Well-Known Member
You ask for proof and obviously didn't read it
There it is. The money.
You ask for proof and obviously didn't read it
i think i'm gonna go smash walnuts with a hammer and poop on them, because that futile act is more sensible than trying to debate a brick wall of idiocy like you.
expecting them to stop saying "Something different? ZOMG!! THAT'S RACIST!!" is totally racist, thus you are Double Racist!
but by pointing this out, i may have just become Triple Racist!
aww shit. intorspection? thats Quadruple Racist!
You ask for proof and obviously didn't read it if you thought those were my words. Small, simple minded little man who is not really interested in the truth that you are. I put the around it to clean it up, i didn't think anyone was that stupid to not be able to tell where the article left off and my editorial began. I guess that's on me, you've proven that you are.
There is over 46 million STILL living in poverty and climbing in spite of our painfully slow economic recovery. The economy is doing better but poverty is on the rise. Hey I know, double down on the idiocy, maybe we can get poverty up to 80 million before you say we didn't throw enough money at it.
By now, most people without an agenda would look at the staggering facts and say "let's try something different". Buck on the other hand says "Something different? ZOMG!! THAT'S RACIST!!
you ready to play nice yet or are you enjoying this?
I don't know about Low IQ but I've always said that Republicans are the lowest educated folks you can meet. I'm not saying that you can't be a Harvard grad with a PHD in Economics if you're a republican, but the highest majority of uneducated people, people who are sheep (sheeple if you will) and don't study or learn the facts and act more on ignorance than rationale are republicans. The more educated people seem to think for themselves and I found usually fall somewhere between conservatives and liberals but are themselves sheeple and side with what they feel is the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to politics. I'm no good either I say fuck the whole system!!
Bottom 10 states (for HS graduation)
[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TD]South Carolina[/TD]
[TD]New Mexico[/TD]
[TD]West Virginia[/TD]
Taking California out and New Mexico (which goes back n forth but currently is democratic) the other 8 are all conservative states
Top 10 for High School graduation
[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TD]New Hampshire[/TD]
7/10 states are Liberal... numbers don't lie, another thing to note and a totally different topic, the Blue states that are in the top 10 have by in large a lot higher Social Capital than most other blue states, this surely due to the population and ruralness of those states.
"How can you keep proving me wrong, when i keep insisting i am right?
It is Racist to expect minority persons the stand on their own two feet!
They are clearly incapable of doing so, thus we must give them free handouts from somebody else's money.
It is our duty."
yes bucky, the justification for slavery WAS the unfortunate waste product of the enlightenment. without the fiction of the White Man's Burden, christians could never convince themselves that chattel slavery was permissible. only by first assuming that the black africans, native americans, and various indigenous populations around the world were INFERIOR could they explain away their use of slavery and bondage.
they described their chattel as helpless children, and they were SAVING them from their own ignorance by enslaving them, forcing them to become Christians and suppressing their cultures.
that is the key to the european colonial powers' guilt free domination of primitive societies.
and yes, it was also largely based on race.
i happen to agree with p[art of their premise, in that the primitive cultures found in various parts of the world were counterproductive, but if somebody really wants to live in a mud hut, they can do so, if they REALLY REALLY want to believe that a monkeylike buttfucking demon will sodomize them in their sleep if they dont give the local witch doctor a bribe, well thats their fucking problem too.
just like if somebody wants to embrace the fail ass obsolete and retrograde memes of catholicism, mormonism. mohammedanism, or scientology. as long as they are only screwing themselves over, i dont give a fuck what crazy retarded beliefs they indulge in.
i also dont give a fuck what color they are, what language they speak, or whether they dry their dope over cat boxes.
but you really should put that on the label. GMO's may be regarded as safe by science, but cat piss has no such endorsement
yes, i am enjoying watching you make an ass out of yourself.
keeping 40 million out of poverty is clearly a FAILURE according to you. brilliant.
you try some simpleton math about sending everyone a check, yet you neglect to realize that many people would be below poverty if we did away with food stamps (a war on poverty program). you are only accounting for a very small portion of poverty and near poverty with your fail math.
watching you get so upset over simple facts is very entertaining.
That must have been what you were doing when insisted Holder was prosecuting blacks for hate crimes and I showed you the video of HOLDER SAYING HE WON"T and you said you wanted my words not his. That was one of your finer moments. I noticed you dropped that thread like a hotcake too. You are not even man enough to admit mistakes you make on here when all men make them. It's expected and no big deal.
Predictable and boring you've become.
I'd still rather play nice, but since your ego won't allow you anything other than ad hom attacks when you are so very wrong, I'll continue to play by your rules.
speaking of math you dimwit. Is 40 million greater than or lesser than the number that are IN poverty. If the number in poverty is greater than 40 million, and it would be CHEAPER to just send them a check and get them out of poverty. How is spending MORE to keep only 40 million a success?
