Look out growers, the Green Police

I wont b able to get enuf to run my opt but a few amps will do me for now.....

Saving for a multi fule genny from a military supply company 18kw for 3600.00 multifuel
Biodiesel, maybe ethanol? I've seen some people convert theirs to veggie oil. Pretty cool, seeing as it would just be sent to the dump otherwise because it's mostly a waste product of resturants.

Whatever you do, don't dump the oil. It seeps into the water every time and pollutes. Shops take it and recycle it for free because it doesn't combust, it just gets dirty. You can actually buy rerefined oil. How's that for green police?
Biodiesel, maybe ethanol? I've seen some people convert theirs to veggie oil. Pretty cool, seeing as it would just be sent to the dump otherwise because it's mostly a waste product of resturants.

Whatever you do, don't dump the oil. It seeps into the water every time and pollutes. Shops take it and recycle it for free because it doesn't combust, it just gets dirty. You can actually buy rerefined oil. How's that for green police?

I was in refrence to E10/E85 apps mainly corn/soy sources.

It takes average 1200ish gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of E85, that's efficent.
Your old cooking oil is another, I don't fry my foods so I don't have any oil to reuse other than when I change the oil in my truck, then I pour that in a ditch, hows that for recycling LOL IM JOKING.

They bitch at us the plp but let monsantos dump PCBs down drains and shit.