london and the teaparty

Glad to see everyone has managed to stay focussed on the point of this thread....

Anywhooo it has just started to hit british tabloids today that many of the rioters have been goaded or bribed by yet to be identified people who were out on the streets trying to get people to commit these crimes. All the details we will have to wait for as it has just broke surface. My GF has a blackberry and recieved a message of the same sort on Monday evening around 5pm but dismissed it as mucking about, she is in Hackney herself.

There is more to this than meets the eye closely!!
As a newb to this site I never thought the politics forum would be so nasty. It's a site about weed, these trolls need to go smoke up and chill out a little. I thought most stoners were more libertarian, not left wing thugs who would love to stomp you to death in the street if they could.
As a newb to this site I never thought the politics forum would be so nasty. It's a site about weed, these trolls need to go smoke up and chill out a little. I thought most stoners were more libertarian, not left wing thugs who would love to stomp you to death in the street if they could.
It's easy to catch a shank in the kidneys in this section so watch your back.
And welcome to RIU - glad you're here.
This guy is a perfect example of why we should weep for the future. Mine, mine, gimmee, gimmee, I need, I need. These leeches feel they are entitled to everlasting support, just because they were born. Why don't you go die, free up some funds and some bandwidth.
No dickface, this isn't about me or my needs. It's about standing up to a bunch of conservative, capitalist hacks banding together at a Cannabis forum to spout mindless, self-loathing rhetoric. Ironically, a brand of rhetoric that opposes and attempts to destroy the very plant we are all, supposed, to be here to celebrate. It's honorable to be considered a troll among such ignorant dumbfucks.
Seven.. I grow pot, I love pot.. I wish POT WAS REGULATED MORE.. The only people who want it to be really LEGAL are the people who have a hard time growing or obtaining it.. For all the REAL GROWERS, Strict rules on Pot brings more $$$
No dickface, this isn't about me or my needs. It's about standing up to a bunch of conservative, capitalist hacks banding together at a Cannabis forum to spout mindless, self-loathing rhetoric. Ironically, a brand of rhetoric that opposes and attempts to destroy the very plant we are all, supposed, to be here to celebrate. It's honorable to be considered a troll among such ignorant dumbfucks.

You have a drastically inflated opinion of yourself and your positions. When you come in to a forum and start hurling flaccid, obscenity laced attacks without contributing ANY actual content, right out of the gate, you're not going to last long at all. You're welcome to your statist view, there's plenty of defeatist, jealous, liberal turds on here that will give you plenty of "likes" every time you parrot MSNBC's talking points from last night. But as of this moment, you're a nobody and at the rate you're going, I feel comfortable saying you'll stay that way.
As a newb to this site I never thought the politics forum would be so nasty. It's a site about weed, these trolls need to go smoke up and chill out a little. I thought most stoners were more libertarian, not left wing thugs who would love to stomp you to death in the street if they could.
Actually, the politics section at RIU is cluttered with tea bagging, conservative internet hacks who don't smoke, grow or use Cannabis. They are just here to talk shit. Burn them and eat them. Also, why the fuck would you assume most stoners are libertarian. Most stoners I associate with don't mind sharing and giving. Take a penny, leave a penny. Libertarians believe everything should be privatized and maximized. Monetary reward is the end all be all of life on this planet. You and the dickheads you're defending should go out to the woods and eat a bag of really good mushrooms. Reevaluate your priorities.
No No No! We need to keep him around! If not for the entertainment factor, he reaffirms my belief as to why, and I speak for myself,I choose not to align myself with liberals.

He and Prefontaine (the guy I mistook SHWW for at first) are definitely soldiers of the FSA, in an intellectual sense at least.
You have a drastically inflated opinion of yourself and your positions. When you come in to a forum and start hurling flaccid, obscenity laced attacks without contributing ANY actual content, right out of the gate, you're not going to last long at all. You're welcome to your statist view, there's plenty of defeatist, jealous, liberal turds on here that will give you plenty of "likes" every time you parrot MSNBC's talking points from last night. But as of this moment, you're a nobody and at the rate you're going, I feel comfortable saying you'll stay that way.
LULZ, as if my goal was to be respected by greedy conservative scoundrels.
LULZ, as if my goal was to be respected by greedy conservative scoundrels.

Greedy. That about sums it up. How dare I want to keep the fruits of my labor when there are a bunch of lazy, freeloading scumbags in need of a third cell phone, a second big screen tv, high speed internet, satellite programming and all the other ammenities that are now considered "rights". I guess all my income is really the government's money and I'm just keeping it warm for them. Very few people with money in this country had it just handed to them, in MOST cases they had to work for it... some of them harder than you can even fathom. I can't claim to be one of them, I kind of fell into my situation. But, I respect, not envy those who have achieved financial well being through hard work.

We owe the poor of this country nothing more than enough to survive, not live in comfort. People below the poverty line is this country live better than the middle class do in most parts of the world. There are exceptions, but by and large it holds up. I'm not a fan of the welfare state, you may be, but you are quickly becoming a dying breed.
No dickface, this isn't about me or my needs. It's about standing up to a bunch of conservative, capitalist hacks banding together at a Cannabis forum to spout mindless, self-loathing rhetoric. Ironically, a brand of rhetoric that opposes and attempts to destroy the very plant we are all, supposed, to be here to celebrate. It's honorable to be considered a troll among such ignorant dumbfucks.
Seriously you haven't spent anywhere near enough time in the politics section, and its obvious by what you are saying. There is plenty of political diversity in this part of the Forum. If you really think its just a bunch of Conservatives here you really ought to try reading more of the posts. I'm sure you will be convinced otherwise.
are you just trying to up your post count or do you really have so little of substance to add? in a mere twenty-four hours you have posted as much shit as even uncle buck, one of our most accomplished trolls. i see a great career ahead of you in the democratic party. you may have to tone down the profanity a bit though, that sort of thing doesn't play too well in the heartland.
I am still trying to figure out who this clown is.

Buck is mostly good-natured in his mirth.

This troll is full of hate and bile.

Even so, he is harmless. Sputtering insults like an angry teenager. That all he's got.

Hell, it could be Buck for all I know; going all Tony Clifton on us.
Actually, the politics section at RIU is cluttered with tea bagging, conservative internet hacks who don't smoke, grow or use Cannabis.

Hmmm, really?

We don't smoke? News to me.

We don't grow? Why do we have grow journals with evidence to the contrary.

Maybe YOU should ponder why you make so many inaccurate assumptions.
I am still trying to figure out who this clown is.

Buck is mostly good-natured in his mirth.

This troll is full of hate and bile.

Even so, he is harmless. Sputtering insults like an angry teenager. That all he's got.

Hell, it could be Buck for all I know; going all Tony Clifton on us.
It's been awhile since I grappled with the old fool, but this character reminds me of Medicine Man, both in his ideology and his speedy delivery of insults against anyone that does not fit within his paradigm.
Honestly I thought it was the opposite.. RIU is full of ppl who Bash Tea Baggers and Conservative Hacks who dont smoke, JUST because thoes crazy ppl make LOUDER arguments doesnt mean their the Majority.. Have you not seen the other posts on religions/politics/god.. ? Its the conservative religious nut jobs who get slammed..