns work if an actual fucking lockdown.
Budley Doright said:
And if tested positive do we get to put a bullet between their eyes if they step outside their door? Just curious is all.
Just wanted to make sure this doozy stays up. Try not to go on a white-guy gun rampage, boomer!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You and Ron Paul literally spread the same Jew hating conspiracy theory as hitler

you two little Jew hating holocaust deniers call it cultural Marxism. Hitler called it judeo Bolshevism

it’s the same exact conspiracy theory you Jew hating pos

View attachment 4550414
Hmm, I've never talked about Jews with him. Surely he's bright enough to know if some Jews do bad things, to condemn all Jews would be kind of stupid, given that he rails on about individual rights and liberties.

First time I met Ron Paul, he said, "my name is Ron Paul, I'm running for President. I don't want to run your life, I don't know how to run your life, only you do" . Pretty scary huh?

Another time or two, many years ago, we discussed Fed efforts to impose an animal i.d system on small farmers and back yard chickens etc. That was a power move by "big farma" we both opposed.

Local food production is food security. Get out from under your bed and go grow a garden, you slacker!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
This is the racist Jew hater you support, because you are a racist Jew hater too

View attachment 4550456

So, if Ron Paul is a racist, how come he wanted to end "the racist war on drugs" and Obama laughed when asked about federal legalization of marijuana ?

Would you smoke a joint with Obama now or would you be afraid you'd kill him with a virus transmission ?


Well-Known Member
So, if Ron Paul is a racist
lol @ if

the only politician you’ve ever supported is the only politician to have his own section on the neo nazi stormfront website

quit playing stupid you dumb ass racist Jew hater. You are stupid. No need to be redundant you pos Jew hater

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
lol @ if

the only politician you’ve ever supported is the only politician to have his own section on the neo nazi stormfront website

quit playing stupid you dumb ass racist Jew hater. You are stupid. No need to be redundant you pos Jew hater
I don't support any politicians now, but I did support Ron Paul and still think he's a smart guy who would have saved the 500,000 Iraqi children's lives that perished in the Bush / Obama wars. Saving lives is important! "We're all in this together" !

But's let's not derail this excellent 5 star thread from virus stuff okay?

You never answered if you'd smoke a joint with your buddy Barack though.

Would you be afraid you'd infect him or he'd infect you with a virus, or are you just a racist and don't want to smoke a joint with him, because you might catch something else ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You are the virus you racist Jew hating piece of shit
ME??? Oh dear.

Co Veeda Claus is coming to tooooown!!

He sees you when you're sleeping
He listens in on your convos.

He knows if you've been bad or good

So obey for goodness sake

etc. etc. etc.

(okay, that was lame, but parts were kind of telling eh?)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Militant house-arrest super-spreader who got his whole family sick and continued employment while infected says he's anti-virus...
Oh hey, that was like 3 weeks ago. A lot of interesting shit has happened since then, like seroprevalence studies, which have bolstered my argument. Also, I have tightened my shot group and simply conveyed what I was trying to say in a more interesting and cogent way.

Just wanted to make sure this doozy stays up. Try not to go on a white-guy gun rampage, boomer!
Oh hey thanks for your interest!!! Yes you seem to be doing well with your debate ........