lockout, hungry, or pot-bound?


Active Member
hey everybody out there. so ive got a small plant (first grow ever) that's been flowering since 6/22. Buds, hairs, and sugar leaves all look awesome, but since this was my first grow I started out with a shitty growing medium(miracle gro, UGH). The time released ferts in the miracle gro caused my ph to go nutty and it was tough going at first. I had it under control finally and everything was going great for a few weeks, where I could see new bud production every morning.

I saw a few spider mite webs one day and sprayed the plant down with safer soap right before lights out, then rinsed it all off the next morning. A day or two after this I started noticing yellowing leaves. Then the whole plant went to a lighter shade of green. I watered with 7.0 ph and the runoff was off the charts low. like a 4.5. I assumed this was the cause of the problem. Lockout. The next time I watered I flushed with 5 gallons of water until the runoff ph was right, then I topped off the flush with some Foxfarm Big Bloom(micronutes).

I only flushed and fed yesterday, but the yellowing is still obviously spreading. Do you guys think this plant is just really hungry(I haven't fed anything because of the time released ferts in the soil, but that soil is months old now.) Could it have been lockout and it just takes a bit to recover? or:

The plant is aboutg 26 inches tall and in a 3 gallon container, but the leaves are pointing down, and I had a previous experience where a transplant fixed it. I'm deep into flowering on this lady so I don't think I'll be transplanting, but could this be potbound?

I guess I'm really just wondering if anyone has seen anything that looks like this. What was it and how did you fix it? could it be that this girl is about through and is starting to die off?



Well-Known Member
You managed to do pretty much everything you can possibly do wrong all in one run. Thats impressive, Sir.


Active Member
what do you mean. Mites? ..spray, lockout? crazy ph? ..flush. -that's all I did I think. If I have done 'everything wrong' than why am I trying to figure out what you mean? I mean I know the miracle grow was a bad move but this plant was doing fine and now its not and I have a few guesses but I don't really know why.

I'm just trying to find out what I can do to fix this, if you have anything to add please feel free to elaborate.
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Well-Known Member
You should try removing some of those fan leaves. Let some more light into the canopy.


Active Member
noted, but its obvious to me that the plant is not getting its nutrients from the soil anymore. I can tell this by the way it is sucking the color out of its own leaves for nutrients. So.. lack of nutrients means either: Just that: LACK OF NUTRIENTS, or lockout. Since my ph was all crazy I flushed until the ph got right. Now That that is right my concern is my next move. Either to water with plain water to see if there are any nutes left in that soil, or feed hard. see if that fixes it. I just feel weird about that because of different ferts than the plant was used to and all that. Its just crucial timing to save the plant from the yellowing. I'm not too far off from harvesting this one but I think that I'm just wasting time here while this plant is stunted like this.


Well-Known Member
re-pot into better soil and water. That's it. You barely have any leaves to spare so I wouldn't remove anything, it will just stress it out more.


Active Member
I hear you texasjack but this thing will have been flowering for 70 days on sept 1. can I really justify a transplant this late in the game, plus - into better soil. This soil should be neutralized by now right? and im sure its just a giant rootball in there anyway, can't I get away with liquid ferts for the next month? and isn't it a bad idea to transplant in the middle of flower?


Active Member
You managed to do pretty much everything you can possibly do wrong all in one run. Thats impressive, Sir.
Trying to figure out the point of your post...getting nowhere...

Alright so obviously youre running low on Nitrogen. Also your leafstems are red, which indicates phosphorus is off, however it might be a strain thing also. Some strains have red leaf stems.

Now since youre growing in soil everything you put in is gonna show 1-3 weeks later, so very important you dont overdo.

First, check for bugs and fungus, every day. Inspect and take note of changes, every day. Check your soil PH if possible and make sure your soil is "dry" and water "by the book". When it comes to nutes, im not very big on ppm values and when to do what, but since youre late in flowering and also rebounding back from trouble id guess 4-500ppm is s good value. Read up on what your strain really needs, feed lightly and pay attention to how she responds daily.

Remember, your goal now is to cross that finishline, not fix the plant!

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Well-Known Member
Trying to figure out the point of your post...getting nowhere...

Alright so obviously youre running low on Nitrogen. Also your leafstems are red, which indicates phosphorus is off, however it might be a strain thing also. Some strains have red leaf stems.

Now since youre growing in soil everything you put in is gonna show 1-3 weeks later, so very important you dont overdo.

