Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

like i said (and you acknowledged in your post), i had just finished watching the video.

now please give me the time stamp where i can find Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.

don't be shy now. just give me the time stamp where he says what you claim he says.

Seriously? He explains his stance repeatedly, just hit play.

Still sidestepping that question I see, How many hate crimes period, black or white, has Holder's DOJ prosecuted? You have repeated that 1k number several times. Is that stupidity or dishonesty?
Seriously? He explains his stance repeatedly, just hit play.

give me the time stamp where i can find Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.

thank you in advance!

Still sidestepping that question I see, How many hate crimes period, black or white, has Holder's DOJ prosecuted? You have repeated that 1k number several times. Is that stupidity or dishonesty?

i have no idea how many of the 1,150 hate crimes against black people in 2009 alone fell under the jurisdiction of the DOJ or the many agencies under the DOJ.

that number is not stupidity or dishonesty, it is mundane factual information.


give me the time stamp where i can find Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.

thank you in advance!

So let me get this straight, you are not arguing that Holder won't prosecute minorities for hate crimes, you are just saying that he didn't say those words verbatim? Because if you can't get the understanding when he expresses his beliefs that hate crimes only pertain to those historically picked on means, you need help.

i have no idea how many of the 1,150 hate crimes against black people in 2009 alone fell under the jurisdiction of the DOJ or the many agencies under the DOJ.

that number is not stupidity or dishonesty, it is mundane factual information.



It's a simple google, How many hate crimes has Holder's DOJ prosecuted. Would have taken the same time as your feeble attempt to cover up your mistake. I'll give you a hint. It's 1. ONE.

dumbass indeed.

Edit: btw, I'm glad you refused my offer to be civil and stuck with who you really are. Now whenever you spout your stupid RACIST!! shit, everyone else will know "oh that's just Buck, his make a wish was to get on a pot forum and call people racist".
Bignbushy thinks that an African man/family not traversing the unknown (in a distance that can span from days to months to cross with death likely) to find an ocean or river (that would contain trade routes, which they would have no knowledge of) indicates that the African race is intellectually inferior to Europeans.

Europeans that had large concentrated communities, oceans and rivers never more than a day or two away.

Is there truly a intellectually inferior race of humans on earth? Strong signs point to Yes.

I think BignBushy must be the product of increases in technology and medicine which allowed people to procreate that normally would of died in their early teens due to improper brain function.

There are MANY efforts of people setting out in an effort to cross the Sahara, that were successful. Many likely weren't. The Arabs did it, later the Europeans did, if you're telling me blacks never did you are likely wrong. Everywhere else in the world folks also built ocean going vessels and navigation abilities to follow the coast, except for sub-Sahara Africa.

I guess you blame it on mosquitos and army ants.
So let me get this straight, you are not arguing that Holder won't prosecute minorities for hate crimes, you are just saying that he didn't say those words verbatim? Because if you can't get the understanding when he expresses his beliefs that hate crimes only pertain to those historically picked on means, you need help.

your claim was that the video showcased Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.

i just want a time stamp for when he says this, since you said it was true.

if he never said that, you can just apologize for lying to us all again in racialized fashion.

It's a simple google, How many hate crimes has Holder's DOJ prosecuted. Would have taken the same time as your feeble attempt to cover up your mistake. I'll give you a hint. It's 1. ONE.

dumbass indeed.

citation needed.
why are you arguing with that Fuck-knuckle?

even when holder clearly states that hate motivated crimes against persons who are not part of "certain" groups are not hate crimes, and are not covered under the statute, bucky will glibly pretend those words means something else entirely.

until holder states specifically "minorities cannot commit hate crimes, because hate is a white-only trait" bucky will continue to parse every statement to death, and blabber about his penis.

your racist narrative of anti-white persecution under holder is bullshit. ginwilly tried to push the same racist narrative, and i am just holding him to account.

he claimed the video contained Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.

i just want to know where he said this.
Bored I guess. Got tired of his stupid shit and wanted to expose him for what he really is. I actually wanted to be civil, but when he refused my repeated offers, I obliged his wishes.

most people who use social assistance programs get off of them within a year or two. so how is it that social assistance programs destroy the black community, a claim that racists are fond of making?

the war on poverty is currently keeping 40 million people out of poverty, so how does that prove that the war on poverty is a failure?

the video debacle of yours is just a cherry on my entertainment cake.

take your fat gut and march yourself to bed. it's late.
your racist narrative of anti-white persecution under holder is bullshit. ginwilly tried to push the same racist narrative, and i am just holding him to account.

he claimed the video contained Holder explaining why he won't prosecute blacks.

i just want to know where he said this.

Desperation doesn't look good on you. You reek of it now dude.

Would you like me to misspell something so you can focus on that instead?
Desperation doesn't look good on you. You reek of it now dude.

Would you like me to misspell something so you can focus on that instead?

no, i've been very clear in what i want. i want you to back up your claim and give me the time stamp.

or you can march your fat gut to bed and dream of not being a racist failure in life.
most people who use social assistance programs get off of them within a year or two. so how is it that social assistance programs destroy the black community, a claim that racists are fond of making?

the war on poverty is currently keeping 40 million people out of poverty, so how does that prove that the war on poverty is a failure?

the video debacle of yours is just a cherry on my entertainment cake.

take your fat gut and march yourself to bed. it's late.
Stop saying black community you racist prick. Your policies are intended to help poor, why do you keep insisting only blacks are poor?

