Looking for a good starting HPS light!


Active Member
okay ive googled around for hydro shop in BC, and yes i know they are out here but im having trouble choosing a lighting setup. Could anyone recommend a reputable shop or website hopefully at least in Canada, i don't wanna be paying for customs fees, or better yet in BC. Im looking into a setup between 200watts to 400watts. Rough area to grow in 2' x 3'. thx.


Well-Known Member
all i have is some diagrams for how to hang lights soo if you want them let me know, but other than that just google hydro shops in canada that should work


New Member
you could experiment if your worried about heat build up and get a grow light which takes both 250watt and 400watt bulbs.


Active Member
as for heat build up worries, im growin under my bed. yup i said it. im hookinit up with all the reflective sheeting and cfl cool and warm. itll look pimped out. ill have a 10" diameter curcular fan blowing air in throught a hole in the plywood siding and a hole drilled out ouf it on the oposit side. my bed stands a good 27"off the ground. and i was wondering if theres any good way to stunt the height?


Active Member
thanks everyone. I guess i might as well get a 400watt. LOL, but damn. I googled around and didn't even come close to finding something like these in Canada. (Keywords: hydroponics / Canada) Oh well thank again all, hopefully ill get my light soon now.


Active Member
Alright! well i bought my lamp off that ebay auction. And im pretty sure im gonna be very happy with it. Thx again for your help guys.