Well-Known Member
Yeah they are chilled lol, most people in the uk dont have a problem with weed and quite a few times i have been smoking on the beach and someone smells it and walks over to which im thinking oh dear gotta explain this now and they ask if i can get them some (couple of times this has happened when its been the most unlikely looking people aswell lol) but anyway they are chilled so can get away with it in my garden. Yeah i did think that dude but it gets light here before 5am so how can i taken them back out before sunrise, hmmmmm, well i guess it stays light til around 9pm at present, obviously deminishing daily, so i suppose i could bring that out at 9am, take them back at 9pm everyday, but i dont really trust myself to get this right, almost would like to have a timer which just switches on and off every 12 hours so i cant go wrong. i should have got auto flowering lowryder number 2 or something and i would be all done know smoking on some nice herbs, but you live and learn. Thanks for your help i think what i am going to do with this grow then just for the easiness is start to flower it pretty much now. tonight at 8pm i will cover them up or bring them inside and every morning at 8am will put them back in the sun. Will just have to cross the outdoor odour control bridge when i get to it, maybe an abundance of mint plants near by or a pile of horse shit will do the trick lol. Final question and probably a ridiculously silly one. Will i get the best bud and the best yields from an outdoor grow, obviously the yield will be higher, but can people get better results growing indoors than outdoors just because they have complete control over the enviroment etc. or are you always if you can better off growing outdoors? Thanks