london and the teaparty

Somesuch being that i don't remember the name. Turns out to be operation trident which is ust the name for the armed police stuff.

That is how the story first came out, and the followup proved that the police had fired all ths shots including at their own officer. There was no justification in pulling the trigger. Accounts are also pointing towards the gun being inside of a sock and as such, unfireable at the time.

So the community stood outside the polie station and asked for some answers.

Here's one of many witness interviews.

I wonder what the cabbie drivers story will be on this, if like one eye witness report stated by the guardian that Mark fired his weapon in the cab then surely the cabbie will know everything. Also if he had in fact sent a BB text to his GF just before the shit went down then why weer they following him, what was he up to or why were they tailing him?
It's already been proven by ballistic tests by the IPCC that he did not fire any weapon. The only weapon fired was the police officers. The police shot the other firearms officer. The initial story was that Mark fired the shot at the police officer which resulted in returning fire. Then the truth came out and the police scrabbled to pretend it was still all okeydokey and cool with the gang. [conjecture: by instigating riots to detract from the incident]

As you say though, it's interesting that there has been no public quote or anything from the cab driver, i'd be down the pub gaffin off and getting rich talking to the newspapers :D

All this has vanished from the news though, cast aside as if the rioting holds more importance than the murder of a black man by police officers who from every description are incredibly highly trained. There is a recurring theme of armed police units and mysterious deaths. Such as Smilie Culture who apparently stabbed himself to death during a police raid. Never know what to think these days other than fuck the official story.