First, check for bugs and fungus, every day. Inspect and take note of changes, every day. Check your soil PH if possible and make sure your soil is "dry" and water "by the book". When it comes to nutes, im not very big on ppm values and when to do what, but since youre late in flowering and also rebounding back from trouble id guess 4-500ppm is s good value. Read up on what your strain really needs, feed lightly and pay attention to how she responds daily.

Remember, your goal now is to cross that finishline, not fix the plant!

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The point of my post is that this shit gets asked 300 times a week easily. No one takes the time to use the search bar. They want the information spoonfed.


Active Member
The point of my post is that this shit gets asked 300 times a week easily. No one takes the time to use the search bar. They want the information spoonfed.
wow, really? so I suppose you don't understand the purpose of a 'forum.' I have symptoms that have multiple possibe causes. the search option tells me that. That is the reason i'm asking if anyone has an opinion as to which of these possible causes it could be- by looking at the picture. Get it now? If it was just a site that posted information, it would not be a 'forum' setting, but right now I feel like im wasting too much time on you since you have nothing positive to offer. i take back complimenting the jello Biafra avatar.


Well-Known Member
Best bet is to put people like Pinworm on ignore. Seems like a troll. Adds nothing to the conversation. Just say nothing if you have nothing to add. Probably 99% of the new questions posted have already been asked at some point. These forums would be dead as hell if no one asked things that had been asked already.

Anyways Ebenezer, seeing how close that plant is to finish, just let do its thing. That plant is fucked and you aren't fixing it. Messing with it at this point would just stress it more. Just use this as a learning experience and use a better medium. I would suggest FFOF. Can be a little hot on the young ones, but after that, its generally smooth sailing. I have seen several people "fix" their problems by switching to that soil.


Well-Known Member
I think the one big mistake first time growers make is they love the plant to death. It's a plant, it needs three basic things, light, water and nutrients. I have also miracle grow many times and never had issues with Ph. and grew perfectly healthy plants. Yes there are better soils but don't blame the miracle grow for shitty plants. flushing with 5 gallons of water is crazy IMO.
If it were me just keep watering the plant and I would not add any fertilizer.
Take what you have learned from this first grow and start new plants of start with clones, if you can get them.
Hope this helps a little?


Active Member
The point of my post is that this shit gets asked 300 times a week easily. No one takes the time to use the search bar. They want the information spoonfed.
I gotta agree with threadstarter, almost every case is induvidual. Sure there are symptoms that match and cases that are often the same and with the same solution. But he will never be able to search that answer cause his own case is his one unique case. Help him or simply ignore instead of answering like that please. Its a public forum for growers, deal with it or leave.

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Well-Known Member
I gotta agree with threadstarter, almost every case is induvidual. Sure there are symptoms that match and cases that are often the same and with the same solution. But he will never be able to search that answer cause his own case is his one unique case. Help him or simply ignore instead of answering like that please. Its a public forum for growers, deal with it or leave.

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People need to take some time and do some homework on their own. There is nothing unique about starting a grow with absolutely zero knowledge, then wasting every one else's time with retarded questions about problems with flushing Miracle Grow soil. This is a public forum. If you don't like my opinion, you can ignore me or leave.


Well-Known Member
worm ur info is indeed valuable i think its more the way u put it accross that well....makes u seem very arragant....
You post good info too. Look. I never claimed to be any master grower. lol I answer these questions all the time. Just getting tired of the super dumb stuff.


Well-Known Member
yea i no wot u mean but remember their r guys out their who r jumping on the mj wagon for the first time and need guys like urself to gain the knowlege u have amassed though ur successes and failures but as u said earlyer instead of just asking do the research and learn the basics at least....and i meant no offence to u earlyer...time to light one up guys : d


Well-Known Member
I think the one big mistake first time growers make is they love the plant to death. It's a plant, it needs three basic things, light, water and nutrients. I have also miracle grow many times and never had issues with Ph. and grew perfectly healthy plants. Yes there are better soils but don't blame the miracle grow for shitty plants. flushing with 5 gallons of water is crazy IMO.
If it were me just keep watering the plant and I would not add any fertilizer.
Take what you have learned from this first grow and start new plants of start with clones, if you can get them.
Hope this helps a little?
I agree with you. Nothing wrong with Miracle Grow, have seen good results with it. Some soils just take a little more finesse to get good results. I only suggested FFOF due to the fact that you can just add water for a while and not really have to mess with it too much early on. Good for noobies.