Looking for MJ events worth traveling too


Active Member
Keep it in the US or canada if possible.

Looking for the best conferences, events, showcases, whatever in the US. Plan on making at least one MJ based trip this year, which events are the most worth while to a grower?

MI events would be gold since thats the closest to me.


Active Member
My buddy said the High Times Medical Marijuana Cup in San Fransisco was awesome. He has a video on Youtube of Redman trying to perform a little but everyone just wanted to give him their homegrown to smoke. Cant remember his username though. So if you want a rapper or someone famous to smoke your homegrown this is good event to go to.


Active Member
Hempfest? These happen in like ever major city in the US around the March-May times normaly around the time College lets out. I remeber taking a few trips to Bostons Hempfest. Its basicl a big out side chill fest pot is not legal on that day or event however everyone there is smoking and the cops dont rly mess with you unless your messing with them.


Active Member
Hempfest? These happen in like ever major city in the US around the March-May times normaly around the time College lets out. I remeber taking a few trips to Bostons Hempfest. Its basicl a big out side chill fest pot is not legal on that day or event however everyone there is smoking and the cops dont rly mess with you unless your messing with them.

Whats the attraction other then smoking in public?

Looked up the boston one but the site is years out of date.


Active Member
I dont think its so much the smoking in public as it is the gathering of masses. I cant rly discribe it as anything but a small woodstock. People happen to smoke there cause its a shit load of pot heads outside.

Shit I havent been to one in ovber 10 years for all I know they could have stopped having them. IDK I was just tossing it out there.


Active Member
I've been to the Boston Hemp Fest. They have music, glass shops, and flavored oxygen bars. Nothing too great though. Just a lot of people smoking in public and in the middle are scary cops on horses. I wouldn't suggest going way out of you way for it. It only last like 6 hours too.


Active Member
Try the Teating Yourself Medical Expo in Toronto Jun3 3-5 2011.... the write up on the 2010 festival is in the issue with the MEkong High on the cover... BTW all of the back issues of this wonderful publication are online available as a PDF download... these are the full versions, ads and all... great source of info.... God Lord willing and the crick don;t rise I will be there this year
Seattle Hemp Fest is said to be solid. There´s an underground cannabis cup scene that´s starting to pop up, ATL, Georgia had one not to long ago.