lookin' like a fool, .....


Well-Known Member
FDD thank you ! Next time this happens to one of you i urge you to stand up and defend yourself. we can all learn a lesson from this old guy. when your out and an animal like this is trying to intimidate you handle it. Ive been in the same situation and got down bunch of idiots running around trying to pray on the weak


Well-Known Member
i love how at the end the black dude is talkin shit quietly to himself.

"i'm gonna come back and kill that bitch."

But that old white dude seriously had some problems.


Well-Known Member
haha i *just* saw this video a couple hours ago...someone posted it on ATS. theres a second video of the guy on the street just freaking out. i read somewhere that he was apparently a mental health patient who was off his meds. i thought that was great. that old guy handed the other guy his ass! so whats the moral of the story here people?

keep your hands to yourself. you never know when you're antagonizing one of us crazy folk!


Well-Known Member
DAAAAMMN....santa claus kicks ass. black dude wasnt too smart, shoulda picked on someone his own size.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...the black girls at the beginning, " whip his white ass!"
...the black girls at the end, " what the fuck??? "
...priceless! + rep


Active Member
hahahaha that made my night he had no clue where that left fist came from then no idea where he was after it got there definatly got what he deserved

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
awesome! as usual with most fights it was all over with the first big right. who picks on a guy clearly 6 inches and about 40-50 lb heavier?! a dumb fucker thats who, i mean who leads with a weak left to the arm. some playground shit right there

cant believe the bitch stole his shit tho. karma will get her.


Active Member
I bounced in bars for years and i can tell you one thing for certain, you never know who you're dealing with. There's some crazy mutherfuckers wrapped in a harmless demeanor out there.


But if you look close you can see that old man is in damned good shape AND he said he was 67 years old = 2 red flags. old enough to be a vietnam vet and in shape enough for his age not to matter = ASS whoopin

Crazy white folks - 1

Crazy black folks - a gagillion


Well-Known Member
I bounced in bars for years and i can tell you one thing for certain, you never know who you're dealing with. There's some crazy mutherfuckers wrapped in a harmless demeanor out there.
The guys baby blue shirt LITERALLY says "I am a Motherfucker" in 6" block letters. That is a "warning sign" if I have ever seen one. I'd steer clear of all conflict with him. LOL


Well-Known Member
lmfao you hear him screaming VIETNAM!!! VIETNAM !!!!!!!! VIETNAAAAAAAAAAAAAMM!!!!!!!!!!
This is gonna have like 10million views lol