Lots of black spots on a few fan leaves


Hey, sorry guys, I'm colorblind. They look black. Fdd helped me diagnose thripes a while back and thought/hoped I hammered em. No slug tracks on new growth, just these spots close to the main leaf margin on several fan leaves. I've been using PH- to get it lower then 7ish and seems to hover around 6.8. This picture is from mom and I need to snip clones soon. she's looking way better after a rejuve and thripe issue but the dark purple stock and stems is still prevelant. Appreciate the help:wall:



Well-Known Member
i have the same problem to. if i find out what it is i will hit you up. there a couple other threads on her that have the same problem as you and i. evrybody always responds with mag def/cal or nute burn. i keep my nute low and use cal/mag, so im thinking thats not it. i think its got to do something with ph. this spotting i have notice starts to hit people in the 3-5 week of flowering. i think the plants chemistry changes very fast and we are not supplying or enabling some type of nutrient,micro or macro even. my last grow spotted big time but i still pulled 2 oz`s a plant.i think you will be ok even if they dont look that good you will still get something. good luck in finding the problem, if i hear something i will hit you-stay safe


i have the same problem to. if i find out what it is i will hit you up. there a couple other threads on her that have the same problem as you and i. evrybody always responds with mag def/cal or nute burn. i keep my nute low and use cal/mag, so im thinking thats not it. i think its got to do something with ph. this spotting i have notice starts to hit people in the 3-5 week of flowering. i think the plants chemistry changes very fast and we are not supplying or enabling some type of nutrient,micro or macro even. my last grow spotted big time but i still pulled 2 oz`s a plant.i think you will be ok even if they dont look that good you will still get something. good luck in finding the problem, if i hear something i will hit you-stay safe
I was hoping one of the pros would nail this straight away. I'm thinking it's a deficiency or perhaps over strength h2o2 ff. I can see some of the healthy leaves showing spotty shadows. I had flushed really good and added 1/2 strength 17-15-17 and some B+ occasionally with epsom salts. Just kinda winging it here. I've been searching as well but nothing conclusive found. Cheers, GL, and I'll def let you know if I find answers.


Wow, tough crowd here. Thanks for all the help boys.

Jonz buddy, I flushed the shit outta mine today with nice clean tap water. Also pulled her out of the pot, ripped open the roots and pulled the top layer of dirt out and topped with fresh sunshine mix. Then I chased with a good dose of 17-15-17. I let you know how she goes.

The more I scoured the internet, the more I think its a PH issue, lockout or over-toxification (is that a word?) I was using PH- bringing the tap water down to 5ish as the label said. Perhaps I had "hot spots". Dunno. The friggin chinese PH tester I have is probably not working correctly anyways. Not gonna dink around with PH+ and - for a bit, until I invest in a better tester.

Best of luck on your end


Active Member
Cashloa, I too am experiencing the same problem, but I’m also doing a test on three different types of soils and only two of them are having this issue. The 3 soils are Fox farm, Pro Earth and Miracle Grow. The Miracle grow soil is showing no signs of the black spots condition (yet) and now the other two plants leaves are now turning yellow. I’m flushing now and I hope this will help. Hope some Pro will share some wisdom.


Hey bud, I'm using ProMix HP on this one in question. I have one other plant and it's in the same room in Sunshine mix #4 which I've been feeding well, and she seems fine. Deep green and no signs of leaf spotting.

Wondering what the side effects are of being root bound are. She is in a 10"x12" pot and pretty full of roots!



Active Member
How far along are your ladies? I’m on week 5. The Miracle Grow girl hairs have started to turn, but the Fox Farm and Pro Earth still have a bit to go.


Hey bud, sorry so long getting back. Anyways... I think the spots were due to PH stress. I was dumping in ph 4-5 water as directions were telling me to mix. It would equal out once in the pot, but I think it was shocking them. I stopped, flushed very well, fed more nutes and all seems to have balanced out.
