Well-Known Member
yeah I can see that would drive ya batty as it were......I get the same from some family member I have.....20 questions to get to the right answer..... in mean time everything in your body is getting angrier, and angrier like your gonna burst....for me it's a baseball bat to a dead tree stump I have.....I've broken many of bats on that thing through the years......the late one was when my wife went to the hospital...no info, no info, no info.....finally a little info...can't sit at the hospital........yep me and baseball bat to the stump strikes again....then 2 days later....real info I can use......
I feel you man. I can literally adrenalin dump myself at will. That was the beginning of the realization I could control some of the ways I was reacting. FIrst step identifying trigger. Next step preventing adrenalin dump. Which prevents fight or flight response.
In your case and mine, looks like alot of fight response. lol