Low Budget Startup Grow


Well-Known Member
I just decided i better check the worms and to my surprise there breeding like crazy....I don't barely know shit about worms....I know i like the castings...

I have two types of worms in there so I don't know which are doing there thing....Im glad to see it...Heres some pics of the worms...I wonder what worms think of the flash..lol :shock:



Well-Known Member
I love it makeing your own worn casting. I'm going to go back and read this should be real interesting. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
I love it makeing your own worn casting. I'm going to go back and read this should be real interesting. Keep it up.
Thanks for stopping bye....

It is hard to get things where I live...esspecially outside of garden season. So I saw it was fit to start a worm bin...It was super easy and now I have some babies worms born....Supposedly redworms produce there weight in castings each week.

Its 13.88 for a 2 ltr bottle where im at. :peace:


Nice little bin you got there slip. All my shit is ready for my next grow just got to flush and harvest.


Well-Known Member
Nice little bin you got there slip. All my shit is ready for my next grow just got to flush and harvest.
Thanks, it makes me happy...its funny....I was trained for war, ooorah Marine Corps....no religious pref, no care about life or death, no children, ya know....I'll put a round downrange at you and not even blink.

Now, after getting more mature, having kids...I am a much nicer person...The kids added like 50% more niceness, the dog...like 4%, the worms...lol 1%...and of course the plants..maybe like 20% more....

The plants are very therapeutic...I would suggest it to any war veterans..

Your crops will be done before mine....There looking good. Since i am using bagseed...I actually don't know how long I'm going to be budding...im still getting daily growth....I was thinking about doing a small feed...in a day or 2 then starting a flush shortly after that....

To bad your so far away...we could medicate...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Fuck ya i feel u on all of that...my brother went in2 the army i went to thuggn and husln..for many years..put me in MSP for a year and almost 30 had the po po not had to drop everything on a ultimatly botched raid..i wouldnt have thought twice about puttn a gun in some1's face...im glad i just never did anything brutal...cause it wuz in me.. Now ...ive got a kid another 1 on the way..and i just shutter thinking about the shit i used to do..and how if i wuz to go back to that..i could lose them..everything..

and i think i wanna grow worms too much love..peaCe


Well-Known Member
Fuck ya i feel u on all of that...my brother went in2 the army i went to thuggn and husln..for many years..put me in MSP for a year and almost 30 had the po po not had to drop everything on a ultimatly botched raid..i wouldnt have thought twice about puttn a gun in some1's face...im glad i just never did anything brutal...cause it wuz in me.. Now ...ive got a kid another 1 on the way..and i just shutter thinking about the shit i used to do..and how if i wuz to go back to that..i could lose them..everything..

and i think i wanna grow worms too much love..peaCe

Yeah...Its good to let that go...People don't realize how fragile life is...and how it can be gone like that...Im so happy to have my hustlin in the past...


Well-Known Member
Just felt like doing some updating: Things seem good, the plants on day 15 are starting to develop there bud sites...I expect they will be the same size as the ones I am about to harvest...Its all good

It will probably be a year before I'm dialed in with equipment, strain, and experience...I have a good online crew at RIU to speed the learning curve...Thanks to those that have helped out...and all that will.

I can't wait to get 4 600's in there....And a grand in metal halide in the veg....Maybe I should just go with 1000 watters....I am a sucker for upgrades at the point of purchase.

The vegging plants want more light....There doing okay....Does anyone following or lurking have any info about a strain that starts flowering under 18 hours....I'm curious to flower one of these...the last pic.



Well-Known Member
I have been talking around and trying to find out about my plant that is budding in veg. I believe it is an auto strain, I fear that the clones I took are just going to keep budding and not revert into veg....

This makes them next to pointless... To bad i topped the plant

Auto flowers perform bad under 12/12 so i am going to move the plant into the flower room at night and the veg in the day and see what happens to the clones...


Well-Known Member
Here is a couple photo's I cant wait to smoke this bud....Then on to bigger and better strains...Won't be long now.

It's about the mid of week 6 and I think there gonna need an extra week...Oh well...I should have ordered seeds to start.

The strain seems okay...very sticky and with a slight sweet smell



Well-Known Member
so you think some of the girls in the pics are autoflowers?? or you have some other girls somewhere that you think or autoflowers?? either way if you have some and cloned them the clones are gonna go useless... your right about them just flowering... thats still cool shit if it is an autoflower tho.. since im gonna have extra space i was thinking of keeping a few going all the time just to have some variety.. ill be real jealous if you just got lucky enough to get some seeds randomly!!

girls are looking good bro! nice budz on them... gonna give you some happy time smoke for sure! looks like you might need to go to week 9 or so... cant tell for sure.. waiting sucks.. but the reward is soooo worth it.. we're all almost there... just a little bit longer...


Well-Known Member
so you think some of the girls in the pics are autoflowers?? or you have some other girls somewhere that you think or autoflowers?? either way if you have some and cloned them the clones are gonna go useless... your right about them just flowering... thats still cool shit if it is an autoflower tho.. since im gonna have extra space i was thinking of keeping a few going all the time just to have some variety.. ill be real jealous if you just got lucky enough to get some seeds randomly!!

girls are looking good bro! nice budz on them... gonna give you some happy time smoke for sure! looks like you might need to go to week 9 or so... cant tell for sure.. waiting sucks.. but the reward is soooo worth it.. we're all almost there... just a little bit longer...
Good Morning Sampson

I wasn't expecting to see an auto flower....Its budding up and putting resin on. Im glad I still have a seedling from the same brick as the auto flower, its got completley diff. I wish i would have known it was going to do that...I would have had some pollen ready to empregnate that bitch. It'll probally be the best 2 grams I grow..lol

Do you think i should shit can the clones....I hate being short on my med limit...I'm already like 6 short..Itll piss me off to can 6 of them them...They were supposed to plug a hole in the assembly line


Well-Known Member
dont want to say shit can them for sure.. i mean who knows what'll happen... its kinda a coin flip... i would say this.. if you can get some clones soon enough then yea... but if you cant, just let them go... either way you win right??


Well-Known Member
dont want to say shit can them for sure.. i mean who knows what'll happen... its kinda a coin flip... i would say this.. if you can get some clones soon enough then yea... but if you cant, just let them go... either way you win right??

I thought I already posted on this comment....wow...I wonder where I posted the comment about selling little cola buds to smurfs...lol

I have no reason to throw them away....I may as well grow'em I think I'll throw one out in the green house....

I have a sweet green house but I have close neighbors....I also like indoor growing.


Well-Known Member
lol thats some funny shit to think about.. could you imagine a smurf sized blunt... thats great.. smurfette rippin a bong... papa smurf tendin a garden... thats fuckin awesome...


Well-Known Member
some NASTY shit too... like bath tub style... i could see him tweakin out talkin about "I gotta get those little blue fuckers.. (hits pipe).. i gotta get them.. " i knew there was more to the smurfs than meets the eye


Well-Known Member
some NASTY shit too... like bath tub style... i could see him tweakin out talkin about "I gotta get those little blue fuckers.. (hits pipe).. i gotta get them.. " i knew there was more to the smurfs than meets the eye

LOL..seriously cracking up


I found some incriminating evidence...I heard they made there fortunes slanggin mushrooms.