You really aren't very bright are you. I was thinking you were just an obnoxious partisan hack, but you are proving more everyday that you should have wore that helmet on your school bus after all.
You still enjoying this style of discussion or are you ready to be civil yet?
That must have been what you were doing when insisted Holder was prosecuting blacks for hate crimes and I showed you the video of HOLDER SAYING HE WON"T and you said you wanted my words not his. That was one of your finer moments. I noticed you dropped that thread like a hotcake too. You are not even man enough to admit mistakes you make on here when all men make them. It's expected and no big deal.
Predictable and boring you've become.
I'd still rather play nice, but since your ego won't allow you anything other than ad hom attacks when you are so very wrong, I'll continue to play by your rules.
there's your racial resentment coming through again.
1,150 black hate crimes in 2009 alone. that destroys your silly narrative of anti-white racial persecution under holder.
by the way, i just watched that video. never did holder say what you claimed he said. that makes you a liar.
you're up to about a dozen lies in the last day or two. amazing, even for you.
I posted Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.
Btw, I'm starting to be glad you chose to continue being a dick instead of being civil. This is fun pantsing you in front of the forum. You would think the mods would have called a mercy rule by now you look so bad.
BTW, how many hate crimes has Holder's DOJ prosecuted? black or white? how many bucktard?
watch it again, i feel you are lying. It's possible that you are that stupid, I didn't think so at one time, but you are quickly proving that you are.
now if only he had actually said that, you would have a case. but he never said that. i even watched your video just to make sure you were lying, which you are.
He also said he would not prosecute gays for hate crimes. What the fuck are you listening to?
if you have to proclaim that you are winning an argument on the internet, chances are that anything but that is happening.
but go on and think what you want. i can't stop you from being stupid, thinking stupid thoughts, expressing those stupid thought publicly, and so on and so forth.
I notice the states with low rates have high black populations, the states with high graduation rates are pretty non-black.... hmmm, nah.
give me the time stamp where he says he won't prosecute black people, idiot.
Holy fuck are you stupid. That's a 7 minute video, you post after a minute and claim to know what's in it. He clearly states that the hate crime legislation only pertains to race, religions, and sexual orientations that have a history of persecution. He's saying that hetero's can't be victims of hate crimes by gays too if you understand English.
Dig that hole Bucky. Admiring your fortitude.
societies can be as primitive and retrogade as fuck, yet when an person leaves that society, and embraces a new cultural paradigm, he can grow, improve, and become just as successful as any person born to that newly adopted society.
Example: one of my friends was in fact Nigerian. he hated living in Nigeria, he despised the tribalism, the rejection of logic, and the refusal by the majority of the populace to accept any new idea more complex than a 419 scam.
when he was 19 he LEFT Nigeria and immigrated to the US, took night classes, learned english, got a job, took more night classes, and got a new better job with an engineering firm.
the stories he told of life in Nigeria were horrifying, all the wacky crazy insane stupid ridiculous shit was 100% a result of a society that is trying to put on the trappings of the modern world and european society over the bulky elaborate costumes of Nigeria's tribal past.
those who leave behind the baggage of primitive tribal societies, and embrace a better way (the european social structure) can do great things. adopting the technology os modern society, while still preserving the outmoded misconceptions, primitive superstitions, and backward memes of primitive tribal cultures guarantees that any modernization will fail.
it's not the people who are failures, it is the obsolete cultural imperatives and pointless superstitions which result in the shitstorm of fail you can find in the isolated islands of the Philippines, most of the moslem world, and most of africa.
societies which crave modern technology, but refuse to adapt to the social forms which this technology necessitates will either revert (violently) back to the primitive cultural and social norms of their past, or will become a cargo cult society, hopelessly praying for deliverance from outside sources.
modern american urban black slum culture is a cargo cult, demanding that they be delivered out of the very problems they created for themselves, while deriding and rejecting anyone who actually tries to deliver themselves from the fail.
those black americans (and black immigrants) who throw off the self made shackles of cultural self-segregation and embrace modern society do quite well for themselves. but of course they are Sellouts, Oreos, Uncle Toms, or House Niggers in the minds of those who still think if they vote democrat, and chant into the fake coconut shell radio, and remain faithful to the failed welfare state, the great silver bird will come with much cargo.
democrats, race baiters, and leftists love having a victim class, they are so much easier to manipulate than free thinking people, so the black american cargo cult culture persists.
and of course the violence poverty and lawlessness of black urban culture plays neatly in the memes of the racist democrat core. thus the democrat can mutter in secret "i mean just look at that... clearly they are inferior, so obviously "Segregation Forever" was the right idea..."
democrat politics is a double ended dildo, and black america is fucking itself with both.
And after reflection, I don't know that I have ever looked at a piece of writting and said to myself, "damn I wish I had written that" more than what you have just provided for us here.