looking for ideas on how to conceal my small outdoor grow this year


Well-Known Member
Sadly I'm not that badass. But I always thought about taking a bunch of seeds and treated soil outdoors somewhere out in the country or a foreclosed farm. I figured that if cops were staking the place out they'd wait until I brought the harvest into my car before moving in on me. So my plan would be to cut the harvest down. Then I'd pull out a plastic bag with some newspapers out of my pack, make it look like I was carrying the weed to my car. If they bust me then I know I was being watched, and I'm not a lawyer but I figured I'd have a better chance in court if I didn't actually bring the weed in my car. Hell, I'd even put on a D.A.R.E shirt and act like I was just cutting down the plant as some anti drug vigilante. Sorta like testing the waters.

good ol boy

Well-Known Member
Good story. No cars needed. My land. Just being careful. Im no badass either but im def a smart country boy jus being careful looking for ideas


Well-Known Member
If you want to keep em low just keep staking the top down low to the ground.When you get a few more nodes on the top add another stake. You'll get some nice branching action as well.


Well-Known Member
Small to mid size plants, mix in with the surrounding plant, next to tomato plants in the garden.:D

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
If you are talking about hiding them in bushes and trees, here are a few of my ideas. https://www.rollitup.org/t/bushcrafting-the-weed-addition-bugout-patch.898431/

Always plant with a taller bush or tree to the north of your plants and plenty of southern sun exposure. {assuming it is springtime where you are} I like to plant next to holly trees. They keep their leaves in the fall, and the color is kind of close.