lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

usually a couple of times each year... I will just stop smoking cannabis for a week or a tolerance break....since I regularly smoke it as medicine and eat oils....considering how high my nano-gram reading should would think then that someone doing that, would at least register some sort of physical symptoms from that dependence ..... mind you it is by choice and there in lies the difference.... its in the head
If you have to quit for a blood test or work... or some other reason and you really don't want to...I can see you possibly becoming agitated or anxious and losing sleep over it.... and even breaking out in night sweats..... but the same can be said of most things that people carry around as extreme stress...
Anyone who has taken say opiates or benzo's for years... via prescription. and has been forced to stop abruptly for whatever reason.. will be able to tell you what the difference between actual withdrawals really is...again not necessarily due to addiction but more likely dependence.....

Also find the word "addiction" is rarely used correctly when describing drug use.
Addiction in essence.... is something you can not stop no matter how hard you try,no matter how much you may want to....regardless of all the negative affects its having on you....and those around you.... you do not want to continue to do it but you also can not bring yourself to quit....

So yes its possible to become addicted to cannabis,,, but again its a mental addiction and rarely a physical one...

The lady in the story above was able to stop and quit....even though she had some discomfort....she was able to do it...
dependence ....sure
Yep! Big difference between addiction and dependence. It is definitely mental, which left unchecked can lead to physical symptoms. If you are mentally healthy, cannabis is an enhancement to life. When you're mentally unhealthy it becomes a crutch to get through everyday life. Exercise definitely helps.
Yep! Big difference between addiction and dependence. It is definitely mental, which left unchecked can lead to physical symptoms. If you are mentally healthy, cannabis is an enhancement to life. When you're mentally unhealthy it becomes a crutch to get through everyday life. Exercise definitely helps.
@Hurst17 is this you?
Cannabis withdrawal... sounds like horse shit to me. Never had a withdrawal symptom except to jones for a smoke. You need to quit eating food grown with man made chemicals and eat food grown with only organic fertilizers. Much healthier for the body and you will find your body is more capable of healing itself both physically and mentally. Easier to recover from disease such as the flu. Much easier to "think" when you've had a good organic salad (at least one a day)... just watch out for the "fake" organic that seems to be all they sell in stores... I blame the USDA and their "organic" standards but could just be farmers cheating and using man made chemicals when they aren't supposed to. Buy from a local farm you know and trust and you will never wonder why you feel like crap again.
I’ve captured some on my signature
The follow up was pretty spot on. I had a couple friends

"dependence maybe...... addiction I don't buy that... have talked to some who say addiction but there has always been some underlying actual addiction to benzo's or opiates....though they won't admit to that but would rather blame it on cannabis...."
wait, what? lol

Is that possible

In today's society...unfortunately yes.
It's true...