A NYtimes article explains quite nicely why what we are doing doesn't work and why we should try something else.

If you think the video is debacle is anyone but yours, wipe your chin, tighten your helmet and put down your sippy cup before you hurt yourself.
no, i've been very clear in what i want. i want you to back up your claim and give me the time stamp.

or you can march your fat gut to bed and dream of not being a racist failure in life.

push play and ask an adult what the man in the video is saying, I can't help you anymore than that.
There are MANY efforts of people setting out in an effort to cross the Sahara, that were successful. Many likely weren't. The Arabs did it, later the Europeans did, if you're telling me blacks never did you are likely wrong. Everywhere else in the world folks also built ocean going vessels and navigation abilities to follow the coast, except for sub-Sahara Africa.

I guess you blame it on mosquitos and army ants.

black africa DID have costal fishing vessels, canoes, and other watercraft long before the arrival of the colonial powers. they crossed the sea to madagascar (ZOMG!!!) but since that's the only land mass that can be reached without sails and long distance navigation from sub saharan africa, thats hardly an indictment.

black africa developed iron working independently, and only about 500 years after india (current winners for first known iron working), yet still a couple hundred years ahead of europe and asia minor.

what they didnt develop was advanced philosophies, complex social structures, writing, large scale agriculture, large scale animal husbandry, or extensive trade networks, but that too is not a trait exclusive to africa.

the new world didnt have iron working, domesticated animals (except the llama and some dogs) the wheel, the road, or in fact much of anything in the way of technology all the way into the 1500's does this imply that native americans are intellectually inferior, or is it simply that they DID NOT NEED ANY OF THAT SHIT?

the road is a product of The Wheel. if you have no wheels, you need no roads. you only need wheels if you are taking lots of something to someplace else, like say... a granary. if you do not need a granary, because you dont grow grain, you will never need a wheel.

you only grow grain if you will starve when the snows come because theres too many people to live off the land. if your population is small enough and mobile enough, you can just follow the herds of bison, and do quite well, or eat fish, or eat seal blubber, or, as in central and south america, you live in the tropics and all year is the growing season.

sub saharan africa is much like south america, a tropical land where you can grow whatever you want in a small patch any time of year or hunt at your leisure, thus you need no long term food storage solutions, thus no wheels, and thus, no roads, and thus no complex trade routes, and thus not complex societies, and thus no need for writing to keep track of shit, and thus no literature, etc etc etc etc.

unlike south america, africa is in close proximity to peoples who DO need long term food storage, thus did need wheels, bult roads, formed complex societies, assembled armies, and set out to conquer other people's shit.

this puts preassur on other nearby societies to compete, and the huge desert of the sahara (which was not there when the humans who became asians europeans and native americans left africa...) formed a natural barrier keeping the african populace blissfully unaware of their danger until it was too late.

likewise the native americans didnt see europeans coming, and by the time they figured out what was up, it was already too late for most of them.

TLDR Version: africa didnt develop technologies because they didnt need them, just like the aboriginal population in the americas. if negroes are naturally stupider that whitey, then native americans must also be stupider, but being even farther behind, they must be even DUMBER.
Buck, I'm going to leave you with it. You and I are bringing down the value of the neighborhood with this nonsense.

I'll make yet another plea to your decency. Stop with your retarded THAT"S RACIST shit and ad hom attacks and I'll treat you with civility and respect. I would much rather we all got along and rolling in the mud with you accomplishes little more than getting muddy.
If I weren't dealing with a production push for one of my clients I'd have a bulbous bulge in my shorts right now.
Stop saying black community you racist prick. Your policies are intended to help poor, why do you keep insisting only blacks are poor?

have you noticed the title of the thread we are on?

we should try something else.

like getting rid of food stamps, medicare, and cutting back SS to pre-1965 levels?

no thanks, that would put 40 million people into poverty, and that doesn't sound like a good idea.

in fact, i haven't seen any good ideas coming from the right about the war on poverty, poor people, black people, social assistance programs, and the like.

the republican brand actually loves to play racial politics with this kind of stuff. just ask newt gingrich. or, if his dog whistle isn't loud enough, ask santorum.


If you think the video is debacle is anyone but yours, wipe your chin, tighten your helmet and put down your sippy cup before you hurt yourself.

still waiting for the time stamp where he says what you claim he says.
If I weren't dealing with a production push for one of my clients I'd have a bulbous bulge in my shorts right now.

You are not fooling us, production push is a euphemism for erection. You must really go the extra mile for your "clients" ;-)
have you noticed the title of the thread we are on?

like getting rid of food stamps, medicare, and cutting back SS to pre-1965 levels?

no thanks, that would put 40 million people into poverty, and that doesn't sound like a good idea.

in fact, i haven't seen any good ideas coming from the right about the war on poverty, poor people, black people, social assistance programs, and the like.

the republican brand actually loves to play racial politics with this kind of stuff. just ask newt gingrich. or, if his dog whistle isn't loud enough, ask santorum.


still waiting for the time stamp where he says what you claim he says.
