Lost track of time

I planted 3 autos and they have been flowering for a few weeks as this was just a practice grow to get all my equipment and environment calibrated in for my first real grow in a few years … I lost track of when they started flowering and i got the seeds years ago a freebies and don’t know what strain they are can anyone give me an idea of how many more weeks they have got to go



Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants OP. I am not an expert by any stretch, but I have had a handful of successful harvests, and here are some things I have learned:

Harvesting by trichomes is a pretty advanced technique which more often than not will lead you to harvest early. Better to learn what a ripe bud looks like at a glance - >95% of hairs should be brown and curled in, and the buds will start to look like popped popcorn, or more like how they will look in the bag/jar after they are dry.

There is a lot of weed on those plants. If you're really curious, cut off a small nug, dry it, and smoke it to see if it's what you're looking for. The rest of the plant will not get over-ripe in the few days it takes to dry and test, and if it's not what you're looking for, then at least it was only a very small loss.

Early weed might be more "up" or "energizing," but in a more edgy, 'noid-y way, and the high is short-lived. You will not regret letting it go an extra couple weeks past the "peak," but you will regret if you chop it a couple weeks early and are stuck with a bunch of crummy weed.

Every time you ask how much longer it's gonna be, it adds 2 weeks to your harvest time. Sorry, I don't make the rules.