lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?


Well-Known Member
Bigbuddin84 I have actually switched to FFOF for my cannabis but for all my other tropical plants that i keep in pots I use Miracle Grow because it works great and it is half the cost half of what FFOF cost :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think all newbies should get this book or one like it and sit down and READ IT, don't just skim over it but really read it before you start growing and you will prob. get better results.. main thing is keep it simple, don't over analyse everything.. Another thing to keep in mind is these plants are annuals, that means they complete their life cycle in one year, so they want to grow as fast as they can to get to maturity, flower, get pollinated and produce seeds so there will be a next generation after them.


Well-Known Member
Compost, ewc teas, and mix your own soil. Amendmments are cheap. Recycle your soil and youll never waste money on bags again. Coolest thing about ROLS (recycled organic living soil) is that it gets better every time you reuse it.


Well-Known Member
don't listen to dicks on here tell you to get up of your lazy arse and google, this forum method is for clever people who like to get info from people who know what there talking about, instead of reading someones frozen thread on google , you've got to learn to seperate the wheat from the chat,,when i ask questions,ill wait for the first reply and then wait for few other people to join in and before your very eyes you've got a thread war, brilliant, leave then to fight it out and the truth will provale,,,,,,,,i personally would keep the plant alive with out over doing it , your nearly at harvest , in sure it will survive ,check check check reajust reajust reajust you'll be fine .. Some one on this threads already said this , the rest are dicks,,,