lollipoping an auto

az kid

Active Member
What are some other methods?? Should i try LST on a strain like the automazar by Dutch passion, it takes around 100 days to Finnish its life cycle so there is more time for regrowth. Mind you I'm going into my first grow .


Well-Known Member
dunno man its up to you. personally, im gonna do some experiemntation with just topping now, coz LST can take more time. plus if youve got a strain like a 100 day auto, the plant should bbe able to recover from topping in plenty of time anyway, then youll have 4 main colas and the effort you put in is next to nothing. you could do some experimenting yourself too, like topping one and lst'ing another, if you want. personally i dont have the luxury of being able to spend lots of time tending to my plants in peace. I always gotta b on my toes like a ninja :cry:


Well-Known Member
What's the right way to top them without causing to much stress??
check out topping on youtube or use the search feature to find threads with pics. Basically u just make a horizontal cut through the main stem using a sanitized razor blade, just above the node you want to top at. With autos, this can be done from just above the 2nd node or just above the 5th node like i did in my sig grow (im using a sativa hybrid). But in general, i think the rule is to get it done early, like from week 2-3 depending on how developed your plants are. You want them to be able to recover way before they start to actually bud which is usually around week 4 or so.